Lugus Porkins
100% NFU
Ok this is mainly going by what everyone is wanting from kians thread and a planet sub for one planet in the epsilon cluster. it is in no way set I feel we should all add to it in some way. Also we need a subforum on here so that we can make creatures and locations for our planet/cluster.
Name: Argyros (meaning silver in greek. )
Region: Wild Space
System: Yorgos
Cluster: Epsilon
Suns: One- whatever we want to name it
Orbital Position: habital zone
Moons: two- whatever we want to name them
System Features: kian added an asteroid belt (ie rings around the planet? idk how space works.)
Coordinates: whereever we want!
Rotational Period: 28 hrs
Orbital Period: 426 days
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type 1 breathable
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Grassland, Mountains, Desert, Oceans, Forests
Native Species: UNKNOWN
Immigrated Species: Us?
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic
Government: N/A
Population: Uninhabited or no?
Demonym: Argyri
Major Imports: N/A
Major Exports: What do we want?
Affiliation: N/A
Major Locations: There can be temples, ruins, cities, mines, landmarks. our posibilies are limitless (to an extent)
Culture: <General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, government, arts, sports, military, religion> idk
Technology: Pre-425 aby
History: Now I will put my synopsis of the plots that have been favored:
Epsilon. It's called a paradise. Somewhere in the vastness of the galaxy holds a planet of great wealth and resources with terrain that is beyond beautiful. Thousands of years before the darkness, Epsilon was once a vast empire lead by a King and Jedi master know simply as Kraytdragon. Sir Aatos Kraytdragon. With his fellow jedi he formed the Council of Epsilon and protected the outer rim and wild space from a looming darkness that threatened to over take the galaxy. As time passed King Aatos did as well. The Council of Epsilon lived on to protect the galaxy.
In 425 aby, the Gulag Plague reached even Epsilon. The once great empire fell and contact with the rest of the galaxy was severed. In the 400 years of darkness, Epsilon became lost. All of it's citizens became extinct. Cities became ruins. The darkness? It grew.
After the 400 years, Epsilon became a lore and legend that parents told their children to give them hope. A utopia that they could pretend to search for. Epsilon became a quest for the greatest of explorers. It was a blank slate to be gifted to the first faction who placed their flag into the soil. However unoccupied it was, the explorers who would find the planet were never truly alone.
Now... The darkness grows stronger it's presence in the force resonates like a bell struck. Reaching out to all who are sensitive to the force. Epsilon will be found once more, but who will truly claim it?
Like I said before this is my interpretation of what we could do (Let's do something!!) it's not set and I would like everyone's opinion as to if this is the plot we want to do and what we want to do as far as planets.
Name: Argyros (meaning silver in greek. )
Region: Wild Space
System: Yorgos
Cluster: Epsilon
Suns: One- whatever we want to name it
Orbital Position: habital zone
Moons: two- whatever we want to name them
System Features: kian added an asteroid belt (ie rings around the planet? idk how space works.)
Coordinates: whereever we want!
Rotational Period: 28 hrs
Orbital Period: 426 days
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type 1 breathable
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Grassland, Mountains, Desert, Oceans, Forests
Native Species: UNKNOWN
Immigrated Species: Us?
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic
Government: N/A
Population: Uninhabited or no?
Demonym: Argyri
Major Imports: N/A
Major Exports: What do we want?
Affiliation: N/A
Major Locations: There can be temples, ruins, cities, mines, landmarks. our posibilies are limitless (to an extent)
Culture: <General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, government, arts, sports, military, religion> idk
Technology: Pre-425 aby
History: Now I will put my synopsis of the plots that have been favored:
Epsilon. It's called a paradise. Somewhere in the vastness of the galaxy holds a planet of great wealth and resources with terrain that is beyond beautiful. Thousands of years before the darkness, Epsilon was once a vast empire lead by a King and Jedi master know simply as Kraytdragon. Sir Aatos Kraytdragon. With his fellow jedi he formed the Council of Epsilon and protected the outer rim and wild space from a looming darkness that threatened to over take the galaxy. As time passed King Aatos did as well. The Council of Epsilon lived on to protect the galaxy.
In 425 aby, the Gulag Plague reached even Epsilon. The once great empire fell and contact with the rest of the galaxy was severed. In the 400 years of darkness, Epsilon became lost. All of it's citizens became extinct. Cities became ruins. The darkness? It grew.
After the 400 years, Epsilon became a lore and legend that parents told their children to give them hope. A utopia that they could pretend to search for. Epsilon became a quest for the greatest of explorers. It was a blank slate to be gifted to the first faction who placed their flag into the soil. However unoccupied it was, the explorers who would find the planet were never truly alone.
Now... The darkness grows stronger it's presence in the force resonates like a bell struck. Reaching out to all who are sensitive to the force. Epsilon will be found once more, but who will truly claim it?
Like I said before this is my interpretation of what we could do (Let's do something!!) it's not set and I would like everyone's opinion as to if this is the plot we want to do and what we want to do as far as planets.