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Approved NPC Eowyn Mawrhydi, Queen of Erida

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Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch

Intent: To create an NPC ruler for a custom planet, Force Order, and Faction

​Image Credit: Found here

Role: Planetary Queen for Custom World linked below.


Age: 36
Force Sensitivity: Master
Species: Near-human
Appearance: Eowyn stands at 5' 6" tall and is of a slender build with pale blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She has a pale complexion that is as of yet unmarred by age. She wears nothing in the way of cosmetics but does wear symbolic jewelry that is usually simple compared to her station. She always wears a white robe or pants and tunic with a eight colored sash to represent that she supports all aspects of the force and her people.

Name: Eowyn Mawrhydi, The Queen, Mother, Daughter of the Force, Foremost Servant of the people.
Loyalties: Erida and its people above all things.
Wealth: At one time extremely wealthy by local standards, Now has no wealth to speak of.
Notable Possessions: White bladed ceremonial lightsaber.
Skills: Telekinesis (to aid building), Plant Surge (To aid crops), Imbue Force (To help make tools), and Force Healing (For healing...obviously), Other basic skills, such as meditation techniques as well as knowledge of planting cycles, construction techniques, tool repair, and medicine (Local methods may seem antiquated by galactic standards.
Personality: When in public the Queen is extremely calm and maternal. Her words and voice are chosen with care and she always seeks find the most efficient way to handle problems. She projects the an air of superiority through her bering but never places herself or her own wants above that of her people. In private she is a pleasant although direct woman that is genuinely interested in what others have to say. She has a mischevious streak and will often play lighthearted jokes on her students and peers but never in a way to cause them public humiliation. She has a very long fuse when it comes to minor things and rarely is seen to lose control of her feelings.

She has a habit of tugging on her braid when she is listening to others or thinking about a course of action.

Weapon of Choice: Her weapon of choice is a Stun staff, She has a lightsaber but the weapon is considered sacred and inappropriate to use to threaten of take a life. She also leans on telekinesis with which she is very effective.
Combat Function: Ideally she would act as a commander and distraction against an enemy force while her people are evacuated to a safe location.

Combat Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Telekinesis (Expert)
+Fast and Light on her feet (What she lacks in other areas she makes up for in being extremely fast and agile)
-Not a duelist (Her skill in singles combat is not as good as The King's and is focused on staff fighting)
-Small stature (She is not very tall or heavy and as such has a shorter reach than a taller opponent. She is also lighter which can be a disadvantage)
-Other lives matter (No matter how you look at it she will always value another life, She will hesitate to take a life and She will put herself in harms way to save the lives of her people.)

The queen is always a force user who has shown through years of dedication to the people that she is best suited to lead. Upon the death of the previous queen the populace is asked to choose through popular vote who they feel is best suited to take up the mantle of queen of Erida. During this time there is no debating or campaigning to achieve the position as the Eridans believe that to desire the position is evidence of one’s being unsuitable for it. The queen leads the people in day to day matters and is seen as a lifelong servant. She is responsible for the locating and training of other force users and is required to also arrange for force users to begin trade school that will be their position in society.

Eowyn was made queen two years prior to the great cataclysm that destroyed her people and their once proud kingdom. Her life continues only due to an emergency procedure that locked herself and the Eridan King in a form of Force stasis chamber. Upon awakening, her people, the Sith invaders and all of the remaining life on her planet was gone. She now sits with the King daily searching the force for answers and calling out to willing hearts to help in the rebuilding of their world.

Another important aspect of the queen and her role is that they Eridans don't believe in a light nor darkside of the force but that all aspects of the force exist for the betterment of their people. Destructive powers are just as useful as restorative abilities when properly applied for those that they serve. Eridans believe the force exist to aid people and to be used in normal everyday life, from fixing a roof to helping ensure crops grow. Anything or anyone that feels the force makes them superior would be treated as if in dire need of correction and the words "The Force is a gift given to the few that they may serve the many" would be used repeatedly in various forms until they leave or take the hint.


Well-Known Member
[member="Vaudin Miir"]

Very nice.

If you could just expand on her Strengths and Weaknesses under the Combat Function section, and this should be good to go.
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