Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Er'in Tenel

Er'in Tenel


(Finders keepers, losers weepers)

Sycophants on velvet sofas
Lavish mansions, vintage wine
I am so much more than Royal
Snatch your chain and mace your eyes
If it feels good, tastes good
It must be mine
Heroes always get remembered
But you know legends never die

And if you don't know now you know

I'm taking back the crown


NAME: Er'in Tenel
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Knight of the Sith, Pelin’a of Hapes
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 6"
WEIGHT: 145lbs
EYES: Purple fire (previously brown)
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale, heavily scarred in Sith Occult patterns.


+ Smart and Calculating: Er'in has a mind to rival any in the galaxy, capable of incredible calculations and intuitive leaps of logic that are astounding.
+ The Player of Games: Er'in is a master of forethought and strategy, as well as the games of strategy and risk that are created to teach such skills.
+ Sorceress Supreme: Perhaps not supreme, but it made a good line. Er'in is however a truly exceptional sorceress, able to manipulate the Force in such a manner like a master, even if her other skills in Force use are lacking.
+ Blood Witch: Er'in has learned rare techniques that allow her to draw upon her own pain and her own life force as a source of Dark Side energy to a greater extent than is normal. This enables her to empower more powerful spells on her own - at a cost. Although she can always skip that cost by drawing on the pain and life force of others.
+ (Racial Trait) Beautiful witch: Hapes breeds beauty. Er'in is considered attractive. And she knows it, her appearance conveys arrogant beauty. Although her obvious scars and signs of corruption lend her an eldritch appearance

- Pride Cometh before the Fall: Er'in believes she is every bit as intelligent as she actually is, and then some. She is prone to overestimating her abilities.
- Its LeviOsa, not LevioSAR: Er'in has... opinions on the Sith and Jedi codes. Strong opinions that she will actually cease a battle to argue. She's prone to distraction and easily manipulated by offering knowledge, or even a good debate.
- She's just a Lady: Er'in is not particularly strong, tough or fast - she is a Sith and can hold her own in battle (particularly in the duel) but she's vulnerable to direct, overwhelming personal force, particularly by individuals who can bypass her sorcery or prevent her trickery.
- She's pretty tied up: I needed a song lyric, okay? Er'in's tattoos and unique form of magic make her both visible as a source of the Dark Side and her sensitivity to sensation predisposes her to become distracted when engaged in sorcery that use them, or injured with the specific intent to cause pain or distract.
- No Hiding Place (Down Here): Er'in can hide her tattoos from mundane sight with sorcery, but she is always marked with the Dark Side to any Force Sensitive.

* Incredible riches. Er'in is personally filthy rich.
* An outfit for everything. And everything for an outfit? Er'in has a wardrobe suitable for every occasion. Every occasion that's formal and doesn't require fast movement, of course.
* Solar Yachter. Everyone has their esoteric interest. Er'in's is sailing solar yachts.
* Archeologist & Historian. As a Sith Witch, she has a surprising interest in the history of the Sith, Jedi and other Force Users, their artifacts and structures.
* Surprisingly charitable. No one would call her selfless. But even selfish people have good qualities, and Er'in is unfailing kind to lessers and equals who are not rivals - often willing to offer a helping hand when no one else will.
She wants it all. And she wants it now. Er'in... doesn't like to wait to be satisfied. If she can see something she wants, she'll try to take it.

Er'in is a tall, willowy and beautiful woman with full features, brown hair and burning purple eyes with the obvious markings of Hapan royalty in her features. Every motion seems languid, considered and at ease with the world around her. But her smile never reaches her eyes, and despite their gentle brown colour they never seem to quite appear appealing. She has pale skin, marked by a series of occult tattoos that either burn or bleed when she is performing sorcery, depending on the situation. Unless otherwise specified, she is always impeccably dressed, if rather reveallingly so.


Er'in is a true daughter of Hapes, born to the Royal line (abet at a considerable distance - she stands to inherit the title of Queen Mother after a very, very long list of family members), every waking moment from her early childhood to her current later teenage years has been in the vain pursuit of pleasure and power through the medium of political strife. Unimportant on a galactic scale, she machinated against her enemies, betrayed her friends for advancement and pursued a course that had been laid out for her by generation upon generation of the Hapan people and the Royal family. While it is fair to say she was considerably more generous than some, particularly to those she liked, she did not stand out from the crowd.

Why break the habits of tradition, after all? Tradition was everything. It was in every stifling breath, in every formal gown, in every poisoned needle and in every proud bodyguard who was sacrificed for her life. Freedom? She is free to do anything she wants, to take anything or anyone she wants, as long as it is done within the rules of the game.

And as far as the rules of the game of politics on Hapes go, Er'in is an exceptionally good player. Gifted. Brilliant even. Few deny she may in fact be the prodigy of her age, although her remote position from the throne and the stifling politics of her family keep her from exercising her rightful skills and nobility with any degree of freedom. Even fewer see the burning passions that lie beneath the cold, calculating surface - trapped by layers of formality, cold logic and arrogant hauteur. Er'in doesn't even admit to herself she feels trapped, weighted down and drowning under her titles and her supposed power, but each and every day her pride at her upbringing and skill grows, and a little bit of her dies.

But pride, as they say, cometh before a fall...

... and in this fall, chains will be broken, the true price of freedom found, paid gladly and a pointless, arrogant daughter of one of the most treacherous political bodies in the galaxy will find that there is a great deal more to living - and to success or failure - than the rules of their game.

For further background developed in play, please see her thread tracker below, as this background section is unlikely to get updated.

  • Bounties are for scum and Mandalorians.

  • None (Current)
  • Darth Metus (former)
(Lyrics credit to Panic! At the Disco - Emperor's New Clothes, as remixed by Jonathan Young)
(No credit is claimed for any art on this bio.)
There is no Peace. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall set me free.
The secret side of me, I never let you see
I keep it caged but I can't control it
So stay away from me, the beast is ugly
I feel the rage and I just can't hold it
It's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls
It comes awake and I can't control it
Hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head


Natural Talents and Weaknesses:

Not all force users are born equal. Er'in's manifesting talents prescribe her more esoteric and external uses of the force, with an emphasis on the Dark Side.

+ Exceptional talent for Sith Sorcery (one of the '3%' of 'natural' sorcerors).
+ Exceptional talent for Sith Alchemy (one of the '3%' of 'natural' sorcerors).

- Exceptionally weak at Mecha-Duru (she cannot use this power at all).
- Exceptionally weak at Force Stealth (but not light bending powers like cloak).

{ ││││││││││││- }

{ Apprentice - Lower Knight - Upper Knight - Master - Full Mastery }
(Rare or unique powers listed below broad category)
Sense - { │││││││││││-│ }

Shadow Vision

Alter - { │││││-│ }

Force Lightning - Storm, Chain and Shock variants.
Fold Space (Apprentice only)

Control - { ││││││-│ }

Cloak of Shadow

Sith Sorcery - { ││││-│ }

Mandragora Magick - { │││││││││-│ }

Sith Alchemy - { ││││││││-│ }

Force Imbuement - { ││││││││-│ }

Lightsaber Forms:

Form I: Shii-Cho { ││││││││-│ }
Form II: Makashi { │││││││-│ }
Form III: Soresu { ││││││││││││-│ }
Form IV: Ataru { ││││││││││││-│ }
Form V: Shien / Djem So { ││││││││-│ }
Form VI: Niman { ││││││││││││-│ }
Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad { ││││││││││││-│ }


(Listed in loosely chronological order)

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