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Character Entrasia Ontalis

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Critical Biometrics
NAME: Entrasia Ontalis

FACTION: First Order

RANK: Lieutenant

SPECIES: Human (Essionian)

AGE: 24

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'5"


EYES: Green

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN: White

FORCE SENSITIVE: Midichlorian Counts Below critical threshold.

Background Dossier

Personal Aptitude Assessment:
+ Diligence - Assessments and interviews with related individuals display a great deal of diligence from Candidate. No detail escapes her notice nor any task go unfinished. Report Forwarded to Officer Candidacy School for enrollment into Administrative Roles.
+ Preparedness - Entrasia finds it her duty to prepare for multiple eventualites whenever she goes into combat. She is known for researching everything she can, and ensuring that the odds are stacked in her favor. When she can't she makes sure she brings things she may need to make improvising on duty easier.

- Resentment - Candidate holds resentment towards her former employers, the Grayson Imperium, turned Galactic Alliance. Psycho-Analysis is in standard with other former Essionian recruits, as they feel betrayed by the former government.
- Perfectionistic - Can and will get caught up on minor details, which can lead to lost sleep as they have a habit of planning excessively. This leads to high performance ratings but does pose risk of mental lapse and poor decision making if taken to its extreme.

While their external appearance is rather unsuspecting, lacking any of the scars assosciated with most career soldiers, her combat experience should not be understated. She is slightly above average in height for a human female, with average weight given her height. She takes great care to ensure that her uniform and clothing are properly maintained, leading to a very uptight and diligent appearnce. During long work hours signs of sleep deprivation may show, such as bags under the eyes and bloodshot eyes.

As with Many Essionians raised to fight for the Grayson Imperium, Entrasia had scarcely seen her home-world. She left it when she was very young during the evacuations before the sith sacking of the planet. Like many in her age bracket she was raised with the desire to fight for and to reclaim their home system, believing it their divine providence. However resentment among the Essionians grew as the Grayson Imperium turned into the much more pluralistic Galactic Alliance. Feeling betrayed by the government they helped to create, many defected to other factions hoping to mass the influence needed to retake their homeland.
Many turned to the first order, the relatively secular Imperial government providing a relatively friendly ideology to the highly nationalistic Essionians. Entrasia served the 3rd Essionian Eagles under the Grayson Imperium until the entire unit disbanded and joined the Essionian Free Corps.
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