Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Erik Bauersfeld Becomes One With The Force, Age 93

The first character I ever created and role played with to this day was a Force Sensitive Mon Calamari, inspired by Admiral Ackbar one of my favorite Star Wars Characters. I was surprised that Ackbar was alive during the Force Awakens, and that was one of my favorite take away from the recent film. May the Force be with you Erik and condolences to your friends and family.

[member="Lady Kay"]

Connor Harrison

The voice that launched a million memes.

Such a cult hero of the SW universe and such an amazing legacy for just a small role and three iconic words. :)

I love the fact so much love and fandom as come for a phrase that lasts less than 1 second in a 2hr film, and still goes strong today. It's amazing. A sad loss of a wonderful voice actor.


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