Ero Gar’itt
NAME: Ero Gar’itt
FACTION: Unaligned
AGE: roughly in his mid 30s but looks a little bit older than his true age.
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 4 feet 11 inches
WEIGHT: 110 pounds
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Light Brown and beginning to silver
[+] Small Arms Combat- Breaching ships and raiding through cramped corridors has made Ero a master with smaller blaster models, such as blaster pistols and carbines.
[+] Dogfighter- Years of piracy and privateering have given Ero an edge when it comes to small scale ship to ship skirmishes.
[+] Bothan Charisma- Growing up on Bothawui taught Ero the importance of words and their diplomatic application. Given the chance he will use his education to diffuse or alter a situation to best suit his self interests.
[–] Attention Span- Ero has an attention span of a Porg. When he spots something he finds interesting, he is prone to dropping other (more important) tasks to investigate.
[–] Short Term Thinker- Ero rarely weighs out the long term consequences of his actions often acts on impulse.
Ero Gar’itt was born on Bothawui and grew up with a fairly standard Bothan upbringing. His natural inclination to live the “Bothan Way” earned him high marks in his studies, although blackmail was often used to inflate these scores. After completing his education, Ero left Bothawui on a diplomatic mission to the core systems but was intercepted by pirates.
Upon his capture, he negotiated a deal with the band of brigands. In exchange for willingly letting his assets be reacquired, he could join their crew. Ero’s quick thinking allowed him to not only survive this encounter, but thrive off of it. He rose the ranks of the gang, becoming well respected among his peers and infamous elsewhere. After numerous bounty hunter raids, Ero has been left the sole survivor of his gang and has taken up odd jobs and continued piracy as means to gain credits as well as fame...
Ero’s Ship of choice is the G9 Rigger-Class Light Freighter modified with a additional airfoil and heavy blaster cannon.