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Approved Tech Erosion Rounds

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Rakvul
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large




  • Erosion Rounds contain a layer of Draemidus Prime Ore, an incredibly explosive element that detonates on impact with violent force.
  • To increase the shells power, it was encased in plasma. This has the potential to magnify its speed and penetration power, by encasing it in burning plasma.
  • Deep within the round is a core of concentrated Ik'straktor Acid. When the round hits the core erupts coating the surrounding area in a powerful acid that has the potential to dissolve through flesh, bone, and even forms of armor.
  • Verikast was used in the creation of the casing, in order to retain the searing heat of the plasma. When it hits a target, the casing becomes devastating shrapnel inside the target's body.

  • Incredible Speed & Penetration Potential.
  • Horrific Damage Potential.
  • Concussive Impact. Anti-Lightsaber Potential.
  • Corrosive Round. Potential to Dissolve Flesh, Bone, and Certain Grades of Armor. Hard to Treat.

  • Heavy & Unwieldy for Most Species.
  • Increased Recoil for Weapons.
  • Possible Overpenetration.
  • Weak Against Shields, Heavier Armor.

It was a massive undertaking to innovate, to equip the Bryn'adul Remnant with the best tools of war available. Through exhaustive research and testing in the laboratories, through laboring over hot forges. Despite the insurmountable odds amidst the turmoil after the fall of the Bryn'adul Empire, the High Warlord Rakvul succeeded where others failed. Out came a string of highly successful creations that began to change everything.

The Erosion Rounds were one such innovation.

It came as one in a series of new ammunition designed for Draelvasier weaponry. It shared many design similarities much like the Burrower Rounds before it, except this time there was one distinct change. Inside the core of this round was a large amount of deadly Ik'straktor acid. Upon impact and detonation, the acid would spill out and immediately begin to dissolve anything it came into contact with. The wounds it caused were extremely hard to treat, and the sheer pain it caused left victims paralyzed in agony. It was often the case that even those simply wounded would eventually die. They would erode anything and everything. After putting the rounds into production Rakvul witnessed a final demonstration of his creation, and gave them the name of Erosion Rounds.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create another ammunition type for use in Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate weaponry.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Erosion Rounds
Modular: Yes
Material: Ik'straktor Acid Core Plasma-Encased Shell Verikast Casing
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Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge
Hi I'll be reviewing this today.

Couple things.
  • Erosion Rounds contain a layer of Draemidus Prime Ore, an incredibly explosive element that detonates on impact with violent force.
  • To increase the shells power, it was encased in plasma. This vastly magnifies its speed and penetration power, by encasing it in burning plasma.
  • Deep within the round is a core of concentrated Ik'straktor Acid. When the round hits the core erupts coating the surrounding area in a powerful acid that dissolves through flesh, bone, and even forms of armor.
  • Verikast was used in the creation of the casing, in order to retain the searing heat of the plasma. When it hits a target, the casing becomes devastating shrapnel inside the target's body.
I would rewrite these. Nothing wrong with the concept, but this all sounds like called shots to me, and that's a big no no.
Incredible Speed & Penetration.
  • Concussive Impact. Anti-Lightsaber.
  • Corrosive Round. Dissolves Flesh, Bone, and Certain Grades of Armor. Hard to Treat.
Same with these.

Rakvul Rakvul please ping me when changes have been made.
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