Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Erendiz Kahn

[SIZE=large](Character inactive - I ain't playing' this one at the moment!)[/SIZE]​
One day I’ll face the Hell inside me
Someday I’ll accept what I have done
Sometime I’ll leave the past behind me
For now I accept who I’ve become
And now I see clearly

NAME: Erendiz 'Dizzy' Kahn
FACTION: The Resistance

RANK: Master Chief Petty Officer (retired), Tempest Leader (Task Force Tempest)
SPECIES: Thyrsian
AGE: 42
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 11"
EYES: Green
HAIR: Varies - Pink
SKIN: Dark


  • She's the Cook? No really, not only can she cook - and cook very well, for large numbers. But she's also a superb covert operative both in the sense of disguise and stealth, with twenty years of field operations behind her.
  • You are Certified in Weapons and Equipment Needed for this Mission If it kills people, she can probably make it work. If it's even uncommon, she's probably used it. If it's rare... then she might well have used it too.
  • Master Chief Two decades of war breeds an expert NCO - she's never wanted command rank, never gone for it. But if there are people who are the best of the best, she's it. Armed combat, unarmed combat, small unit tactics, leadership. Her all-encompassing knowledge borders on the sublime, but remains firmly mundane.
  • Thyrsian Born and bred to war, she can read a battle like a book and predict outcomes with almost supernatural ability, however, this is merely the natural racial talent of the Thyrsians after two decades of honing in battle.
  • Bold Solider? Old Soldier She is by nature cautious - while she'll certain commit acts of heroism, her tendency is to a slow, methodical approach which can leave her open to fast advances or moves.
  • War Wounds From the scars on her face to the deeper wounds, she has enough old war wounds that any one of them might put her out of commission or could be taken advantage of in the right situation.
  • The Long War Not all wounds are of the body - Dizzy is tired of death, tired of people dying for a glimmer of hope, she drinks heavily, sure - but that's just covering up for the depression and fear - the fear they can never win, and the depression that she'll die, or be there to see others die for the unwinnable.


One perhaps pretty, certainly perhaps striking. Master Chief Dizzy Kahn now bears the scars of a long war - once for the dark, now against the dark. Half her head is shaved out of necessity rather than vanity (although privately, it is vanity), the other half has varicoloured hair. The shaved half bears the nasty scars of war that mar her features - the legacy of a Sith grenade. Dizzy is built like a fighter - lithe, agile and tough, certainly capable of keeping up with the others in her unit, despite her advancing years - and where the old war wounds don't mar her skin, it's as youthful as the day she joined.

Dizzy looks so young because her parents paid for 'experimental' anti-aging treatments, which given who they bought them from, has encouraged Dizzy never to inquire too deeply. Her precise natural lifespan is unknown, but at the chronological age of 42 her physical age is presently barely into her twenties.


A Thyrsian Sun Guard, despite being female, she was always bottom of the pecking order despite her impressive skills and credentials. Embittered, she left to join the forces of the One Sith, believing that they offered a better chance for advancement. Picked for special forces duty and assigned to young Acolytes and Knights, her eyes were opened to what true evil and horror was - and she rebelled against her culture, her upbringing and her current employers. Which given that one joins the One Sith forces for life, was perhaps an unwise choice. She cannot claim to have done a great deal of damage on her escape, but escape she did, joining up with the Republic, then the Alliance - forever fighting what she saw as the good fight.

She's seen more kids become Jedi Knights and die in combat than she wishes to remember, and even more kids become officers, become majors... then die. Lets not even count the deaths of the kids who just stayed kids. Privates who leapt on grenades for Jedi, Corporals who threw it all away so that some more civvies might escape the advance of the dark.

All that is required for evil to win, is that good people do nothing.

Dizzy has never known how to do anything but fight in her life, even if she became one of the walking wounded a lifetime ago. So with the Alliance on the ropes and not one but three Imperial successor states rising on the galactic rim, she did what she thought was best: joined the Resistance.

Admittedly, currently she's a cook, but everyone needs a cook, right?

One Hundred Eight Hours
We Take From the Rich
It's Not About What You Wear

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