*Note: This character was brought back only for the Netherworld Event. This biography is just a copy-paste of the old one. Nearly no changes were made to it.
FACTION: The Republic, The Jedi Order
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Umbaran
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 170 cm
WEIGHT: 58 kg
EYES: Very light blue
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale
JOBS: Educational Corps
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES
Dominator doesn't have ship.
Dominator was born on a planet named Umbara with a name Nron Wagvar. His father died about a year after Nron's birth, so he was mainly raised by his mother. Nron learned everything very quickly, but it was normal to an Umbaran. Nron's family was strongly against the Republic, but actually, Nron liked the Republic. His mother almost abandoned him because of that, but the region's leader was stronger and didn't let it happen. If Nron was about five years old, the Jedi Order visited the planet and they found a Force-sensitive kid, Nron. The Jedi Masters asked Nron's mother to give her child to the Republic and she did it. When Nron was about 10 years old, he changed his name to Equa Dominator, just because it seemed awesome to him and it didn't remind him his tough life on Umbara. Dominator suffered for many years, because the Sith Knights wanted to make Dominator a powerful Sith Lord, but Equa didn't let it happen. Dominator became a padawan, when he turned 16.
Galaxy: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Netherworld: 6 | 7 | 8
Training Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
Total: 1 | Completed: 0
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
Equa Dominator
- image coming soon -
NAME: Equa Dominator (Nron Wagvar)FACTION: The Republic, The Jedi Order
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Umbaran
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 170 cm
WEIGHT: 58 kg
EYES: Very light blue
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale
LANGUAGES- Galactic Basic Standard
- Umbarese
JOBS: Educational Corps
- Writer
- Translator
- Library Aid
- The Force: Dominator is talented at using the Force. At age 3 years old, he was ready to become a Jedi Youngling, but since Umbara doesn't like The Republic and The Jedi Order very much and The Jedi Order didn't care about Umbara, he wasn't discovered early. Still, when Dominator was 5 years old, The Jedi Order came and started to search for future Jedi Knights. Dominator saw his opportunity and tried to use the Force, when Jedi Knights were nearby. The boy thought, that the Jedi didn't see him, but actually, when landing on the planet, sosme Jedi Masters felt that on the planet, there is a Force-user. At age 15, he discovered an ancient belief of the Force, named Unifying Force. Quickly he decided, that the belief is the most right one ever written and talked about and started to believe in the Unifying Force. But after the mission on Naval Station Validusia, he abandoned the belief and started to believe in every different Force.
- Umbaran: Equa can see in ultraviolet, like every Umbaran can. If he discovered the ability, he thought, that he is special, but when his mother said, that every Umbaran can see ultraviolet, he became sad. The same happened with reading mind. At now, Dominator uses these powers in Jedi life and they really are very important to him.
- Choices: Dominator's choices cannot be changed easily. That's how he survived the sufferings caused by the Sith.
- Lightsabers: Tough Dominator is skilled in the Force, he is not very great in using lightsabers. He can't say, that he is terrible, but when in lightsaber duel, he would lose. Of course he has trained very much, but he just can't feel the beat.
- Bounty Hunters and Mandalorians: In his Jedi training, Dominator has fought with some Bounty Hunters, but he has discovered, that they are too powerful for him. At now, when Equa has to fight with Bounty Hunters, he calls his master to help him. The same goes with Mandalorians because of their almost invincible armours.
Dominator doesn't have ship.
Dominator was born on a planet named Umbara with a name Nron Wagvar. His father died about a year after Nron's birth, so he was mainly raised by his mother. Nron learned everything very quickly, but it was normal to an Umbaran. Nron's family was strongly against the Republic, but actually, Nron liked the Republic. His mother almost abandoned him because of that, but the region's leader was stronger and didn't let it happen. If Nron was about five years old, the Jedi Order visited the planet and they found a Force-sensitive kid, Nron. The Jedi Masters asked Nron's mother to give her child to the Republic and she did it. When Nron was about 10 years old, he changed his name to Equa Dominator, just because it seemed awesome to him and it didn't remind him his tough life on Umbara. Dominator suffered for many years, because the Sith Knights wanted to make Dominator a powerful Sith Lord, but Equa didn't let it happen. Dominator became a padawan, when he turned 16.
Dominator also participated in a padawan training on Tython, where he met a few padawans, included Jor'si Denko and Karen Roberts. The training failed, but after it, Dominator and Karen have met many times again. Still, Dominator hasn't met any of the other padawans he met on the training.
Dominator was on a mission on Naboo, where he had to meet the queen of Naboo. He was with his friend, V-34S, who was changed by V-34S's master. Dominator met "Jedi Master Windza" on Naboo and trained with him. When they said goodbye, Dominator went to the Throne Room and gave the queen a message. Then Dominator and V-34S left the planet.
Dominator appeared at the mission in Naval Station Validusia with his fellow padawan Kaleeya Windurian. They went to the station before the main fleet arrived. When it finally arrived, Dominator and Kaleeya were already in the station, looking for artifacts. They went to many toilets and found skeletons. They collected all bones and after that, Kaleeya was hypnotized by the Darkness and Dominator became really scared. At some point, Dominator was hypnotized by the Force, so they both wanted to go to the center of the station, but after finding it, they ran away to their ship.
Dominator appeared on the mission on Rhommamool, but he wasn't very active, because he suffered in the pains caused by the Darkness. He was manipulated by it and it is still unknown, how he left the planet. Whispers are heard, that he used the Force to teleport to Coruscant, but the most likely answer is, that Kaleeya Windurian, his fellow padawan and good friend, helped him and together they left the planet.
Dominator appeared on Umbara after the mission on Rhommamool. He fought with Umbaran Soldiers with the help of a Sith Master Karin Dorn.
Dominator appeared on planet called Trandoshan, where his lightsaber was taken away. Not much is known about the event, but Dominator got his lightsaber back. It is unknown, how he did get it.
A week after appearing on Trandoshan, Dominator visited Umbara again. This time, no one attacked him and he met his mother again. His mother had became a ruler of the region Dominator was born in. They had a lot of arguing and finally Dominator decided, that his mother is not capable of ruling the region. He took the position over and travelled to Sagdara, the capitol of Umbara. There he had a conversation with the current Master of Umbara, Gndar Fash. They signed an accord, what officially made Equa Dominator the Master of Guràn, but Dominator actually became the Master of Umbara, meaning that he is now the absolute ruler of Umbara. He doesn't visit Umbara often, but sometimes, he does. Dominator left the ruling to the Galactical Senate, though the planet is a part of The Syndicate, a criminal faction.
Dominator chose the path of Educational Corps, a branch of The Jedi Service Corps and concentrated on learning the history of the Jedi Order and translating ancient texts. He started writing a book about his gathered knowledge. He is also partially a library-aid.
Dominator became a Knight after many missions and was last seen before the capping at a meadow. The Meadow of Sunflower Moon.
After taking a long break from the Jedi Order, Equa went to Umbara, where a person called Tyrin Ardik wanted to overthrow Equa. They had an argument, but the actual result is unclear. It is known, that after dealing with the overthrow, he went to the Jedi Fortress construction site on Umbara. He helped them a bit at building it and also helped at fighting against Umbaran separatists.
Following the events on Umbara, Equa was seen in the Jedi Order again and he also appeared in a Senate session in which the Sith Emperor Dranok Lussk tried to become the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Fortunately, he didn't succeed. Later Equa was seen in the Jedi Temple, where he met Phil Treymore. He became his Master and they had a training.
- Training on Tython
- Diplomacy on Naboo
- Weekend Event: Shattered Souls
- Weekend Event: Divided We Fall
- Campaign: Temple Recovery
- The Greeting
- Weekend Event: Rumble in the Jungle
- First Lessons on Korriban
- Jedi at Outpost 09
- Into the Galaxy
- Trip to Ilum
- The Power To Change
- Start For a Warrior
- The Darkness Shall Die
- Soundtrack of the Soul
- Corellian Nights
- The Journey Is About To Start
- Don't Tread on Me
- There is no Emotion, there is only Peace [Training thread of Fenn Drayen]
- A Secret Darker than the Sith
- How to Kill a Jedi?
- The Way of the Jedi
- The Song of a Thousand Gungans
- Umbara Now, Umbara Forever
- Dranok Lussk for Supreme Chancellor
- Fortress on Umbara
- New Beginning
- The Most Peaceful of Sunrises
- Here Comes the Freedom Train
- A Peaceful Stroll
- Peace is the Truth
Galaxy: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Netherworld: 6 | 7 | 8
Thread Listing
Total Threads: 1 | Completed: 0
Training Threads
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 1 | Completed: 0
- Jungle Boogie [ One Sith Dominion of Rakata Prime ]
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending