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Approved Ranged Weapon Esmeralda's SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster v2.0

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Manufacturer: House Io
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Average
  • Manufacturer:
  • Affiliation: Esmeralda Io
  • Market Status: N/A - Closed-Market
  • Model: SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Can link to virtually any electronics, sensor suite, HUD, artificial intelligence, or targeting system
    • Frame may be coated or electroplated with various materials
    • Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Aesthetic Modifications
    • Various Barrel Attachments
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • Optic rail interface may accommodate a number of attachments
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Classification: Plasma Blaster Pistol - Hybrid Functionality
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Beam Appearance: Magenta - Coruscating Visual Texture
  • Beam Velocity: 921 m/s
  • Ammunition Type:
  • Ammunition Capacity: Small - 30 Shots
  • Effective Range: Average - 50 Meters
  • Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Very Low
  • Data and Information Security
  • Combat Electronics
  • Control Systems
    • Modular Direct Interface System - Neural Interface, Droid Interface, Technopathic, and Universal Link Compatibility
      • Secondary Blink and Voice Command Functionality
    • Firing Modes
      • Full Automatic
      • Semi-Automatic
    • Standard SE-14r Control Systems - If Unspecified
  • Energy Modes
    • Hyper-Ionized Particle Bolt - Considered to be the standard energy module, this module manifests a hyper-ionized particle bolt that deals damage via a veritable hammer blow of concussive shock (kinetic energy), the searing release of thermal energy as the superheated plasma particles destabilize matter to produce extreme heat, and finally ionization energy which can disrupt electronics and overload energy shields in the manner of an electromagnetic pulse. Of particular significance, the bolt has an explosive effect upon connecting with a shield or solid object, including the blade of a lightsaber.
    • Incendiary Plasma Bolt - Manifests an incendiary plasma beam encased within a magnetic field. Rather than exploding, the beam is designed to splash in a two-meter radius on impact with any solid object (including energy shields and lightsaber blades) as the searing plasma adheres itself to objects within its radius. Stuck to the target, the semi-solid plasma “gel” can potentially inflict significant and continuous extreme heat damage on shields, armor, and flesh, typically burning at temperatures in excess of six thousand degrees centigrade for several seconds.
    • Stun Bolt - Fires a stun bolt intended to leave a target unconscious by overloading their nervous system via charged electrical impulses.
  • Power and Discharge Systems
  • Utility and Safety Systems
  • Hand Cannon - Modified with a prismatic crystal and overcharged galven circuitry, Esmeralda’s SE-14r is an extremely powerful weapon for its class with explosive results upon impact, owing to the particle beam modifications fitted to it. It fires bolts which are hot enough to reliably slag thick beskar plates and overpower even the infamous heat resistance of Baedurin Draelvasier, allowing Esmeralda to engage these targets with a good measure of success.
  • Hyper Fire - It goes without saying that the SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster is a fast-firing weapon. Esmeralda’s modified SE-14r is no different in that respect, featuring a very high mechanical rate of fire, which while much slower in practice owing to the perpetual demands of cooling, nonetheless allows her to lay down an impressive amount of firepower over a short period of time.
  • Stealth - The Skuggalegt polymer coating makes Esmeralda’s SE-14r extremely stealthy, rendering the weapon difficult, if not impossible to pick up on sensors or scanners.
  • Fortune Teller - If the pistol is fired with a misaligned prismatic crystal, the risk of an explosive outcome is very high, likely ending with the weapon exploding in the wielder’s hand to potentially catastrophic effect in the event that she attempts to fire it.
  • Small Capacity - In the process of modifying the pistol and amplifying its firepower, the weapon’s ammunition capacity took a hit owing to its more powerful, concentrated bolts. As such, Where most blaster pistols have a capacity of ~50 shots, Esmeralda’s SE-14r can only fire 30 before the power pack runs empty. Given the weapon’s impressive rate of fire, this can go pretty quickly if the shooter is not careful.
Issued to Esmeralda immediately after her graduation from training and before her first mission in the field, Esmeralda’s SE-14r, while ancient in design, was given to her fresh from one of House Io’s reproduction factories. After finding the weapon to her liking after a couple missions with it, upon receiving permission from her superiors, Esmeralda set about adding an extensive suite of modifications to the weapon, intending to make it her own.

First, Esmeralda adjusted the ergonomics, so that the weapon would better fit in her hands, as she generally uses both hands to wield it. Then, she added an advanced computerized interface scope, with a host of sensors to aid her in acquiring targets. From there, Esmeralda essentially ripped open the weapon’s internals, overcharging the galven circuitry to make the bolts behave in the manner of particle beams, lending them to explode upon impact, rather than being reflected back. This process also augmented the pistol’s potential damage output, which was further enhanced by the addition of a prismatic crystal, making Esmeralda’s pistol an extremely powerful weapon for its class.

Modified from the chassis of a famously unreliable weapon, while Esmeralda’s weapon is far more reliable than the stock variant, it also demands frequent maintenance, cleaning, and upkeep, in addition to periodic replacement of parts. Fortunately, the diagnostic chip installed into the pistol provides Esmeralda with constant feedback regarding the weapon’s integrity, warning her of any potential misfires, overheating risks, detonations, and/or other potential hazards stemming from damage or wear to the weapon.

However, after spending some time with the weapon, Esmeralda had her SE-14r upgraded again, this time by professional gunsmiths. They made a number of modifications to the pistol, including the removal of the computerized interface scope, replacing it with a targeting system. They also plated the barrel with dallorian alloy to limit overheating and added a recoil reduction module to almost completely nullify recoil. To enhance the pistol’s stealth capabilities, a Skuggalegt polymer coating was added, along with a blaster gas mask.

With these additions, Esmeralda’s SE-14r became not merely a personal piece, but a deadly, lethal implement and a signature of her combat style.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To modify one of my favorite canon blaster pistols for Esmeralda.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: Esmeralda Io
Model: SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Skuggalegt P - Exterior Coating, Reinforced Duraplast Electronic Hardening - Ion and EMP Mitigation, Anti-Corr 113 Treatment, Protective Liquid Coating Treatment, Internal Circuitry and Electronics, Dallorian Alloy - Barrel, Various SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Components, Various Blaster Pistol Components
Ammunition Type: FAE/AM-01-S1 Energy Weapon Cartridge
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Pistol
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