"A part of the funds of each purchase goes to 'freeing' the primitive population of unsanctioned planets." - James Ephraim, CEO of Ephraim Labors
At Ephraim Labors we value important things, such as security, honesty, and money. We assure you that each weapon is perfectly checked before selling to suit your needs, as it does our own private military. You might have heard rumors that Ephraim Labors is an 'unethical company' and 'immoral in its dealings'. But as with our products, we assure you that everything we do is done with 100% consideration of the galaxy at large. Below, you will find a contemporary list of all our weapons, armor, and equipment. Note; all equipment is produced subsidiary, Ephraim Arms.
While Ephraim Labors is known for its military contracts, we also create custom arms and armor for select groups, given the price is right. If you or your faction would like to have a piece of equipment produced, please contact one of our production associates. Every and all requests will be reviewed by James Ephraim, CEO of Ephraim Labors.
Okay, now we're headed out of character. If you want to use any of the stuff on this page, ask here, DM me, or if you prefer Discord, my contact is Goon#8276. For production contracts, the same rules apply. I will always ask to put your custom item here on the market, sometimes I forget to ask, just remind me that you want it to be faction specific. GOOD DAY TO YOU PEOPLE!
: Melee:
: Pistols:
EL-VIA-1 Blaster Pistol - A blaster pistol that offers close-quarters and long-range combat options, hair-trigger functions make it easy to use but relatively hard to master. Well-rounded, affordable.
: Rifles:
EL-KOR-3 Assault Slug Rifle - A slug rifle with a few smart features. Includes two firing modes, single-shot and fully-automatic. Has high recoil, but can be modded out, however.
EL-KOR-7 "Montag" Heavy Carbine - A rapid-fire blaster rifle with multiple fire modes, and considerable damage. A bit on the heavy side, and has a smaller ammo capacity than most blasters.
: Long-Range Rifles:
EL-JOV-2 Long-Range Slug Rifle - A high-powered, high accuracy, lightweight, slug sniper rifle. Has a brutally high recoil, however, and should be handled with care.
: Specialists' Weapons:
: Heavy Armors:
: Medium Armors:
El-CUS-5 Combat Armor - A full body suit of combat armor. It offers very high blaster protection, among other types. It features built-in visor modes for different users. However, it has a debilitating weakness against ion weapons.
:Light Armors:
EL-LOR-6 "Droid Hide" Combat Undersuit - An undersuit similar in design to a body glove used by imperial-like soldiers. Offers good protection against hazards, like heat, cold, and even acid. Not very protective against slugs of blaster bolts. Ion weapons can also do some nasty things to it.
: Grenades:
EL-DET-4 Baradium Grenade - A fairly standard grenade, with a larger blast radius than average. Compact, yet heavy, carrying multiple is easy but endurance heavy. Has a timed charge setting, along with magnetic clamps to stick to a target.
: Medical:
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