Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Erick Louie

Image of character....Unavailable

Name: Super TD-T47
Faction: N/A
Rank: Wealthy Merchant
Species: Super Tactical Droid
Age: 800+ years (Constantly Repairing)
Sex: Masculine Programming
Height: 1.94 Meters
Weight: 120 KGs
Eyes: Mechanical Red
Hair: N/A
Force Sensitive: No


Super TD-T47 served in numerous battles during the Clone Wars and was often considered weird compared to other Super Tactical Droids. He was the captain of a Lucrehulk Droid Battleship called the Third Luck. Once the Droid shutdown order was activated, Super TD-247 did shut down his droids, but refused to shut down himself. After General Kalani had told Super TD-T47 about the new Galactic Empire, he stopped believing in the CIS and decided to work only for himself. Then Super TD-T47 went to reactivate the droids and reprogram them to only serve him. To avoid being targeted by the Empire, Super TD-T47 went and signed contracts to become a citizen of the Galactic Empire. There was a special exception for Super TD-T47 as long as he works as a merchant, pays 10% of his revenue to the Empire, and strip most of the weapon systems on his ship. After the fall of the Galactic Empire, weapons were placed back and additional weapon upgrades too. Super TD-T47 often pirates on rival merchant ships in the Outer Rim, far from any witnesses. Because of the rate of fuel burned by the ship, it was wiser to to just stay in position and only use fuel for correction or specific reasons.
The Lucrehulk Droid Control Ship is named the Third Luck. The droids were reactivated and reprogrammed to be loyal to Super TD-T47 only. Not many changes were made to the Third Luck, only some repairs. The weapons were also designed to be able to detach from the ship so it can meet Imperial standards during the Emperor's reign. Underneath the Third Luck, hundreds of boarding pods were added to be shot down upon a ship while using the reason of escape pods. The age of the Third Luck has caused some glitches in its circuits and is constant repair, there is not one day when some system is under repair. Other then some repairs and the 200 BTK-599 Orbital Drop Pods the ship is still the same as a Lucrehulk-class Battleship. However many of the weapon systems have been deactivated due to high maintenance. Most of the droid units were lost in the Clone Wars, that is the reason why this ship holds so few available.

This droid was created to be as open minded as possible which gives this droid an advantage towards rivals. Super TD-T47 also has been upgraded to be connected to every droid under his command, he is able to give orders without verbally saying it and can see what his soldiers see.

Because of having the trait of being open minded, many of the decisions are completely insane and generally unsuccessful. Also this droid is almost incapable with dealing with unpredictable scenarios.

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