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Approved Species Enour (water giants)

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  • Intent: To expand the fauna of the planet Okarthel
  • Image Credit: X
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Okarthel
  • Name: Enour
  • Designation: Semi-sentient
  • Origins: Okarthel
  • Average Lifespan: 500 to 600 standard years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: A large aquatic species with varying shades of thick blue skin. The upper half of their heads are purple, along with the large horns only found in males. Coral grows upon their backs, creating an ecosystem for smaller animals. These large animals travel in herds upwards of twenty as they travel the shallow seas eating large kelp plants and other aquatic vegetation.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: Males: 4 M. Females: 3 M
  • Average Length of Adults: Males: 6 M. Females: 5 M
  • Skin color: Varying shades of blue
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Enour are a large aquatic species that roam the shallow seas of Okarthell in herds upwards of twenty or so individuals, mostly females lead by a large bull male. Their massive bulk is fueled by the nutrient rich kelp the grows up from the sandy ocean beds. The average male Enour weighs around 7,500 KG and stand 4 M at the shoulder, while females are always smaller in size. Large patches of coral grow on their backs, providing a small ecosystem for smaller species to live on. This coral grows and expands their entire lives. When a Enour dies, it's body provides much need nutrients for the coral to grow. From the bones of the beast, small coral islands appear, providing safety and shelter for other animals along with a strong foundation for mangrove trees to take root. Most of the coral reefs in the shallow seas are made from fallen Enour.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Large in size: Many predators roam the shallows of Okarthell, making it a dangerous place for small animals. Luckily for the Enour, their anything but small. Their massive size is a deterrent alone for would be predators. Only when their young do they have to worry about hungry creatures of the deep.
  • Long lived: Enour have a long lifespan compared to most animals. Which is good as it allows for slower growth and reproduction rates so the don't over populate any given region.
  • Slow movers: Enour are not the fastest creatures. While they don't fall prey to the vast majority of predators on the planet, they do find it difficult to escape natural disasters if the occur.
  • Coral: The coral on their backs has uses, it provides shelter for some animals, a natural defense and can even provide oxygen through osmosis. Unfortunately the coral constantly grows till the day they die, sometimes it can grow to fast and become too much for the Enour. They can literally become weighed down by the coral until they can't move anymore, suffering a slow death by starvation or suffocation.
  • Diet: Herbivore, Omnivore
  • Communication: Echolocation, some body language
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Enour are a peaceful herd animal that are slow to anger. The native Kiir and can even swim with and touch them without fear of hostility. When threatened, the form a tight group, protecting the young in the center. Bull males are slightly more aggressive and will faces predators if the situation demands no other option.
In the Kiir mythology, the Age of Fire almost destroyed the planet in flames and ash. Afterwards was the age of renewal, a time of where life began to flourish again. The Kiir are unsure if the dragon gods created the Enour or if they were born of the seas. Whatever their origins, the Enour played a vital role in the recovery of the planet. The roam the shallow seas consuming large swaths of kelp plants that would otherwise take over everything. They carried safe harbors on their backs for small animals in the form of coral reefs. Even in death they gave back to the seas in the form of coral islands that provided homes for animals and stable ground for mangrove trees to take root. The Kiir called these gentle giants the gardeners of the sea, for they tended to the seas themselves without even knowing it.
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