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Approved Species Erdvechwûq

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  • Name: Erdvechwûq - “Spreading Embers”
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Origins: Sith Labs, Dromund Kaas
  • Average Lifespan: Approximately a few months
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: At first glance one could easily mistake these for nothing more than bright specks of light, but when introduced into the Wild, the Erdvechwûq show their true colors - destruction, voracity, and unending. Eating to survive and spreading like a plague, the Erdvechwûq is most accurately described as “living fire.”
  • Breathes: I and II
  • Average Height of Adults: 2 Centimeters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Red, Pink, Orange, or Magenta
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: The Erdvechwûq are easily told apart from Wisties on account of their mawed faces and crimson glow, as opposed to the orange glow of their “cousins.” In their minute size their bodies appear starved and depraved, but after feeding this is exchanged with a gross look of fullness and gluttony, alongside an increase in brightness and motes of fire dancing across their bodies. Most often, the Erdvechwûq are kept in colonies within cages designed to handle the extreme heat of so many close together.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Self-Replicating: The Erdvechwûq are incredibly fervent breeders, and despite the self-destructive nature and short life span, can easily repopulate their numbers or spread vast distances across planets.
  • Feverish Existence: The Erdvechwûq’s small size, even paired with their voracity, does little to harm creatures. Their main use comes in, however, in their alchemized metabolism, causing them to burn as hot as fire. This, of course, enables them to burn not only unarmored and lightly armored soldiers and civilians, but also spread dangerous swathes of fire to wildlife if they’re left unattended in a large event environment.
  • Minute: The Erdvechwûq are miniature creatures, and fighting a single one is about as hard as it is to fight a mosquito. Even in a swarm, the Erdvechwûq lack the coordination to be a full-on threat, more a consumptive fire given shape, and so most weapons that can get rid of a swarm of things can easily dispatch a fair few number of Erdvechwûq without issue.
  • Experiment #1: The Erdvechwûq lack a surprising quality, which is resistance to fire. While able to withstand heat, the Erdvechwûq can easily be destroyed by the fire building up inside of themselves, dying in a self-destructive “pop” of fire if they consume too much. This however means that the Erdvechwûq are also able to be dispatched with weapons such as flamethrowers or other heat-based weaponry.
  • Force-Weak: The Erdvechwûq are creatures created by Sith Alchemy, and as a result, they are weak to Light side powers of the force, and can easily be destroyed when Light side powers are used on them, as it destabilizes the alchemical changes within their bodies, and once more they rupture and combust.
  • Diet: Carnivorous; no preference for food, non-meat based foods are turned to ash upon consumption
  • Communication: Communicate through a mixture of clicks, whistles, and screeching cries
  • Technology level: Primitive technology with no utilization of tools
  • Religion/Beliefs: No religion except a reverence to the dark side of the Force
  • General behavior: The Erdvechwûq have a behavior that is very primeval and violent, with them prioritizing spreading and eating above all other things. The Erdvechwûq’s lifespan makes them ambition with the time that they’re allotted before they burn out, and so they are driven to spread as much fire and ash within that lifespan as they can.
In accordance with his rising skill in the ancient Sith arts of alchemy, the Sith Knight Telis Taharin had decided to strike his own stake and attempt to develop a new weapon for the Sith Empire, utilizing a mixture of common-use weapons engineering alongside the teachings of the Dark-side alchemy. After weeks of fruitless ideas, inspiration was found in the idea of fire, in an attempt to turn it into a “living plague” of sorts. When it came down to where the base template would come from, Telis had landed on the Wisties of the forest moon of Endor for the beginnings.

Setting aside money, Telis Taharin hired an expeditionary force to the moon in order to gather the creatures, thankfully enabled by the alliance between the Sith Empire and the Eternal Empire. Kept under the table and paid through fake identities, the money was transitioned to a group of mercenaries and the history of the operation disappeared as soon as it was completed, keeping Telis Taharin’s name far from the matter. At Dromund Kaas, Telis began an arduous task of working with biological matter, and when he found that he couldn’t tame the instability of the Wisties when he attempted to improve the heat they generated, he leaned fully into entropy, and he finally began to create a working albeit unstable prototype.

Using Phrik cages specially designed to hold the fittingly named “spreading embers,” Telis Taharin began to work on stabilizing the Sithspawn to allow for a lifespan of more than a few weeks, but when he failed in that regard, he instead focused on a different aspect, ensuring a plentiful supply of the Sithspawn by using alchemy to make them able to repopulate far faster than before. Finding strong results with these changes, Telis Taharin stepped forward and introduced the specimen to firstly the Pyramid of Science of the Sith Empire, and eventually the Sith Order, beginning to put them into active use as an “alpha” prototype of later plans.
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