Esoryuko Tobruk

"Admirals, generals, captain: we're all very poor diplomats without a gun in hand."
General Details
Name: Esoryuko TobrukAllegiance: Galactic Empire
Galactic Empire Branch: Imperial Navy
Military Rank: Captain
Flagship: [FORMERLY; DESTROYED IN ACTION] INV Inconsequential Difference in Opinions [ Tyrant-class Star Destroyer ]
Species: Human
Age: 36 GSY
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 11" in; 1.8 m
Weight: 154 lbs; 70 kg
Status: ACTIVE
Years of Service: 10
Force Sensitivity: NEGATIVE
The Who
Well kept and well dressed, the captain appears to be more concerned of his looks than his ship's current affairs; no matter the situation, his hair will be gelled to perfection and untouched. His smoking habits have left a perpetual trail of nicotine in the air whenever he walks in the room. Along with a mischievous look in his eyes and a constant glint of foreshadowing, the man imposes an air of familiarity and casualness among his staff: his rank does very little to impede upon his actions with his crew. While the Imperial rulebook states with utter clarity on the importance of command hierarchy Tobruk does away with the rank and file actions so dominant with his peers and instead opts for more familial approach with his crew. Those who have had the pleasure of working with the man are often loath to be reassigned to other ships, often causing troubling relations with other captains.
Despite his unorthodox leadership, results cannot be denied: his crew work together with an efficiency difficult to be recreated with any other crew and commander. His genial nature is only limited by the practicalities of war: cold and ruthless when it is required, Esoryuko shows little remorse when forced to violent solutions and can even be carried away in his actions.
His mannerisms belie a capable mind: like his methods, his tactics are unconventional if brutally effective. After all, finesse was never a requirement to become an Imperial officer. His preference for aggressive maneuvers breaks the traditional Imperial artillery battles, even showing dramatic confidence against superior numbers: his ship is battle scarred from such odds, but even in defeat Tobruk has at least never allowed for an easy victory for his foe.
The Why
Esoryuko makes very little comments on his origins other than to say that it foreshadowed his present: born to a spice trader aboard a cargo ship, he was put up for adoption on Dromund Kaas and shortly after taken by an Imperial officer, looking to assuage his wife's grief over a stillborn. Brought upon with the proper imperial standards, Tobruk grew to dislike the stiffness of attitude, producing a rebellious teenager that was only curbed with his introduction to a military school. His hasty rebellious attitude was instead replaced with a competitive attitude, bordering aggressive; though unrefined and perhaps a little out of depth, Esoryuko made a small name in the academy for his many challenges he would issue to his seniors, often resulting in one or two punches.
Of course, the man today is a far cry from his immature younger self. With another drag of his cigarette, he recounts his first assignment aboard a Velox-class corvette-gunship. Fresh from graduation and perhaps a little too overeager to prove himself, his assignment aboard the corvette ended with his ship several meters deep into the hull of a cruiser, all power dumped into the engine and full throttle away from the fleet. This risky maneuver nearly ended his career, but a few strings pulled by his father allowed him to leave, although with a bad reputation and certainly an unwillingness to replace his destroyed ship. It would be a year later that his probationary period would end and he received a new ship. This, he later noted with a certain distinct trace of pride, was the impetus for his rapid promotion.
Over the course of several years he would make an even infamous name for himself; between overly loyal crewmen refusing a change of assignments to critically damaging his ship in order to gain a victory, it was with great reluctance that he was given a promotion to captain. However this came with its downside: removed from his command, Tobruk was then relegated to rear echelon duties, assisting in training of other young potential candidates for officers. It was the HICOM's desire that his obvious demotion would cull his aggressive nature: this would backfire, as more aggressive and like-minded officers would be produced under his tutelage.
It could've been the end for the captain, had desperation not call for a need of able bodied and indeed, brilliant commanders to fill in the ranks. With the war for domination slowly reaching a climax and the atrocious attrition within the officers in particular, Esoryuko was called back into active service with a new ship, a new crew and a new command.
War will determine if he survives the grinder or end up as a statistic.
- Total War: When the Confederacy attempts to invade Tatooine with the biggest fleet recorded in naval history, Esoryuko moves to assist the defense of the backwater planet, resulting in the destruction of his flagship. STATUS: COMPLETE
- Imperial Medallion of Service: Awarded for performing above and beyond the call of duty for almost single-handedly facing a Confederate armada in a single engagement. [IC]
- Gilded Sun: Awarded for the excellent strategy and coordination of Imperial forces in a single engagement. [IC]
Play By: Tony Leung Chiu-wai
Voice: This Sexy Man