Keepin Corellia Weird
So, i'm sure many of you, like me, are eagerly counting down the hours, minutes, or day or so until you can see the premiere. I've been leafing through old Convention photos and eagerly awaiting it. I thought to pass the time, a fun thing to do in between posting is to share those memories that cemented you in the fandom, so to speak.
Many of mine are lost to time in the younger years (or, thanks to WONDERFUL parenting decisions, the few I have of young Jedi me have a mullet, and will NOT be shared).. However, i'll kick us off with my ABSOLUTE favorite picture involving myself and Star Wars.
This is me meeting Jeremy Bulloch... And in his hands is the chest diamond to my Legacy Era armor I had literally made just days before the convention... In another life, I was a founding member of the Mandalorian Mercenaries Costume Club clan up here in Michigan. The second to ever sport the iconic 'Legacy Era' armor (not picture here are numerous upgrades made post con). Also the one who helped formalize and draft the templates that are floating around the internet now to make your own.
I had made the typical Fett style plates, and to put it bluntly, they SUCKED with as big a guy as I am. So in the week leading up to the convention, I managed to obtain rough made templates from a member in California, personalize them and draft them all into blue-print form, and craft an entirely new chest piece and rigging system. Which is harder than you think when you're a full time dad with a part-time job and an ill wife.
Why is this pic so influential? Besides the funny that I had asked him to sign a gauntlet or shoulder pad (Daniel Logan had signed the chest diamond earlier in the day) and he proceeded to tell me 'No, if little man signed this, I am' and took my chest diamond to sign, it was the conversation prior to the opening of the con one day. We were talking shop on mobility in armored costumes, heat exhaustion, etc.. He had complimented me on several design quirks that were more 'behind the scenes' (including how my codpiece was attached so I could use the restroom without removing half the costume). And he actually said 'Well that chest piece is just brilliant, I love it'...
To me, that was when I went from a 'regular fan' in my own eyes to a little more dedicated...
So go on, share your favorite story or pic! Lets forget the Map Game or Spoilers or Angst filled moments.. What brought you into this fandom?
Many of mine are lost to time in the younger years (or, thanks to WONDERFUL parenting decisions, the few I have of young Jedi me have a mullet, and will NOT be shared).. However, i'll kick us off with my ABSOLUTE favorite picture involving myself and Star Wars.
This is me meeting Jeremy Bulloch... And in his hands is the chest diamond to my Legacy Era armor I had literally made just days before the convention... In another life, I was a founding member of the Mandalorian Mercenaries Costume Club clan up here in Michigan. The second to ever sport the iconic 'Legacy Era' armor (not picture here are numerous upgrades made post con). Also the one who helped formalize and draft the templates that are floating around the internet now to make your own.
I had made the typical Fett style plates, and to put it bluntly, they SUCKED with as big a guy as I am. So in the week leading up to the convention, I managed to obtain rough made templates from a member in California, personalize them and draft them all into blue-print form, and craft an entirely new chest piece and rigging system. Which is harder than you think when you're a full time dad with a part-time job and an ill wife.
Why is this pic so influential? Besides the funny that I had asked him to sign a gauntlet or shoulder pad (Daniel Logan had signed the chest diamond earlier in the day) and he proceeded to tell me 'No, if little man signed this, I am' and took my chest diamond to sign, it was the conversation prior to the opening of the con one day. We were talking shop on mobility in armored costumes, heat exhaustion, etc.. He had complimented me on several design quirks that were more 'behind the scenes' (including how my codpiece was attached so I could use the restroom without removing half the costume). And he actually said 'Well that chest piece is just brilliant, I love it'...
To me, that was when I went from a 'regular fan' in my own eyes to a little more dedicated...
So go on, share your favorite story or pic! Lets forget the Map Game or Spoilers or Angst filled moments.. What brought you into this fandom?