Erint Tel Set
Note: This character is not meant to play in open board threads but in private threads that do not correlate to board's time line and standards. It is for selected stories that are collaborated between agreeable writers. Private threads only.
Erint tel Set
Her name translates as Erin of Clan Setting Sun
Erint is a Ristar
That translates to Rising Star
Rising Star means she is a force warrior.
The force on her world (Kromas) is known as 'hasa'.
Hasa seems to be strong in the females of her kind, which by the way are a kind of hybrid that have evolved and become the dominant species on Kromas.
Her kind's DNA suggest that she is part human and part Predator Humanoid. It is unknow exactly as to when the two species got together to evolve into a hybrid such as Erint's kind.
There are remnants of Predator skulls carbon dating as early as 60, 000 years which are kept as ancestral relics. As to why the ingenuous predator species died out, it is unclear.
Below is a reconstruction of the ingenuous humanoid predator species based on cranial relics dating back 70,000 years ago and later.
Original ingenuous humanoid species believed to be currently extinct on Kromas.
Current archaeological finds indicate Kromas lacked human settlement/development on it's system prior to 80,000.
Earliest human finds date back to only 60,000 years. Then an event seems to have taken place globally that changed the balance between humans and the ingenuous dominant Predator species. It were not by comet, meteorite, nor volcanic. It appeared to be biological.
As to the melding of human and predator, that mystery still remains unsolved. The only remnant of the original Predator species on Kromas remains in the current culture. Erint's culture is a hunter/predator culture.
Current full battle armor. Typical. Shown is Erint's armor.
Erint (and her kind) is a hybrid humanoid, but her metabolism is amazingly adaptive to her environment.
Her body skin and core temperatures vary to a degree upon which normal humans cannot sustain/survive.
This is so because these hunter/predators are masters in camouflage.
Although they do not have technology as we know it, they have developed a kind of bio-tech. This is a mesh of using organic and metals they call ore or iron in general to create armor and weapons that they hand fashion by either cold forging or by smelting. The bio-tech within this fusion of armor and weapons reacts to the hybrid's own body chemistry. In essence the wear can influence the bio-armor and weapons in hand to refract light in a manner by which it works to camouflage/meld the Ristar into it's immediate surroundings. Being able to regulate body/skin temp, the Ristar can remain undetected to the eye and most standard IR scanners.
It has been studied and confirmed that these hybrid hunter predators can lower and raise their skin temperatures to do just that: reflect their surroundings. And the bio-tech mesh and armor can distort reflective light around them, so as to almost render their presence invisible against their current surroundings.
This was somehow developed out of necessity and survival, as the system Kromas, is and has always seem to of been a hostile environment.
Erint is part of a Clan called Setting Sun.
There are many clans throughout Kromas. Her DNA samples indicate she is a hybrid of human and of the indigenous humanoid predator species still said to exist in the misty mountains. Although this is believed to be all but legends, as none have been spotted. Although as stated prior ; old relics of skulls are kept of said ancestors in the covens of the clans which point to the fact that humans had indeed infused their DNA with the early predator humanoids.
The Clans and Covens are said to be Amazonian based, as they all seem to be totally comprised of females. No known male hybrids reside within the Clan's coven. Males are said to be nomads and are seeked only to mate when a female is in heat.
Males are also hunter/predators, but as stated: are inherently always wanderers and nomads.
The ratio of male hybrids born are 1 in 14, compared to females. This is not elective, but happens naturally. Males leave the coven when they are aprox 13 years of age on their own initiative and have hunted their first Azon. The Azon's skull is returned to the Coven for it's use in fashioning it as a shield, then the young male departs/separates himself from his birth mother and Clan to wander as a nomad hunter/predator.
The males are driven/encouraged at a young age to hunt Azons, which are parasitic dangerous predators themselves. The females also kill Azons only if they encounter them, but do not regularly hunt them like the males do. That is unless the Azons encroach upon their coven and immediate hunting grounds.
The Azon populations seem to be kept in check mostly by the nomad male's zealous passion for hunting them.
Erint is said to be 25 years of age.
Her cold skin appearance is due to the current Winter Season. Below is Erint in Winter season.
Her endurance to the cold is due to her metabolism. In summer, she is much more warmer and her skin color darker.
Her blood is found to contain anti-freeze compounds, similar to glycol. Cold temps below freezing doesn't seem affect her hunting/predator skills.
This too may have naturally evolved out of survival in Kromas' hostile environment and possibly linked to the Azons.
Erint in Winter.
Her skin appearance is cold, as her environment is cold. In summer, she is warmer looking and darker in color.
2nd intelligent life form called Azons.
This intelligent life form has the ability to solve problems and is highly danderous.
It is a parasite, as it needs large hosts to gestate its young.
Erint's home world.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A clip of Erint's own words from a recorded interview:
I am considered cold blooded, by humanoid standards. But that is not entirely true.
It can be regulated to meld with the immediate environment...or not. It is through hasa (the force) that I can do such things.
My blood does not freeze, as my metabolism has adapted to function efficiently in a broader range of temperament environment than that of most humans and many other species.
Also, it serves me as a hunter for my body temp to be that of my environment. Those who can sense heat, cannot sense me. And in the peak of Summers, my body temp can well function where humans will succumb to heat exhaustion and death.
Yes, in the Winter cold, my skin too takes on a bluish/white ghost appearance.
In the heat of summer, it is more that of humans...warmer tones...softer.
The netting is functional and aids me in being able to be part of my surroundings. It is made of fibers which can meld with its surroundings by us hunters when we call upon hasa.
We are learned in the calling of hasa by the time of our first hunt (puberty). Hasa also gives us our keen senses and agility to be masters of our earth Kromas.
Those who cannot call on hasa, do not make it on my world to child bearing years. Being able to call on hasa, assures that you will always be the hunter and not the hunted.
_Erint Tel Set
Erint tel Set
Her name translates as Erin of Clan Setting Sun
Erint is a Ristar
That translates to Rising Star
Rising Star means she is a force warrior.
The force on her world (Kromas) is known as 'hasa'.
Hasa seems to be strong in the females of her kind, which by the way are a kind of hybrid that have evolved and become the dominant species on Kromas.
Her kind's DNA suggest that she is part human and part Predator Humanoid. It is unknow exactly as to when the two species got together to evolve into a hybrid such as Erint's kind.
There are remnants of Predator skulls carbon dating as early as 60, 000 years which are kept as ancestral relics. As to why the ingenuous predator species died out, it is unclear.
Below is a reconstruction of the ingenuous humanoid predator species based on cranial relics dating back 70,000 years ago and later.

Original ingenuous humanoid species believed to be currently extinct on Kromas.
Current archaeological finds indicate Kromas lacked human settlement/development on it's system prior to 80,000.
Earliest human finds date back to only 60,000 years. Then an event seems to have taken place globally that changed the balance between humans and the ingenuous dominant Predator species. It were not by comet, meteorite, nor volcanic. It appeared to be biological.
As to the melding of human and predator, that mystery still remains unsolved. The only remnant of the original Predator species on Kromas remains in the current culture. Erint's culture is a hunter/predator culture.
Current full battle armor. Typical. Shown is Erint's armor.
Erint (and her kind) is a hybrid humanoid, but her metabolism is amazingly adaptive to her environment.
Her body skin and core temperatures vary to a degree upon which normal humans cannot sustain/survive.
This is so because these hunter/predators are masters in camouflage.
Although they do not have technology as we know it, they have developed a kind of bio-tech. This is a mesh of using organic and metals they call ore or iron in general to create armor and weapons that they hand fashion by either cold forging or by smelting. The bio-tech within this fusion of armor and weapons reacts to the hybrid's own body chemistry. In essence the wear can influence the bio-armor and weapons in hand to refract light in a manner by which it works to camouflage/meld the Ristar into it's immediate surroundings. Being able to regulate body/skin temp, the Ristar can remain undetected to the eye and most standard IR scanners.
It has been studied and confirmed that these hybrid hunter predators can lower and raise their skin temperatures to do just that: reflect their surroundings. And the bio-tech mesh and armor can distort reflective light around them, so as to almost render their presence invisible against their current surroundings.
This was somehow developed out of necessity and survival, as the system Kromas, is and has always seem to of been a hostile environment.
Erint is part of a Clan called Setting Sun.
There are many clans throughout Kromas. Her DNA samples indicate she is a hybrid of human and of the indigenous humanoid predator species still said to exist in the misty mountains. Although this is believed to be all but legends, as none have been spotted. Although as stated prior ; old relics of skulls are kept of said ancestors in the covens of the clans which point to the fact that humans had indeed infused their DNA with the early predator humanoids.
The Clans and Covens are said to be Amazonian based, as they all seem to be totally comprised of females. No known male hybrids reside within the Clan's coven. Males are said to be nomads and are seeked only to mate when a female is in heat.
Males are also hunter/predators, but as stated: are inherently always wanderers and nomads.
The ratio of male hybrids born are 1 in 14, compared to females. This is not elective, but happens naturally. Males leave the coven when they are aprox 13 years of age on their own initiative and have hunted their first Azon. The Azon's skull is returned to the Coven for it's use in fashioning it as a shield, then the young male departs/separates himself from his birth mother and Clan to wander as a nomad hunter/predator.
The males are driven/encouraged at a young age to hunt Azons, which are parasitic dangerous predators themselves. The females also kill Azons only if they encounter them, but do not regularly hunt them like the males do. That is unless the Azons encroach upon their coven and immediate hunting grounds.
The Azon populations seem to be kept in check mostly by the nomad male's zealous passion for hunting them.
Erint is said to be 25 years of age.
Her cold skin appearance is due to the current Winter Season. Below is Erint in Winter season.
Her endurance to the cold is due to her metabolism. In summer, she is much more warmer and her skin color darker.
Her blood is found to contain anti-freeze compounds, similar to glycol. Cold temps below freezing doesn't seem affect her hunting/predator skills.
This too may have naturally evolved out of survival in Kromas' hostile environment and possibly linked to the Azons.
Erint in Winter.
Her skin appearance is cold, as her environment is cold. In summer, she is warmer looking and darker in color.
2nd intelligent life form called Azons.
This intelligent life form has the ability to solve problems and is highly danderous.
It is a parasite, as it needs large hosts to gestate its young.

Erint's home world.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A clip of Erint's own words from a recorded interview:
I am considered cold blooded, by humanoid standards. But that is not entirely true.
It can be regulated to meld with the immediate environment...or not. It is through hasa (the force) that I can do such things.
My blood does not freeze, as my metabolism has adapted to function efficiently in a broader range of temperament environment than that of most humans and many other species.
Also, it serves me as a hunter for my body temp to be that of my environment. Those who can sense heat, cannot sense me. And in the peak of Summers, my body temp can well function where humans will succumb to heat exhaustion and death.
Yes, in the Winter cold, my skin too takes on a bluish/white ghost appearance.
In the heat of summer, it is more that of humans...warmer tones...softer.
The netting is functional and aids me in being able to be part of my surroundings. It is made of fibers which can meld with its surroundings by us hunters when we call upon hasa.
We are learned in the calling of hasa by the time of our first hunt (puberty). Hasa also gives us our keen senses and agility to be masters of our earth Kromas.
Those who cannot call on hasa, do not make it on my world to child bearing years. Being able to call on hasa, assures that you will always be the hunter and not the hunted.
_Erint Tel Set