Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Eris Genen ZhenLian - Disciple of the Master of Foresight

Eris Genen ZhenLian

Age23 years old
GenderIntersexed (primarily Feminine in appearance)
Height5ft 8inches / 1.7272 meters
Weight127 pounds / 57.6062 Kilograms
Force SensitiveYes, and has extensive practise and experience using it


Eris Genen ZhenLian is a woman of somewhat average stature, standing at just over 5ft and a half foot. Eris is a woman with a defined style to her outfits, just like her combat style. With pronounced angles to her face such as her brow line and chin, she has a feminine, yet powerful and intimidating appearance just in her facial expressions. Since she is one of the 12 Disciples, she wears ornate and highly luxurious robes made of the best silk and cloth she could find from when her Master still allowed ships to dock at the nearby city's edge. The colour of these robes are often in a shining white and lustrous gold, which is sometimes inlaid into the sleeves and gown parts to act like a set of bracers. When walking around, she can often be picked out of a crowd due to her elegant walk and mannerisms when interacting with the other Disciples.


Weaponry: Disciples Blade
Armour: (In factory)
Significant items: (Yet to be written)


When around her other Disciple members, Eris is often a voice of reason that speaks of unification, holding onto their master's teachings, and about the safety of the students and apprentices in their order. When spoken to politely, she is a figure of peace, teaching, and comfort. However, if one were to question her master's teachings, the basis for what she teaches others, she will become angered and if continued, may act erratic to defend his name. This shows just how loyal she is to the order and by extension, the teachings she provides.

Her core beliefs is that the Order must train those who seek it, whilst also making sure that no infighting occurs. This will lead to her scolding each individual involved, or even forced to separate if her warnings are not heeded. This can be done via her duelling skills, or her expertise in the force.


The Force will follow my lead:
When Eris uses the force to manipulate her environments, she finds that it is a far easier task for her than the other disciples. An example of this was when a group of padawans and apprentices got stuck under a large mound of boulders and stone, Eris was able to lift the rocky debris by herself until all seventeen people escaped to a safe distance.
I want to follow the Master's teachings: Eris, though a powerful, cooperative, and compassionate person, will often state that what she teaches is directed because, "It is the Master's Teachings". She will offer most of what the Master taught her and the other Disciples to those under her mentorship, even going so far as to work with some students on a one to one basis for extra training.
Ready Your Blade: Eris is a highly skilled duellist, wielding her twin weapons, she can parry, counter, redirect, and strike any opening given with a near perfect ratio of hits to misses. Though she doesn't wield a conventional weapon like that of the Jedi or Sith, she is still able to manipulate it enough to be struck or moved as fast as a common Lightsaber can, despite the difference in weight.



You're saying he was Wrong!:
Eris is an individual who is often remarked as kind, compassionate, innocent and open about many things in her teachings and day to day life compared with the other disciples, she is highly combative and abrasive to anyone who disrespects or insults her Master's memory, teachings, or any of the other things he has given to Eris and the other Masters. She will often act in radical ways when heavily angered, even going so far as to demonstrate everything her Master has taught her in a duel with the aggressor.
When will it stop? I don't want us to turn against each other: Eris has the primary belief that all of the different sects of her Master's, and now their, organization can work together rather than be threatened with the possibility of a mass surge of infighting. To her, the Master, and the other Disciples, unification, but not complete unity, is the best way forwards, with everyone having their own "Role" and tasks to fulfil, rather than one massive order with little to no communication to those at the bottom of the chain. It was their Master's decree that each of the 12 Disciples, upon being made the Rank of Master, was to keep their own sects separate, whilst still allowing cooperation in situations that call for it.


Born on the planet (Not Made In Factory Yet), to a single mother, Amanda ZhenLian, who is a highly Force Sensitive. Amanda could sense her daughter's connection to the Force very early on, and after she reached the age of Thirteen, she had heard of a Master of the Jedi Arts had taken his place within a set of ruins on the edge of the city, far into the heart of the forest. This ruin was rebuilt after a single years work from both the Master, some villagers aid and even his soon to be Disciples.

For the next eight years, Eris and the other twelve Disciples were taught all aspect of the Force, both the Light and the Dark, by the Master. A man of unknown race or facial appearance, who has lived for an extensive time, which he often had credited to his strong connection to the Force. He was a master of both the Light side and Dark side of the Force, an expert with a blade in duels and even had the extremely rare gift of a very powerful instance of Force Vision. With this ability, the Master was able to see extensively far into the future, past and even across the galaxy to the other far reaches on other systems to see the potential and connections of other beings to the Force.

One day, the Master informed his Disciples that he had foreseen a future where he was no longer their Master, and at their place of learning. In order to aid them in the transition that was to come, he made each of the Disciples the Rank of Master, giving them the tasks that would create the most beneficial and prosperous future of all his visions. Concerning the many futures and what lay before each path segmenting from their current point in time, like a spider's web of infinite possibilities, the Master of Foresight wrote a large tome gifting a version of it to each of his Disciples to act as a shadowing guide for any events that the Disciples encountered to aid in the prosperity of their new order.

Each of the Twelve Disciples created a section within the new Order the Master had started, each focusing on a different aspect of both the Force and Weapon combat. Some lent more on the Force than weapon training, and vice versa, but Eris had taken the balanced approach that her Master had taught her. Wielding both a Book of Visions, and her special blade her Master aided her in creating, she leads as one of the Twelve heads of the Order, using the rebuild stronghold as their base of operations.



Eris is one of the twelve Disciples of the Order of the Burning Veil. The order was formed by her master and has subsequently been given control of it along with the other masters to guide those in the galaxy on the truth of the Force.


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