Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Escape from Dantooine

Draconis Caesar

Draconis sat meditating on a rock just outside the cave he called home. Ever since the Sith had taken over the planet he had found it almost impossible to escape. All the main spaceports were patrolled by Sith troopers and worse. But, they left the small towns to their own devices and the ancient Jedi temple had been left mostly abandoned. It was here, just outside the ancient Jedi temple that Draconis resided. He found that the crystals within the cave gave him peace and that made his idle time trapped on Dantooine that much more bearable.

The local villagers came to Draconis whenever they had problems, often seeking him out as a mediator of sorts when they had disputes, despite his young age. Draconis and his master had come here seeking crystals to build Draco’s lightsaber with, but when the Sith Invasion befell Dantooine, Draco’s master fell so that he might live. The villagers helped hide the young padawan and he has acted as a judicial figure for the Villagers ever since. They found his rulings often to be more favorable than the Sith’s. Even so, Draco felt a dark presence brewing.

Something bad was coming. With the influx of newcomers entering the village it was impossible to tell who was a Sith sympathizer and who was not, so Draco knew his time residing as the small villages protector was running thin. He simply had to devise a way to get off this planet. Draco settled on meditating over the problem in hopes of some divine intervention from the force...

In her time of personal exile where she took the time to grow up and not be such a coward, she had not really explored much of the galaxy. Once she had considered herself a sith, but no longer. Yet somehow, she had wound up right in the heart of the Sith Empire stomping grounds. The planet of Dantooine crunched under the soles of her boots.

It a total opposite of her home world of Tatooine, filled with lush vegetation and nature. Now Zesiro had been on other lush worlds, but each one was different. She had brought her ship in for a landing near to a small village here and climbed out. Stretching her legs for a moment, she felt a sense of almost latent force power here. Turning in the direction of it, she struck off into the wilds.

There was a neat trail that led from the village in that direction, so she followed that. In front of her there was an ancient building. It looked like it was a temple of some sort at one. Near to it appeared to be some sort of cave system and there was person sitting outside of it meditating. She didn't feel any form of darkness within him and Zesiro found this odd since this was so deep in the sith area.

Walking up to him and not trying to be sneaky about it, she waited until he finished his meditation before speaking.

"What's a peaceful person doing in the middle of enemy territory?"

[member="Draconis Caesar"]

Draconis Caesar

Draconis sat atop the stone practicing honing his concentration and feeling the things around him. He'd empty his emotions and thoughts until his mind was a void. He practiced feeling the force. He felt it in the leaves, the stream nearby, and even the rocks. He focused on the rocks and attempted to lift them. Slowly they rose as the Jedi concentrated. He felt them rise into the air, but derived no joy from his success. Emotions were a path to the darkside, only utter inner peace would bring about the rapture of the light. Draco’s meditations were interrupted as a woman approached his abode.

The rocks tumbled to the ground as she spoke and Draconis carefully stood. He reached out with the force to touch her mind. He found she had a dark past, but sensed no residing anger or hate. If she was Sith, she was not a very typical one. Still Draconis’s cybernetic arm lingered around his waist where his saber was. He stooped low and picked up his cloak. He wrapped his body in the warm recesses of it’s hooded cowl and observed the woman passively for a moment. She had not attacked him outright, but still Draconis wished to know more about her before he could trust her.

“I am trapped here. Won't you meditate with me?” He told the woman cautiously. He figured if they meditated together he might be able to decipher her true intentions. He supposed he could've just asked her, but this was more intimate and good practice. By doing this he would also learn much about her and her feelings, while she would be able to do the same. He wanted to see beyond her surface thoughts. He wondered if she even knew what he was asking? Was she even capable of reading others thoughts? For Draco it took great concentration, thus he preferred to meditate whilst he tried.

"Sorry for startling you."

She said this as the rocks crashed​ to the ground. The young man stood up carefully and observed her. Zesiro felt him caress her with the Force and allowed him to do it. In the heart of sith territory, they were both out of place. Though at one time she would have fit in here, not any longer. Deciding she meant him no harm, he bent over to grab his cloak and put it on. Its hood up and covering his features now, he did answer her question.

"I'm not sure I can any more...My training is rather lacking and it's all of a darker variety."

It was an honest answer and since she had gone to Kesh for three years, she hadn't tried to meditate. The only time she used the Force was when she needed to and over the years, she had realized that she had been taught poorly.

"I can try I suppose. Call me Ava."

It had been a name given to her one time and she had adopted it when she wasn't sure about giving her real name to a person.

[member="Draconis Caesar"]

Draconis Caesar

Draconis heard the woman introduce herself and he offered up a polite smile. All though what she said about her training being mostly of a darker nature disturbed him, perhaps she could still help. He just needed to know if he could truly trust her. Anyone who practiced in the dark arts was liable to lie. This woman had already admitted she had teachers who were of an evil nature, thus Draconis was unsure as to how far he should go with her. She told him she would try and his smile grew even wider.

“Perfect. I will teach you as my master taught me,” Draconis began as he once more stripped from the upper layer of his robe and sat down. “Clear your mind. Empty all emotions, and thoughts into a flame, then become one with the void that remains,” He paused to wait for Ava to sit down and join him, once she was seated he began again. “Feel your breath, in and out. Feel your bottom on the ground, the breeze rolling in the wind. By doing this you remain in the present. Your mind thinks of nothing else accept your body and surroundings. This is called no mind,” Draco paused again as he took in several deep breaths, he felt the wind caress his bare skin, he felt the rock beneath his buttocks.

He thought about these things and nothing else. No emotions, no memories, only his surroundings. “Now when you have recognized everything around you, see deeper. Sense it’s flow within the force. But do not focus on one thing to long. Take it all in…”

Draconis became one with his surroundings and reached out to touch Zesiro’s mind. This time attempting to dig deeper into her thoughts, while he did this he opened his own mind to her. Draco felt the flow of the force within her, felt its power seeped in darkness. He wondered if she would even let him enter her mind, as he had laid his own bare for her.

“You may call me Draconis,” The padawan stated through telepathy, his eyes were closed and his legs were crossed, he was lost deep in meditation. He rooted through Zesiro’s mind and saw a man hooded black. A Sith whose manipulations were cruel and knew no bounds. He saw two machines, both were mechanical monstrosities. He saw a sister, and more. But, what he was truly searching for was her intentions. He found that the woman seemed lost and adrift. With no where she truly belonged.

It was enough for Draconis. She was not aligned with the Sith. At least that much was certain. He even felt she might be able to help him… He waited to see how well Zesiro handled her own meditations.

When she answered, he gave her a large smile and then explained how he meditated as he removed his cloak again to sit down on it. Zesiro pulled her head back at his words, brought her brows together and shook her head.

"I can't. Emotions are a part of me and I just can't get rid of them. Besides, why would I want to?"

However, she did take a seat near him. Just at arms reach away and attempted to do as he requested. Right now, she really didn't feel anything emotionally so didn't worry about burning any of them away. Her only thought really was why were they here in the heart of sith territory and knew that thought wouldn't go away easily until it was answered. Though he had stated he was trapped here.

"How did you get trapped here?"

Her eyes opened again as she asked this, not able to focus on the meditation task he set in front of her.

[member="Draconis Caesar"]

Draconis Caesar

Draconis frowned a little as he meditated. What the woman said was strange. “Emotions lead to suffering, to chaos. Only by emptying yourself of these can you find peace,” He uttered the words of his belated master resolutely. He believed wholeheartedly in the Jedi code and thought nothing would shake his faith. Even so what the woman said seemed to strike a chord with Draconis, and it scared him. He recited the Jedi code and found its words comforting.

There is no emotion, yet peace. No ignorance, yet knowledge. No passion, yet serenity. No chaos, yet harmony.

He remembered these tenets and the three things his master had drilled into him since he was but a youngling. Compassion, modesty, and humility. He would not let his faith falter so easily. He looked to the woman while reestablishing his hold on the void.

“My master and I had come here to build myself a lightsaber. Perhaps you can help me, but first you must learn to empty your mind. To meditate. Only then can we create the crystal needed.” He confessed to Ava.

He needed a stronger force user to help meditate on the crystal with him. He could not do it on his own. He simply wasn't powerful enough. Draconis thought a moment and decided on a new approach.

“You needn't burn your emotions to meditate I suppose. Merely recognize them, accept the way you feel and simply let it pass. Once you have done this another will flow in, but like a running stream it to will flow away,” Draconis said.

He was sure the woman could grasp the art of meditation. It wasn't difficult to comprehend. In fact it was often one of the first lessons taught to Jedi. He was a bit blustered that she seemed to not have the faintest idea. But, he supposed the darkside worked differently.

“Once you have recognized your emotions, feel your body, see the things around you, sense them. Now focus only on sensing and feeling these things. Please try again,” He asked Zesiro politely.

He said emotions lead to chaos and suffering and Zesiro agreed to a point. Some did, but not all. Not wanting to get into a debate about it right now, she would let the subject drop. Listening to what he said though, she nodded and looked around.

"Where is your master now?"

She had picked her own saber up when she killed her first master and never made one of her own. Unsure of how she could help him, she shook her head. Draconis insisted she try to meditate again and gave her a new way to try it. It was a direction she could go in and closed her eyes. However, letting go of them like he suggested was alien to her.

Letting out a sigh, she just sat in silence and assessed her emotions. As she thought about them, there wasn't much there. No hatred, anger or even happiness. A calm did find her as she focused on the sensation around her. Her rear end on the ground, the feel of her clothes on her body and the nature around them.

Draconis Caesar

Draconis watched as the woman tried again. This time she seemed to have more success and Draconis’s grin once more spread across his face. She was calm and serene, she was meditating, even if she wasn't quiet one with the void, it was good enough. He clapped with glee at seeing her achieve this accomplishment. This was the first step taken towards what he needed.

He felt bad in prodding this woman towards his own goals, but in the end it was her own will that submitted to his teachings, and he reasoned that their was nothing wrong with teaching someone meditation even if it was for an ulterior motive. As Ava meditated Draconis pulled his cloak over his upper half and stood.

“You have learned a raw form of meditation,” He stated briefly. It would have to do. Despite the fact that the crystal it might create would be unstable, Draconis was willing to take the risk and see his teachers wishes through to the end. The woman asked about his master and this brought about a pause from the Padawan. The wound was still fresh and he was unsure how to deal with a second father figure… He had lost his true father on Thyrsia and then lost the man who had filled that role on this very planet. For the first time in forever Draconis was unsure how to respond

“My-My master gave his life defending my own…” He said simply. It was the truth, but conveyed nothing of the emotions he felt for the man. Draconis walked into the caves of Dantooine and beckoned for Zesiro to follow...

Coming out of her brief meditation, Zesiro listened to what Draconis said. Nodding at his words, she stood up when he did. Never having been one to sit and meditate, it wasn't something she was going to do again for a while. Tilting her head when he said his master was dead, her face showed her curiosity.

"The sith here do him in? I killed my first master and got this off him."

Her hand lowered to her lightsaber hilt and pointed it out to him.

Never having had a parental figure of any sort other than her master, she had no idea what it was like to lose a loved one and couldn't express any form of sympathy to him.

When Draconis moved off, he motioned for her to follow and she fell into step behind him.

[member="Draconis Caesar"]

Draconis Caesar

Draconis listened as Zesiro spoke. He found it fascinating how Sith could turn on each other so easily. He found it even more mind boggling that they could last so long this way. She asked about his master again and drove the knife even deeper. Still Draconis attempted to maintain his hold on the void and not let it affect him. He was prepared this time and more capable of handling it.

“Yes my master was killed on this planet,” He answered, this time no emotion tinged his voice as he lost himself in the void.

Draconis lead them deeper into the caves, it was damp inside, and a slight breeze rolled through the cavernous system. Draco pulled his cloak tighter as they ventured onwards. They passed a small nest of Kinrath’s, but the creatures were docile and would only attack if provoked. Draconis pondered on how long they had inhabited these caves. After staying in them for so long the Kinrath seemed to mostly ignore Draco. But, at the sight of the newcomer Ava, they seemed to tilt their heads curiously. Wondering if this new woman was prey or to be accepted as Draco was. Draconis did not give them time to decide as he simply walked past them and hoped that Zesiro had too. Ignoring the creatures entirely.

Draco crossed a small stream and spotted algae hanging from the top of the cave. Beneath the algae he could make out a soft glow. They were nearing the end. Where the pools of water met stone and formed great stalactites of crystal. Finally they reached their destination and Draconis marveled once more at the grand glowing crystals of all different colours that filled the place. Pools of water surrounded the muddy floor and the occasional Kinrath egg could be spotted amongst the crystal stalactites. Draconis leather boots made soft squelching noises as he waded through the mud. He approached one of the crystal formations and broke off a small piece of yellow crystal.

“Ava I need your help. Please meditate on this crystal with me,” He said as he beckoned the rogue force user over.

"Why weren't you killed with him if he died defending your life?"

She followed him into the cavesa and asked her question. The Kinrath that watched them as they passed and turned their heads to look at her. Whatever they were left them alone, but Zesiro kept part of her attention on them.

"Where is the light coming from in here? It's a cave system and should be dark."

It was odd, but there were mysteries around she didn't have the answers to. Crossing the internal to the cave stream and looking around, it was rather pretty here and calming. He lead them to the end of the cavern and broke part of a stalactite off that appeared to be a crystal. Then turning to her and asking her help him meditate on it.

Shaking her head, "no, what would be the point?"

Zesiro wasn't going to let him use her, she was done with those days.

[member="Draconis Caesar"]

Draconis Caesar

Draconis motioned for the woman to come closer. The crystals glowed brightly and he pointed to them with a finger.

“These crystals are one with the force, they let out a soft glow of light as a sign of power,” He stated.

She asked about his master once again and Draconis felt his hold on the void slip. She asked about what had pained him the most. Her words struck the core of what had been bothering him and a rush of emotions flooded him.

“As my master fought the Sith that hunted us I ran,” He said quietly, turning from Zesiro so that she could not read his face.

He had been unable to save his master, just as he had been unable to save so many before him. Even so Draconis would not let these things affect him. His face was blank and emotionless as he felt the void encompass him once more. Pain was a path to the darkside, his thoughts were those of vengeance. He could not let them consume him, so he destroyed them. Buried the rage and let it die. It would only lead to more suffering, for everyone. Draconis faced the crystals once more and spoke again, ignoring the fact that she had refused to help him.

“The brighter one glows,” He held his hand to a yellow crystal and it glowed brightly in response “is a response to those around it. If you have an especially strong bond with one it will glow its brightest. Try,” He said to Zesiro, pointing to another crystal formation.

When Draconis motioned to her come closer, she did. Listening to his answer she blinked slightly and nodded.

"I see. I'm pretty weak so it won't glow much."

Holding a hand out to show what she meant, the crystal near her glowed only slightly brighter, lowering her hand that glow faded away.

"My days of running are done as well as letting people just trample over and use me. Now why do you want help meditating on a crystal? If you give me an answer, I may consider it."

When she was speaking, her voice grew firm, but held no anger. A new facet of her personality showed and indicated that what she said was true.

As she waited for his answer, Zesiro passed a hand across the face of the crystals next to her and watched as the glow followed her hand.

[member="Draconis Caesar"]

Draconis Caesar

Draconis watched as Zesiro raised a hand to the crystal and it glowed in response. She noted how she was not very powerful and he smirked.

“Power has nothing to do with it. These crystals bond to the wielder. The stronger the bond, the brighter the glow,” Draconis said as he held a hand to a yellow crystal and it glowed brightly in response. “Try another. We will find you a match yet,”

Draconis walked to a purple crystal formation and motioned Ava over. “Try this one. The bond works like any other force bond and the crystal picks up on the traits of its master, giving them a slight boost. The more powerful one becomes the more powerful the crystal becomes,” Draconis stated, as he peered curiously at the crystal, wondering if it would respond to her.

“I need to channel a fraction of your energy so that I might refine my crystal and make it fit for my lightsaber…” He paused as he told the woman this “It had been the last assignment my master had given me,” Draconis finished softly. He wasn't even sure if with Zesiro’s combined power he'd be able to refine the crystal, but he had to give it a shot

Zesiro shook her head, just not comprehending what Draconis meant. Never having needed to find a crystal of her own and only ever having used the saber she already had, she didn't understand what he meant. However, she followed in the steps of the jedi to another set of crystals.

These glowed a different color and she passed her hand over them like she had the others. Only a pale glow greeted her hand as it passed over the top of them.

"No, I don't think so. What's wrong with the one I have?"

She let out a sigh and listened to what he needed her help with. Holding out that hand again, she called on the Force to produce a small balls of light. Floating that energy ball over to Draconis, she tipped her head at it.

"Use that. No need to meditate just to get a little energy."

[member="Draconis Caesar"]

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