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Approved Lore ENS-RR4 Rapid Response Fleet - Nickname: The Breachers

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  • Intent: To give Commodore Augustina 'Gussy' Nargath a small, mobile and heavy hitting, small system fleet that can be deployed seperately or be part of a much larger admiral's fleet.
  • Image Credit: [X], Art by Enzhe Zao
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  • Fleet Name: EE- Angron wing
  • Classification: Rapid Response Fleet
  • Affiliation: Eternal Empire , Augustina Nargath
  • Fleet Symbol:
  • Description: The EE-Angron fleet or "The Breachers" are a professional part of the Eternal Empire's navy. They are however one of the most feared fleets in the entire navy, not because of the size or overall power of the fleet, but because its entire command exists out of hardliners and veterans who are willing to go the extra length to achieve their objective and have the cold logic to follow up on what could be seen as either barbaric or even inhuman decisions in the field. Led by Commodore Augustina 'Gussy' Nargath; a naval veteran who had served for many years with distinction, but who was held back for promotion into the admiralty due to her stubborn and foolhardy nature, the Breachers are now a system fleet which operates mainly on the fringes of the Kalidan Planetary system and outside of war function as a fast transport for goods and materials within the Eternal Empire's borders.
  • Headquarters: Kalidan, Naval HQ
  • Ports of Call: Kalidan planetary system
  • Goals: To protect the Kalidan Planetary system and to transport goods from and to the Eternal Empire with the greatest efficiency.
  • Reputation: The EE-Angron fleet is a mixed bag in terms of reputation, they are widely regarded as one of the most efficient and most statistically succesful fleets in the navy, but that reputation is equally countered by a feeling of loathing from the Admiralty who dislike the Commodore in charge of the fleet and the men and women who support it and her. Known to be ruthless and sometimes even reckless, the EE-Angron fleet is widely regarded as a wildcard within the empire's navy.

  • Commanding officer of the fleet:Commodore Augustina Nargath, Has personal command of the ENS-ANGRON II and Wing A
    • First Lieutenant Damar: Chief communications officer and second in command aboard the ENS_ANGRON II. Somewhat of a stoic and calm Eriaduan human male, who has been part of Gussy's crew ever since she was still a member of the Eriaduan planetary defense forces.
    • First Lieutenant Havisham: Commander of the ENS-BALERION. A well to do aristocrat who has a chip on his shoulder towards the Admiralty.
    • Lieutenant Garoc'ra: Commander of the ENS-CAVILRINE.
  • Second in command of the fleet: Captain Antio Way’lurr Captain Antio Way’lurr , Has Personal Command of the ENS-OBERON and wing B
    • Lieutenant Breve: Second in Command at the ENS-OBERON
    • Master-Sergeant Lune: Chief of operations aboard the ENS-OBERON
    • Lieutenant Drulin: Commander of the ENS-TRIMERTA.
    • Lieutenant Grevour: Commander of the ENS-TRIFRONTE
The Breachers or ENS-RR4 Rapid Response Fleet has its origins in the contraction of the Eternal Empire, where the focus was placed on small combined wings rather than large sector fleets and system fleets. This composition, in which a wing represents at least one destroyer and up to two cruisers or frigates was a natural evolution and a necessity of the Imperial Navy due to its much smaller territory, all the while being hounded by large factions left and right willing to pick of the remnants of the once great empire.

Commodore Nargath used to be the commander of such a single wing during the early days in which the Eternal empire was starting to contract in order to avoid utter collapse and total ruin, but as she aged and gained experience, so too did she gain a significantly larger command within the fleet. To appease this woman who wasn't affraid to show her discontent with the current state of the navy's top brass and its apparent incompetency, she was given a commission by the high admiralty that if she wanted her own full fleet consisting out of two wings, she would have to front the procurement of the vessels herself.

Angered, but also spurred on by this commission, Commodore Nargath used her family connections to Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath to procure all the material and vessels she needed to form her own fleet, one existing out of two wings as she was told, with herself operating wing A of the fleet, consisting out of a single Sunderer class heavy destroyer, a Tyrant III class missile cruiser, and a Pollux I class destroyer frigate. At the same time, one of her most recent retainers, who she owed a debt of gratitude was granted command over Wing B, which would allow them to operate on their own whenever it is required, but when combined with Commodore Nargath's wing, they would form the ENS-RR4 fleet. Wing B is thus led by Captain Antio Way’lurr Captain Antio Way’lurr and consists out of a similar grouping of ships, with the distinction that his main vessel is a Hammer I class Heavy carrier rather than a Sunderer class heavy destroyer.

For now the fleet has yet to perform any notable actions, but with the Eternal Empire sloly returning to form and rearing its head in order to once against strike at what were once its heartlands, it would only be a matter of time before the ENS-RR4 fleet would start earning a greater reverence than the one it is given these days.
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