Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So i got in a discussion with some of my writing partners and for some reason we started talking about fights between SWRP characters against cannon characters and who would win in a hypothetical scenario.

Here are some of the match ups that came up.

Vornskr Vs Vader
Darth Ophidia Vs Dooku
[member="Reverance"] Vs. Exar Khun
Darth Azurea and Darth Pyrrhus Vs Darth Bane and Zannah
Thurion Heavensheild Vs Darth Karyt
Sage Bane Vs Darth Nihilus

Come up with Match ups! I wanna see!
Also your opinions over what the outcome would be!
Knight Mullarus v Darth Traya

Hate to throw myself in, but Traya's personality was a big inspiration for Mullarus. I'd love to see the two go against one another.

EDIT: Oh my.

Emperor Palpatine v Lord Jekyll

Darth Sion v [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]


[member="Darth Vornskr"] v Desann

[member="Darth Azurea"] v Tavion
[member="Lord Mythos"] vs Mace Windu

Lord Mythos said:
Vornskr Vs Vader
Are we talking about Ep. 6 Vader, or Ep. 3 Vader? If we're talking about the former, I'd say Vornskr. The latter, Vader.

Lord Mythos said:
Darth Ophidia Vs Dooku

Lord Mythos said:
Reverance Vs. Exar Khun
Probably Exar Kun, but I suppose in a saber duel it could go either way.

Lord Mythos said:
Darth Azurea and Darth Pyrrhus Vs Darth Bane and Zannah
Most likely the Sith'ari and his apprentice.

Lord Mythos said:
Thurion Heavensheild Vs Darth Karyt
Never seen Thurion actually fight someone, so I have no idea.

Lord Mythos said:
Sage Bane Vs Darth Nihilus

Knight Mullarus said:
Knight Mullarus v Darth Traya
Going with the Sith Lord.

Knight Mullarus said:
Emperor Palpatine v Lord Jekyll

Knight Mullarus said:
Darth Sion v Darth Pyrrhus
Probably our unfriendly Togruta.

Knight Mullarus said:
Darth Vornskr v Desann

Knight Mullarus said:
Darth Azurea v Tavion

Kezeroth the Unyielding said:
Lord Mythos vs Mace Windu

So, onto the next batch....

[member="Spencer Jacobs"] vs Nomi Sunrider. (Space Jeebus vs Space Jeebus)
[member="Darth Isolda"] vs Darth Andeddu
[member="Corvus Raaf"] vs Valenthyne Farfalla
[member="Coren Starchaser"] vs Lord Hoth
Braith Achlys said:
Spencer Jacobs vs Nomi Sunrider.
Nomi Sunrider, though I'm sure it'd be a pretty even fight - what with most lightsiders being more evenly matched against each other, as their abilities seem to oddly favor fighting the dark side than anyone else.

Braith Achlys said:
Darth Isolda vs Darth Andeddu
Probably a tie - could go either way. Neither are pushovers, but they aren't exactly amazing either. Andeddu is no Karness Murr, and Isolda is no Apparatus.

Braith Achlys said:
Corvus Raaf vs Valenthyne Farfalla
Farfalla. He'd be overconfident and probably make an ass out of himself, like usual, but Corvus lacks the sort of pressure that Bane put on him - it would stay with Farfalla on the offensive, and Makashi can pick through Soresu like a hairpin through a lock.

Braith Achlys said:
Coren Starchaser vs Lord Hoth
Probably Coren - Hoth has trained almost exclusively to deal with dark siders, and he's too assuming of himself. Imagine a Farfalla that didn't actually have the talent to back it up, just raw strength and consistency.

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