Seth Harkness
Active Member

(this is not her outfit but its the closest thing i ever found to how she looks)
Enya Marie Jackson Tionality Amelia Claudette
(Enya May for short) ( Enya Is also pronounced the same way as Anya )
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name:
Her name Enya, meaning little fire shows well in her personality. The reason behind her long name being Jackson was the name of her father, and Amelia was the name of her Mother. After her father snapped and killed both her mother and himself Enya honored her family by adding their names to her own.
Main Info
RANK: Padawan
Age: 19
How old they appear: 15
Eye Color: Sapphire blue
Hair color length and style: Waist length black hair
Weight and height: Enya stands around 5.0 and is around 130 pounds.
Type of body (build): a normal build for a female, a bit more muscular than normal
Skin tone and type: Normal slightly tanned
Distinguishing marks: Scars: one over her right eye, and one running from her left shoulder down her back to the base of her back.
Other Facts
Char’s favorite color: Blue
Hobbies: Reading, Learning new things or being with Friends
How do they spend a rainy day?: probably reading a book
Are they a daredevil or cautious?: she’s a Daredevil
Habits: she tends to make a click her tongue when thinking
Drinks: Sometimes
Strengths and Weaknesses
Greatest Strength: She’s brave, Kind Hearted, Strong, can see very well in the dark. Fast at learning things. Willing to give her life to protect her friends.
Greatest Weakness: Fear of heights, small temper, trusts people way to easy even if she can since there untrustable. Tends to get herself into situations she can’t get out of.
Biggest Vulnerability: Heights, they cause her to freeze up
Family: Her Mother was a Jedi and did teach Enya a little about the force but was unable to teach her much. Her Father was former Sith who had walked away after meeting her mother. But he never really cared about Enya so she never had a good relationship with him. After be got drunk one day and came home he snapped and ended up killing both himself and Enya’s mother.
Type of childhood: Hard and stressful at times but it was a good one.
Most important childhood event that still affects him /her: Not really important but when her father when insane has had a strong impact on her life. Though she tries not to let the memory bother her it still hurts deep down.
Jewelry: a gold necklace her mother gave her.
Most prized possession, why: her mother’s journal, she enjoys reading about her mother past. And her mother’s broken lightsabers.
Attitude: most of the time she’s in a good mood. but despite being a Jedi id not piss her off if i where you