Draconis sat meditating on a rock just outside the cave he called home. Ever since the Sith had taken over the planet he had found it almost impossible to escape. All the main spaceports were patrolled by Sith troopers and worse. But, they left the small towns to their own devices and the ancient Jedi temple had been left mostly abandoned. It was here, just outside the ancient Jedi temple that Draconis resided. He found that the crystals within the cave gave him peace and that made his idle time trapped on Dantooine that much more bearable.
The local villagers came to Draconis whenever they had problems, often seeking him out as a mediator of sorts when they had disputes, despite his young age. Draconis and his master had come here seeking crystals to build Draco’s lightsaber with, but when the Sith Invasion befell Dantooine, Draco’s master fell so that he might live. The villagers helped hide the young padawan and he has acted as a judicial figure for the Villagers ever since. They found his rulings often to be more favorable than the Sith’s. Even so, Draco felt a dark presence brewing.
Something bad was coming. With the influx of newcomers entering the village it was impossible to tell who was a Sith sympathizer and who was not, so Draco knew his time residing as the small villages protector was running thin. He simply had to devise a way to get off this planet. Draco settled on meditating over the problem in hopes of some divine intervention from the force...
The local villagers came to Draconis whenever they had problems, often seeking him out as a mediator of sorts when they had disputes, despite his young age. Draconis and his master had come here seeking crystals to build Draco’s lightsaber with, but when the Sith Invasion befell Dantooine, Draco’s master fell so that he might live. The villagers helped hide the young padawan and he has acted as a judicial figure for the Villagers ever since. They found his rulings often to be more favorable than the Sith’s. Even so, Draco felt a dark presence brewing.
Something bad was coming. With the influx of newcomers entering the village it was impossible to tell who was a Sith sympathizer and who was not, so Draco knew his time residing as the small villages protector was running thin. He simply had to devise a way to get off this planet. Draco settled on meditating over the problem in hopes of some divine intervention from the force...