Micah Talith
Draith Shamalain
T A N T R A Outer Rim Territories
Metharian Nebula
The planet was locked deep in an Ice Age.
To a degree, Tantra reminded Micah of home. His secondary home that is, that was also covered in a permanent winter, the small fortress carved against the crevice of a mountainside ridgeline.
But where Atoa had its bouts of mild winters, the entire landmass of Tantra was covered in ice a kilometer deep, and most of the oceans were also frozen over. In addition, the atmosphere was poisonous, rendering the surface of the glaciers inhospitable.
Galactic Alliance scouts in a Joint Task Force with Omega Pyre were steadily working their way through former Protectorate worlds. The mission was to reestablish the trade route, secure the sectors, and meet with dignitaries to discuss the Galactic Alliance and what they were working towards. Already several of these worlds were signing treaties and embracing becoming members of the Galactic Alliance. In this, where they had once served under the Protectorate, they would have equal footing with every single entity and representation within the Alliance.
Mission Xesh - Aurek - Nine directed a scouting party down the Rimma Trade Route. As these were near former Moross Crusade worlds, Micah Talith, son of a former False God, would join the party.
[ Congratulations, humans haven't been on Tantra since the Netherworld event.]
The automated drone of Eyebot, the custom crafted droid [member="Kaili Talith"], his sister crafted for him, floated along Micah's shoulder.
[ Nice place to visit, b-uut... I wouldn't want to live here. ] Micah's voice would state with a note of mild humor, scanning the frozen wasteland.
[ Dying here is much more likely. ] The deadpan statement from Eyebot would pulse through Micah's helm with the matter-of-fact tone of a protocol droid.
[ N-iiiccce pep talk. ] The wry, feminine voice of Micah's companion would quip back.
Beside him the rest of the Galactic Alliance and Pyre scouts would fall into place, scanning the landscape for life and any signs of the natives. Reflecting the harsh climate, the Pyre codex informed that the Tantrans lived in settlements sealed off from the outside world, often buried deep inside the ice, and sometimes built on top of the frozen ocean, rather than over the continents.
They said that surface structures were linked by enclosed tunnels and, over longer distances, elevated monorail tracks. Large spaceports atop the ice connected the planet with the rest of the galaxy, with the landing pads built on special substructures to stop the heat of starship engines melting the underlying glacier. Decades ago, the planet was heavily dependent on imports, and it was also a center for trade, and had one major indigenous export, Banfra resin.
However, things since then had gone dark...