Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Glory to the Empire


  • Corporation Name: Ephraim Labors
  • Headquarters: Orinda
  • Locations:
  • Operations:
    • Private Security & Defense
    • Law Enforcement
    • Counterinsurgency Operations
    • Public Administration
    • Military Training
  • Parent Corporation: SularenCo
  • Subsidiaries: N/A
Ephraim Labors is an Imperial state-funded private military company based on the Mid Rim world of Orinda. Inspired by the accolades of Aurodium Sword during the days of the Old Imperial Regime based on Bastion, Ephraim Labors largely specializes in carrying out specialized military operations on the behalf of it's primary client, the Dark Empire through either hired mercenaries and bounty hunters or military contractors already employed by the company. While mostly subordinate to the Dark Empire through it's parent company SularenCo, Ephraim Labors still takes contracts with other individuals and organizations providing additional services outside of the standard military operations such as law enforcement, military training and public administration. Ephraim Labors however does follow a strict measure known as their "Unbroken Rule" in which they refuse to do business any individual, group or orginization deemed as hostile to the Empire in order to prevent conflicts of interests and ensure the advancement of the agenda of the Empire.

In the wake of the recent acquisition of Ephraim Labors by Marlon Sularen and SularenCo, Ephraim Labors has seen a rapid expansion throughout the Unknown Regions and Dark Imperial territory with the O'reen facilities being used to draw in many new employees among the militaristic O'reenian population which would replenish the once-dead corporation. In addition to the O'reenian recruits, Ephraim Labors would employ ex-Imperial personnel drawn in from the many Imperial Remnants that had been integrated into the Dark Empire by force with all of these personnel mostly being low-ranking soldiers and officers from these now defunct Imperial Remnants that had already been thoroughly evaluated by OIT and the ISB and proven to be able to be brought into the Dark Empire's military apparatus with minimal risk of sabotage.

Ephraim Labors started as part an initiative launched by James Ephraim in an attempt to revitalize the Miheal Corporation which had been decimated after the death of it's CEO and the subsequent infighting among his sons for control over the company. Through the use of his newly established Kovatroopers and a few small factories, James Ephraim rebuilt the Miheal Corporation and reorganized it into Ephraim Labors, actions which caught the attention of Marlon Sularen who at the time was the High Regent of the Final Dawn operating under the banner of the Brotherhood of the Maw during the Second Great Hyperspace War. In need of a new mercenaries to assist him in advancing his goals during the SGHW, Sularen approached Ephraim Labors and was able to secure a contract with them, with Ephraim Labors soon opening a new facility on O'reen.

With Ephraim Labors expanding it's operations, building up it's military capabilities and even establishing itself on the galactic marketplace one would assume that they were in the best position to grow into an influential mercenary group and arms company, however the disappearance of James Ephraim would throw the company into disarray as without any proper leadership the existing contracts with the Final Dawn could not be executed leaving Ephraim Labors to fade into obscurity. That was until more recently in 902 ABY, when Marlon Sularen now the Warlord of the Empire under the Dark Empire seeing the usefulness of Mercenaries for usage in the Core Wars against the Alliance, quietly acquired the defunct and inactive corporation, breathing life into it and rapidly expanding it's operations across the Unknown Regions and Dark Imperial territory so that it could efficiently serve the interests of the Dark Empire moving forward.


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