Cecily Demici
Princess of Naboo
It had been several days since her handmaidens had made contact with [member="Darth Adekos"] and arranged the daring escape from Onderon that was about to take place. Night had long since fallen over the harsh planet and her guards, who had grown lax over the many months of guarding her, were docile and predictable. They would never expect what was to happen.
Ruby, the most senior of Cecily's handmaidens had objected staunchly to trusting a Sith Lord with her lady's life, but Cecily had no other options. She had spent too long wasting away, a captive of the One Sith. There was work to do in the galaxy if she ever hoped to see them defeated.
Cecily stood alone in the drawing room of her estate, she wore a heavy wool cloak over simple traveling clothes. It was not long before her handmaidens began to trickle in quietly, Ruby, Felicity, Amily, Ivy, Harminy, Melidy, and Aubiry, all dressed identically, eased cautiously into the room and stood by waiting for orders.
"Your Grace," said Ruby quietly, "all has been made ready. We have confirmation that the Galactic Alliance has received our communique and is ready to receive you. We will do whatever we must to see you safely off this planet, die if necessary"
Cecily smiled sympathetically as she reached for the woman's hand. "That won't be necessary ladies, Im sure our... savior will secure our safe passage."
Ruby, the most senior of Cecily's handmaidens had objected staunchly to trusting a Sith Lord with her lady's life, but Cecily had no other options. She had spent too long wasting away, a captive of the One Sith. There was work to do in the galaxy if she ever hoped to see them defeated.
Cecily stood alone in the drawing room of her estate, she wore a heavy wool cloak over simple traveling clothes. It was not long before her handmaidens began to trickle in quietly, Ruby, Felicity, Amily, Ivy, Harminy, Melidy, and Aubiry, all dressed identically, eased cautiously into the room and stood by waiting for orders.
Cecily smiled sympathetically as she reached for the woman's hand. "That won't be necessary ladies, Im sure our... savior will secure our safe passage."