Thanks, Jon.
Name: Eosin Ryj
Species: Nautolan
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 1.9 Meters
Weight: 97.5 Kilograms
Eyes: Black
Skin: Dark Green
Force Sensitive: Yes [Apprentice as of 03-01-2014]
- [ Physically Fit ]
- [ Cunning ]
- [ Perfectionist ]
- [ Hemophobic ]
The story of Eosin's origins are boring, so I'm not going to spend a lot of time on them. Eosin was brought to the Sith as an infant, having been snatched up from Glee Anselm by slavers. Sith like to pay top dollar for Force sensitive babies. He was chucked into the nearest Sith academy where he began his rudimentary training. Eosin was never particularly skilled in Force, really only able to throw around the rudimentary Force push, exercise some basic telekinetics, and speed up his movements. Where he shows promise is in lightsaber combat, and so the majority of his training was spent dealing with that.
Eventually it was time for Eosin to be shuffled out of the academy. He was sent to Dac to help the Sith army stationed help keep order and crack down on those dastardly Mon Calamari dissidents. Eosin was arguably chosen for such an illustrious mission because he was, in fact, an aquatic species that could breathe underwater. He's been there for quite some time, having failed to distinguish himself in any meaningful way until the fateful Republic invasion of the planet.
Woy yoy yoy, woy yoy-yoy yoy,
Woy yoy yoy yoy, yoy yoy-yoy yoy.