Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Esther Griffon

NAME: Esther Griffon
RANK: Commander
SPECIES: Tholothian
AGE: 31
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 138 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Strawberry blonde
SKIN: Brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-Esther is a very kind, motherly person who cares greatly for her comrades.
-Esther is highly skilled in maneuvering, capable of executing incredibly intricate, complex feats of aerial acrobatics that most other pilots would be incapable of pulling off.

- Esther is generally meek, often overly submissive of compliant with others.
- Esther can't resist helping someone she sees in trouble, suffering or in need, and often doesn't think of the repercussions or situation before doing so.


A former shuttle flight instructor, Esther joined the CIS Military when she was asked to train a new squadron’s worth of pilots. Despite trying to turn down the offer for an Officer’s commission and a staff position at the academy, Esther felt that she couldn’t refuse when she was shown the files for the new cadets, and took on the role of starfighter flight instructor. Once the first set of cadets had graduated, Esther had been prepared to retire back to instructing shuttle pilots, but she had grown to care for the younger cadets who had yet to graduate as well, and couldn’t seem to bring herself to resign.

Overall, Esther found herself working as an instructor for the next five years, until she heard how a few of her students who had graduated were killed during a training exercise out near Zhar. Worried about the rest of her students, Esther asked to be transferred to the field to keep an eye on any of her remaining graduate students who hadn’t retired or been killed elsewhere. Seeing this as an opportunity to put together a new Squadron, Esther was granted her transfer, being placed in a new squadron with a few of her former students, as well as a few other pilots who hadn’t been assigned a squadron yet.


Esther pilots a CSX-001 Jackal Interceptor.



Not applicable



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