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Erek'Ard Wagvar

Erek'Ard Wagvar



Social Information
  • Name: Erek'Ard Wagvar (formerly Erek'Ard Antora-Genodh)
  • Alias: N/A
  • Titles: The Father Wagvar, Wagvar the First
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Homeworld: Umbara
  • Living Situation: Unknown
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Martial Status: Single
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Rank: Jedi Padawan
  • Force Alignment: Ashlan
  • Voice Sample: N/A

Physical Information
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Races: Umbaran
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: Chronologically, about 600 GSY, biologically, about 25 GSY.
  • Height: 1.76 metres
  • Weight: 79 kilograms
  • Eye Colour: True Blue
  • Hair Color: White
  • Skin Pigmentation: Pale - Umbaran White

Affiliated with
  • The Order of the Silver Jedi
  • Wagvar Family


General Overview - Erek, the first known Wagvar, used to be a funny little kid when he was young. He was full of cheer, laughter, joy. His presence made most people happy, even though the supreme darkness which surrounded the planet Umbara was strong at turning everybody's mood down. His parents - Rokkard Antora and Lée Genodh - told him to grow up and start worrying about his life. His family was not a low-class one and they were high in the caste system. The boy was thought to lower their honour, so that may have been the reason.

Nowadays, Erek still remains about as cheerful as he was during his younger days, but he has started worrying about his future. Being taken to the Jedi Order changed him much and thus, he has become more disciplined, yet remains just as friendly and happy as always. He has a sense of order and law, meaning, that when he goes too far, he tries to make up for that by doing 'normal' things - the things what 'normal' people do.

Strengths/Weaknesses -
+ Force-Sensitive
+ Sense of Law and Order
+ Umbaran Vision
+ Umbaran Telepathy
~ Independent
- Umbaran Vision
- "Unnormal"
- Injured Left Foot
- Unexperienced

Who is Erek'Ard Wagvar, one may ask. And that is a good question. The answer is not simple. His life started on Umbara many-many years ago. Gulag Plague hadn't hit the galaxy yet. In fact, it was not even coming at that moment. His parents were notable Rokkard Antora and Lée Genodh, both very known Umbaran people. They had had five children before Erek, but none of them was as weird as him.

Erek was raised to be a successor for Rokkard, but he did not seem to like that. The boy, unlike his father, was funny, always finding something bright in every day. It was seen as a huge problem by Lée and Rokkard, so they decided to start keeping him in secret in order to keep their current status. Had they not made that choice, they would have become more and more important. Sadly, it seemed like they lacked the logical thinking.

And many years passed, Erek was never let out of home without anybody 'guarding' him. But still, when he was outside, everybody was able to see or feel the happiness this boy brought to the land.

Until the Jedi Order. Erek was, indeed, a Force-sensitive, so when a group of Jedi came to inspect the land of Umbarans once again, they took many young people with them to Coruscant in order to make them better people and to give the galaxy somebody to defend it. Erek's parents willingly gave their son away so that they could keep being in their current caste.

The boy was educated in the ways of the Force and discipline in the Jedi Order. He had potential to be a great Jedi one day, but it seemed like he just threw it away with not willingly learning, aimlessly wandering around, and risking with his life by going to underground locations by himself. As he had not learned much yet, he often found himself in troubles. During these situations, Jedi had to come and take him back to the Temple.

Erek was definitely not a favoured Padawan and most people didn't enjoy his free-spirited lifestyle. Other Padawans loved his optimism and positive way of living, but elder Jedi saw it more as a problem than as a good thing.

And then it started happening. As time passed, the boy was involved in more and more troubles until one day, it was decided to freeze him until times were better. And times got better. Only a few years before the Gulag Plague, he was let out again. Biologically, he was still 22 years old and a Padawan. His skills in lightsaber duelling and the Force had become worse so he had to start training from the very beginning again.

During these few years he was able to live again, he participated in many wonderful projects, including some Jedi missions, doing good for the galaxy, etc... It looked like the boy had become a better person during the years spent in Carbonite.

But as soon as the Gulag Plague hit, he willingly got himself frozen again to be woken when the Virus is gone. Hundreds of years passed and he was nearly forgotten, yet a young boy accidentally unfroze him.

Only one sentence was heard from him then, "Good morning, galaxy!"

Erek'Ard is known as an exiled member of the Antora-Genodh family. To show his disrespect towards his family, he has decided to abandon his former bloodline completely, taking a new one which is known as Wagvar today. His new bloodline is thought to be (by himself) a better one than his, being strong in the Force and optimistic when it comes to lifestyle. It is not known yet where he managed to find a woman to have children with (who he abandoned later).

Notable Force Powers
  • [Novice] Telekinesis
  • [Novice] Force Jump
  • [Novice] Force Empathy

Notable Skills
  • [Fluent] Umbaran - Erek fluently speaks the native tongue of Umbarans, which is kind of logical, considering who he is. His skills in the language may be a bit rusty and he may use some outdated words, but in general, he speaks and knowns the language just like an Umbaran should.
  • [Near-Fluent] Galactic Basic Standard - Just like Umbaran, Erek speaks Galactic Basic Standard fluently, although he is not as good in it as she is at talking in his mother tongue. His Galactic Basic is a bit outdated, his pronunciation is kind of terrible, but he is able to talk in it and others understand him, so where's the problem?

The current avatar is made by using
the lovely work of SumireHaikuXNA.

For the picture in the biography, I'm using
the wonderful work of Keyre.

Erek'Ard Wagvar

  • - Alive
  • - Dead
  • - Dead in the eyes of Erek

  • [Umbaran] [Descendant] Equa Dominator - Equa Dominator is one of the many descendants of Erek. A member of his family, and also coming from the genes of Erek, Equa has got mostly the same physical traits as Erek: white medium-long hair, blue eyes, nearly white skin, also genetic resemblance. They have not met yet, but Erek has decided to see what kind of live his descendants are living, so they may meet quite soon.
  • [Umbaran] [Father] Rokkard Antora - even though being the father of Erek, Rokkard doesn't care about his son anymore as he has six other children to live for. Neither does Erek ever want to see him again.
  • [Umbaran] [Mother] Lée Genodh - just with Rokkard, Erek never wants to meet her again, neither does she want to see her son again.

Erek'Ard Wagvar

LaxKnight said:
Looks like a pretty neat dude but I found a 'her' where there should be a 'him' in the Overview section.
That's what happens when a main character is a woman... :p I shall fix it.

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