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Approved Planet Enthenium [Canon]

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Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

  • Intent: To craft a canon planet and include more detail both for RP, Factory, and Codex submission background.
  • Image Credit: Earthy-moony on Blogspot
  • Canon: Yes
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Planet Name: Enthenium
  • Demonym: Entheniumite
  • Region: Mid Rim
  • System Name: Enthenium system
  • System Features:
    • Sun:
      • Sol Enthenium
    • Three planets:
      • Enthenium-β
        • Rocky planet, orbiting at approximately 0.38 - 0.42 AU from Sol E.
        • Uninhabitable; has few minerals for mining, making it unprofitable for long-term benefits
        • 0.36 G
      • Enthenium-α, also known as Enthenium
        • The eponym of the solar system
        • Orbits approximately 0.91 to 1.03 AU
        • Pleasantly cool atmosphere; a shallow and slightly wobbly elliptical orbit makes the summers vary from warm & humid to cool & temperate, and the winters cool & wet to cold & dry
        • Type I atmosphere
        • Lots of natural, fertile land, pockmarked with extremely tall trees and low mountains
        • Little to no minerals available in its crust
        • Approximately 64% of its surface is water; this includes saltwater oceans and freshwater lakes
        • Planet has a stable rotational axis that provides constant and gentle seasons with little variability
        • 0.9 G
      • Enthenium-γ
        • Gas planet, orbiting at approximately 8.7 AU
        • Some valuable gas deposits make it possibly tenable for gas mining, though the dominant species of Enthenium has made this illegal.
        • 1.7 G
  • Location: Just outside of the Sanctuary Pipeline and Corellian Trade Spine; within the same hex as Abraxas:
  • Major Imports:
    • Basic exotic material such as durasteel ores and high-end communication technologies
    • [Note: this planet has very little intake, due to the dominant species' posturing as a neutral trading hub]
  • Major Exports:
    • Foodstuffs, medicine, basic textiles and handcrafted natural materials
  • Unexploited Resources:
    • None on-world
    • Enthenium-γ has stores of valuable gas deposits, which remain untapped to this day.
  • Gravity: Slightly less than Standard: 0.9 G
  • Climate: Jungle/Humid near the equator, Temperate for most of the planet's surface, Cold at the poles
  • Primary Terrain:
    • Hilly grasslands & plains
    • Short forests interspersed by massive Thorny Startouchers
    • Wet plains and marshes
    • Oceans covering approximately 62% of the planet's surface
    • Freshwater lakes covering approximately 2% of the planet's surface
    • Low mountains and valleys
  • Atmosphere: Type I
  • Capital City: None; the dominant species do not consider any specific tree to be their capital
  • Planetary Features: Immense trees dot the entire world (excepting oceans). Each tree is anywhere from dozens to thousands of kilometers apart. 'Clustered' trees (i.e. a group of about 5 - 6 trees within about 200 km²) are usually a single colony. Low mountains and shallow valleys make the entire surface fairly windswept, excepting the jungle which is thick and dense with vines and wild growths.
  • Major Locations:
    • On-world: Unknown/none
    • Offworld: Skytouched Station
      • An imported space station orbits the planet in geostationary orbit above the largest ocean; this is considered the cultural neutral ground of the planet, and is where the dominant species will interface with the galaxy at large. Planetary landing is prohibited, and as such it is unknown where any other major locations may be. Orbital scans have revealed some hotspots where some massive trees grow clustered to each other.
  • Force Nexus: None

  • Native Species:
    • Keeser
      • Dominant sentient species; insectoid caste-based system who are extremely selfish of their planet and culture.
      • Considered by some to be xenophobic, considered by others to be simply hyper-protective, they are forward and blunt in their few requests and fewer demands.
      • Restricting all planetary access to outsiders as a matter of principle, they will still interact with and encourage intermingling of other species on their space station.
      • A collective of approximately 28 dignitaries form their known government; rarely are any of them seen by non-native species.
    • Thorny Startoucher
      • The dominant plant life by sheer scale; the Keesers revere these plants as both their home, source of nutrition, and possibly their deities.
      • Notable here for their incredible size and the fact that they are used by the Keesers as their preferred habitat.
    • Other species of note:
      • Cattle-like herbivores
      • Various jungle-based predators
      • Pack-based plains predators
      • Wide range of non-sentient insects and other small creatures
  • Immigrated Species: None
  • Population: Sparse (estimated: 30-300 million across the entire planet)
  • Demographics: 100% Keeser. Various colonies across the world have their own specific cultures and differences, which can range anywhere from friendly to neutral to outright hostile.
  • Primary Languages:
    • Kee (native language; consists of spoken, kinetic, and pheromone-based components, but also any variation of the three)
    • Galactic Basic (learned, fluent & spoken)
    • Huttese (learned, understood fluently but not spoken by Keesers)
  • Culture: Primarily unknown but theorized. Keesers exhibit traditional insectoid caste-based systems of governance and deference; they are willing to learn more about the galaxy at large but are unwilling to leave and are equally as unwilling to allow strangers on their world. Extremely protective of their planet to the point of near-xenophobia, they are polite and matter-of-fact in their interactions on their
  • Government: Keeser Electocratic Body; each major colony on the planet elects their own representative, but this representative is only an outward-facing one. The actual government of each colony is unknown, but it is theorized to be a caste-based monarchy (see also: Keeser§Queen).
  • Affiliation: None (independent)
  • Wealth: Unknown, theorized High
  • Stability: Unknown, theorized High
  • Freedom & Oppression: A caste-based system within each colony is ubiquitous across the planet. There is no 'freedom' but there is no 'oppression'; these concepts do not apply to this species, according to its diplomatic representatives and each individually interviewed Keeser. While there is certainly an understanding of modern cultural systems, the Keeser species as a whole apparently believe these do not apply, particularly with the specific and potent caste-based biodiversity exhibited by the species.
  • Military: Unknown; theorized to be Highly Defensible and capable of matching most contemporary militaries
  • Technology: Slightly below Galactic Standard; organic melee and short-ranged weaponry (blades, bows, and slings) appear to be the bulk of Keeser weaponry, but they are trained with and are capable of producing contemporary blaster or slugthrower weaponry.
During the Clone Wars of 22-19 BBY, a Separatist base was erected in the jungles of Enthenium; used as a staging ground and minor military base for General Grievous, it was summarily scrapped and abandoned at the end of the Clone Wars and the creation of the First Galactic Empire in 19 BBY. This minor incursion of their jungles led the Keesers, previously a primitive pre-industrial civilization, to instead build a quiet but potent modern industrial society. Over the next few hundred years, the Keesers reverse-engineered Separatist tech remains to craft their own weapons, armor, vehicles, etc.

About 100-200 years ago (c. 750 ABY) a curious group of explorers and historians, cataloguing post-Clone Wars rebuilding and deconstruction efforts, happened across the remains of the demolished base. They were not expecting to find any sentient civilization on the planet. It was thanks to some choice words and careful social maneuvering that they survived to tell the tale. Considered the official 'first contact', it was not long before the Keesers were a known part of their quadrant. Unlike most other civilizations across the galaxy, the Keesers have requested that their sovereignty over their planet not be infringed upon, and that all visitors to the planet cannot go any closer than the Keesers' geostationary space station, the Skytouched Station.

As of this writing, the Keesers are widely unknown even to this day; they are unwilling (or perhaps unable) to come forward with details regarding their life and society on Enthenium. What little records of the planet exist are solely thanks to those first contact historians who had relatively antiquated Separatist-era data. It is estimated that the Keeser species are spread over most of the planet, concentrated greatly in their home trees, the aforementioned Thorny Startouchers.

As a note, the Keeser names for their species and places are the Galactic Basic interpretations of what the Keesers describe to their interpreters. The Keeser naming convention continues to be blunt and straightforward, with little to no poetic interpretation.
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