Velaeri Mortaine

NAME: Velaeri Mortaine, Vel, Vela, Ereza
FACTION: Unaffiliated
RANK: Master
SPECIES: Garhan, Pureblooded Aszai
AGE: Appears to be in her mid 30s, 400+ years biologically.
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'9''
WEIGHT: 150lbs
EYES: Dual-hued, the left is glacial blue, the right molten saffron.
HAIR: Falling past her waist and typically kept in a long braid, Ereza's hair is a curious color of pale gold. Depending on the lighting of her surroundings it can often appear wheaten blond or platinum.
SKIN: Pale, cream-toned.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ My Body is a Weapon: A long life made through the era of the Gulag and the 400 year darkness has seen to the threat of many monsters in many different forms. Ereza was lucky to have been taken in by the venerable Lorelei Shamalain in her younger years before family dispute could claim her life. She has spent the subsequent years in study of mental and physical exertion - honing her body into a calculated weapon. Her heritage grants enhanced strength and speed, her upbringing has since seen to refine control of these things.
+ There is More to War than Brute Force: As the last standing individual of her bloodline retaining the noble title of Ereza, a certain amount of educational necessity comes with it. Ereza is thoroughly learned on many subjects: history, politics, philosophy, with a high degree in learned propriety and secrecy. Her education, however, lends only to that which is relevant to her people and her home planet. Beyond those limits, she is exceptionally naive.
+ The Lanu is Mine to Know and Wield: Lanu, of what the rest of the galaxy refers to as the Force, is inherently strong within the Mortaine family. Ereza's ability to learn and wield it was no exception. Trained for centuries under the guidance of Lady Silencia and granted the Master's entire life's worth of knowledge upon her death, Ereza stands as the new monolith to the lost Elder's power.
- Your Weapons are Barbaric: The use of Blasters and weaponized technology was not among the lessons imposed during her years. Ereza has zero training and less interest in learning them - finding a certain sense of fondness and comfort in the use of various swords, daggers, shield, bow and arrows. Among these things certain limitations apply to materials; Ereza's kind have an innate allergy to Phrik and Cortosis and wounds suffered by weapons of this kind can prove to be fatal.
- Travel in the Shade: Though capable to actively shield herself from the effects of sunlight via clothing or other means, her people's allergy to sunlight can be debilitating and dreadfully painful. Prolonged exposure can also lead to death.
- Choose Your Meal Wisely: Sea-faring creatures, synthetic foodstuffs, grains, and many other things are off the menu. Vela is an obligate carnivore that requires untampered meat sources and fresh blood for primary survival. Living off the energy of others has shown to be sufficient in the short-term, but the long-term side effects of such a lifestyle have proven to be not-conducive to good health.
- Addiction and Influence is not a Choice: Alcohol, Spice, and the blood of fellow Force Users have exceptionally strong side effects on her kind and lead very quickly and easily to reliance.
The refinement of her Aszai heritage shines through in all the staple physical distinctions: tall, toned, pale skin, refined and regal structure. The Mortaines had been known for their beauty from generation to generation and touted for their noble status. Ereza had once been vain and concerned with her appearance, but the fall of her house and the implosion of her family left its mark upon her physically and emotionally.
Describe your character's backstory up to the point you started RPing him/her. Be sure to update this section as the role-play continues.
The Baqani