This was it. She'd hit rock bottom. She was no better than some filthy scavenger rolling around in the sand. And her client, well, she didn't think it was mere coincidence that no one had taken the job before she showed up. As a kid she remembered seeing Ewok pushies everywhere, how inaccurate they had been. These creatures were no cute, cuddly, fuzzballs. Observing them at work reminded her of what a cartel might look like if it were just coming out of the stone age. They were violent, carnivorous, little thugs who were loving their new-found power and eager to start amassing more of it. So far, their scavenged fleet was about 15 ships strong. They were all odds and ends stuff, the biggest they had were some of the old Omega Pyre corvettes that had been thrown out the airlock when they'd been disbanded. Still, it was impressive for a pirate fleet, especially with the parts Auri was supplying them with.
This time, she'd stopped at Jakku and Annaj, buying up First Order hyperspace modules and engine cores from junkers so the Ewok's could make repairs on their frigates. The Ewok's had been avoiding First Order Star Destroyers to keep their profile low, and Auri didn't blame them. The First Order was bad business, not something you wanted to mess with. Still, they were happy to take scrap from their ships where it was available. The parts were practically working miracles in their old corvettes, giving them a second life. Auri wondered if she should feel guilty for enabling these little monsters, but a job was a job.
She'd just delivered the parts down at the big clearing that they used as a landing pad, and now she made the trek up to the canopy village where the pirates made their camp. Night had begun to set in and their hodge-podge of glow lamps from various plundered ships lit up the tree-top platforms.
"Lob Tun." She spoke to the chieftain as she arrived in the middle of some ritual the Ewoks were carrying out. Some poor, bloody creature moped about inside a circle of chanting Ewoks, armed with spears, poking and prodding it about. The goal didn't appear to be to kill it, merely maim it enough so that it would change direction and end up on the other side of the circle to repeat the cycle. Nasty business.
"I'm here for my payment." She stated matter-of-factly to the chief who clapped giddily at the grand display of animal cruelty. The Ewok, adorned with bones and teeth of various sizes and shapes, turned to her and snarled, clearly unhappy that he was being interrupted. It took a moment for him to settle down as she tapped her foot impatiently.
"No money. Bad month. Take Bordok instead." He spoke in his primitive language, which Auri hadn't had too much difficulty picking up. He pointed to the creature in the middle of the circle, which had now flopped over on it's side in fatigue. Auri looked at him in disbelief.
"I don't want that stupid thing. You owe me credits, I won't settle for anything less."
"No else to give." He growled.
"Be grateful."
You've gotta be kidding me. Auri thought to herself.
"Kark this." She said out loud, spinning on her heels and walking away from the repulsive ceremony. The chanting was a distant sound when she stopped. How the hell was she going to make it to next month? She wasn't going to work for these furballs anymore, she was damn sure of that, but now she was two weeks out of wages.
She noticed that she'd stopped in front of a metal cage, one she'd seen before in her comings and goings, but never stopped to really look at. It must have been from one of the smuggling ships the Ewoks had raided, it certainly hadn't been built by them. It had probably carried illegal monsters once, for the fighting pits the Hutts were famous for, or a torture chamber for some rich crime boss. She wondered what the Ewoks kept in it now, and if it was of some value. She took out a glow rod on her belt and shined it into the cage. She couldn't believe who she saw inside.
"No way. No. Kriffing. Way."
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