Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Erys Ephemeris

NAME: Erys Ephemeris

SPECIES: Half-Hapan Half-Echani
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 143lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: White
SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-Erys is highly charismatic, usually capable of talking people into doing what she wants, when she wants it.
-Skilled markswoman, particularly with blaster pistols.
-Highly skilled with short-bladed weapons.

- Erys is highly egotistical when it comes to her combat skills, believing herself to be unbeatable in a one-on-one fight.
- Cruel, to the point of sadism.
- Hedonist


When Erys was born into the galaxy, her mother- an Echani General from Eshan- passed from it during childbirth, leaving her father to raise her. However, the former Hapan security officer was never able to recover from the passing of Erys’s mother, and spiraled into a depression that grew worse over time. By the time Erys was five, her father had become such a slobbering lum addict that he lost his job within Hapan Security, and by the time she was ten, her father couldn’t even hold a job as menial labor. Erys had to go out and run odd jobs just to pay for food while her father blew what little he had left on his lum, and unsurprisingly, they lost their home shortly before Erys’s 11th birthday.

Over the years, Erys had grown to hate her father for what he had become, and after a year of living in the streets, squatting in abandoned homes while running odd jobs to pay for her and her father’s food only to have her father spend most of her earnings on more Lum, she had finally had enough of her father and opted to remove him from her life permanently. She had originally opted to poison her father and make it look like a spice overdose, but when he caught Erys spiking his lum, she grabbed a nearby shard of glass and stabbed her father with it. As she watched him crumple over in pain, bleeding out on the floor, something struck the young Erys.

Seeing that crimson red blood pooling around her worthless father… It made her feel warm inside.

She walked over to her father, watching the life drain out of him, kicking the stab wound to open it wider whenever her father seemed to be trying to get up, then to just see him writhe in pain. Soon enough, Erys’s kicks stopped garnering a reaction; her father had long since gone pale, and the blood around him had dried a much darker red. Realizing what she had done and how much of it tied back to her, Erys grabbed the shard she had stabbed her father with and fled from the scene, disposing of both the glass and her bloodstained shoes nearly a mile away. Over the next few days, Erys continued to run odd jobs for credits for food as before, but now that she no longer had to pay for her father’s habits, she had built up a good amount of spare credits to buy a new pair of shoes for herself. She began to notice afterwards that with the new shoes, people began to treat her better, giving her more credits for the odd jobs she ran for them- her spiral into poverty thanks to her father had been gradual enough that she hadn’t noticed that people were slowly treating her worse because of her lot in life. Perhaps with some new clothes, she could get even more out of people?

In order to supplement what she was earning through her odd jobs, Erys began luring tourists into the back alleys of Ta'a Chume'Dan so she could hold them up with a makeshift knife she had made from a large shard of glass and a strip of cloth, demanding their credits and anything else valuable they had on them. For several months, Erys was able to build up a good deal of funds, buying herself a variety of nice clothes even though she really had nowhere to keep them, until one day she made the mistake of holding up a vacationing Bounty Hunter who happened to know Teräs Käsi. When Erys pulled the makeshift blade on the man, he summarily shattered it with a blaster bolt before beating the twelve-year-old thug unconscious.

When she had awoken, Erys found herself in a juvenile detention center, where she was being detained for the many muggings she had been responsible for. Thankfully, the authorities never learned of her connection to her father’s death, but she had been found guilty of the muggings and was sentenced to six months incarceration. The guards at the center Erys was sent to at first kept an eye on her out of fear that the young girl could be seriously hurt by one of the older delinquents wanting to make an impression, but after she nearly killed her older 17-year-old inmate by stabbing her with the leg from a table in the mess hall who attempted to make an example of her, Erys was moved to solitary confinement for the rest of her time in the detention center.

Upon Erys’s release, she found that when people found out about her muggings, she couldn’t get any offers to run odd jobs anymore, and found herself rather ironically returning to mugging to be able to feed herself. She began to take measures to make sure her victims wouldn’t be able to identify her like before, often by remaining out of their sight while holding them up, and making sure to pick targets who she knew wouldn’t fight back. Occasionally, she would go as far as to cut a mark’s throat if she thought they could identify her, though as time went on, Erys started slitting more and more throats with her makeshift glass knives just to see that crimson red blood trickle down their necks. She didn’t even bother to spend the credits she began to rack up; Beyond food, she didn’t need to buy anything else. After all, new clothes weren’t going to change anyone’s opinion of her here.

Erys kept up the more violent string of muggings until one day, when she was 14, she stumbled upon a Kuati noblewoman, unconscious and badly injured in one of the alleys of Ta'a Chume'Dan, likely hit by another mugger before she arrived. Erys rushed over to check what the noblewoman had on her person that was of value. Unable to find anything, Erys was about to get up and leave when the noblewoman came to, and in her dazed state thought Erys had come to rescue, thanking her and asking if her daughter was still alive. Erys looked around the area, and saw a young girl close to her own age not too far away, slumped over but still visibly breathing. Erys answered the noblewoman’s question aloud without thinking about it, and before she knew it, the Kuati was beggin Erys to save her daughter’s life, promising that she would give Erys anything in return. Immediately the cogs within Erys’s mind started turning, and an idea spawned in her head that formed into a plan: Kuati aristocracy were filthy rich, and with their kind of wealth, Erys could live however she wanted for as long as she lived. After a few seconds of thought, Erys assured the noblewoman that she would help her daughter, and quickly rushed over and picked the young girl up before carrying her to the hospital.

When she arrived at the hospital with the girl, Erys was quickly detained, suspected of being the one who reduced the girl to the state she was in. Despite her protests, the authorities refused to believe Erys’s claims until the Kuati noblewoman was brought in herself, having been found where Erys said she was by a security officer who had stumbled upon her during a patrol. When the noblewoman revealed that Erys was indeed not the culprit and really did rescue her daughter, the authorities released Erys on the spot; It was at that point that Erys revealed what she wanted from the noblewoman in return for rescuing her daughter.

Adoption. Erys asked to be adopted and taken far away from Hapes.

As soon as it was clear that her daughter would survive, the noblewoman gave her answer to Erys by formally adopting her into the family. Once both of the Kuati aristocrats had recovered, the three of them left Hapes to return to Kuat. Once they had returned to the family estate, Erys began to put her plan into motion. She would have to put on an air of innocence around her new adoptive mother, but her new sister was another story. At first, Erys tried bullying her new sister into submission, subtly antagonizing her sister into striking her in front of their mother so that when Erys actually did beat up on her sister, their mother would believe that it was her daughter that started the fight rather than Erys no matter how much she pleaded. However, after a rather harsh fight between the adoptive siblings where Erys had gone to pull a knife- and likely would have had their mother not intervened- She realized that she wasn’t going to be able get rid of her sister with brute force alone. So she hatched a new plan.

Over the next few years, Erys began patching up her relationship with her sister- at least on the surface. However, behind her sister’s back, Erys had been slowly chipping away at her sister’s state of mind- stripping her of her friends with cleverly spread rumors, seducing her boyfriend away, and a variety of other otherwise petty-looking digs that would be overlooked by anyone close to the two of them. When her sister was at the breaking point from the stress and the drama, however, Erys executed her master stroke, and had the family’s pet Graug- her sister’s last remaining friend- tranquilized, tied, and boxed in an aluminum crate before being placed inside the estate’s trash incinerator in the dead of night. When the family’s Telbun ignited the incinerator in the morning, the screams of the family pet could be heard throughout the estate. By the time the incinerator was shut off, the Graug was already torched beyond any hope of saving, and as Erys hoped, her sister had the “misfortune” of seeing the torched Graug in its final moments, and the horror of it all broke her.

Within a few days, Erys’s sister had spiraled deep enough into a depression that she had climbed to the top of the estate to throw herself off the roof. Erys’s adoptive mother begged Erys to save her daughter once again, and Erys once again obliged, though this time, she had no intention of actually saving her. Once Erys reached the roof, her sister told her not to bother trying to talk her down, at which point- moving her arms about so that anyone who saw from afar would think that she was trying to talk her sister down- Erys told her adoptive sister everything. The rumors, the break-up, every little thing that had been going wrong in her sister’s life over the last three years had been planned out by Erys… Even the death of the family pet. And Erys enjoyed every second of it- Even if her sister’s death didn’t make Erys the new family heir, she had found she enjoyed tearing her sister’s life apart so thoroughly so much, she could keep doing it for the rest of her sister’s life. Of course, Erys’s adoptive sister didn’t give Erys even a second more to tear into her life. She jumped, and after a feigned reach from Erys to make it look like she tried to save her, she plummeted to the ground, where the impact killed her instantly.

The whole thing struck Erys as fascinating: She had struggled so much to get rid of her sister by force, but with a little patience and a few key words, she was able to achieve so much, and on top of being rid of her only obstacle to the family inheritance, everyone was under the impression that Erys had been the sweet, loving sister who tried to save her sister from herself. People trusted Erys, and as a result, people did what Erys wanted. Heck, Erys was even able to talk people who didn’t trust her into doing what she wanted now. When Erys’s adoptive mother “fell ill” a year later, no one even batted an eye, believing Erys when she said that the toll from the loss of her sister had led to Erys’s adoptive mother falling ill. Even her adoptive mother herself had come to believe Erys’s words. What was really happening, however, was that Erys was slowly poisoning her adoptive mother with a rare poison that’s effects resembled the Brainrot Plague. She had given her mother the first dose by mixing it into her drink, then had been giving her subsequent doses in the guise of medicine for the disease. When Erys’s mother was failing to recover, because of Erys’s reputation on Kuat, her explanation that her mother had “lost the will to live” was taken at face value. Within half a year, by the time Erys was 19, her adoptive mother had passed away, leaving the family estate and everything it entails to Erys in her will.

Once she had the wealth she wanted, Erys realized that she had far more enjoyed the manipulation and murder that led up to her newfound wealth more than she did the actual wealth itself. On the other hand, though, her newfound wealth was pretty nice to have… She wouldn’t exactly be able to have as much free reign to enjoy herself as she wanted here as nobility, at least not right now. But as a mercenary… Erys might actually be able to have some fun.

After some searching on the HoloNet, Erys found a rather suitable yet small mercenary group to join, one where she could have some real fun out on the field. When she joined up with the group, her knife skills were rusty but suitable enough for the group to accept her. Over the next few years, Erys picked up some marksmanship from the others in the group, mostly sticking to blaster pistols due to their compact size. As it turned out, she was surprisingly good with the more compact blasters, capable of getting off pretty accurate shots with a decent amount of speed. Where Erys really shined though was with her skill with a vibroblade. Several times while working with the mercenary group, Erys was able to carve apart men much larger than her, carrying much larger blades, with ease. With her ability to transition between the blaster pistols and the vibroblade at a moment’s notice, Erys quickly became the most notable member of the team, and with her record in the field, her ego inflated, leading to her gaining the belief that she was a better fighter than everyone else. Her charisma never faded, however, and even with her newfound arrogance, Erys left the mercenary group on good terms, aiming to become a household name all on her own...

Some time after her departure from Mercenary work, Erys took up an apprenticeship under Jared Ovmar, learning the ways of the Mentalist in return for doing Ovmar's bidding. She would continue to work directly under Ovmar for quite some time, until when Ovmar sent Erys to work under Darth Carach shortly before his disappearance. Erys has been training under Darth Carach's tutelage ever since.


None yet


Not Applicable


Gotta Do What You Gotta Do (Complete?)


Well-Known Member
Looks like my first bio for Rex Inferno. The only reason i had anywhere near this was cause i had to attempt to humanize a Shard that lived inside a cyborg that lacked a human brain.

Whats your excuse??? Lol
Well... this brings me back to the times when writing insanely long bios for WoW private servers were necessary for a strong char, mind you i never had a strong char but i miss writing long bios like this. Then... there are those people with enough words in their bios to fill a small book, right @[member="Darth Vornskr"]

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