Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Esther Nova



NAME: Esther Nova
ALSO KNOWN AS: Nova | Ivory (callsign)
ALLEGIANCE: The Sith Empire | Inquisition | Assassins
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil
AGE: 27
SPECIES: Near-human
HEIGHT: 5'11''
BUILD: Athletic
EYES: Green
HAIR: Auburn
THEME: Nothing More - Don't Stop

Esther Nova is tall and built like a lioness. Jade green eyes with a glare that cuts steel contrast with sharp, prideful features and a mane of auburn curls. She wears years of combat on her skin, scars accentuating the dexterous strength and lethal elegance of a warrior. Darkness paints her presence in the Force, controlled enough not to overpower but unmistakable nonetheless. Esther carries herself with a fierceness interchangeably shaped like embers or roaring flame.

  • (+) Knowledge is Power - And Esther wants unendingly for both. She'll go to the ends of the galaxy and back without ever hesitating, all in the name of learning more, more, more.
  • (+) Don't Stop - Her goals above all else. Esther will apply herself with fierce dedication to getting exactly what she wants, and the harder she's hit the more determined she is never to back down.
  • (+) Unpredictable - One moment her smile glows charisma and life, the next she's up in flames with rage. One moment she'd raise heaven and hell for you, the next she'll shut you out so completely you'll wonder if you still exist. If there's a method to her madness, nobody's found it yet.
  • (+/-) Drama Queen - All the world's a stage, and Esther wants to write the play. A knack for standing out is put to use instigating conflict, usually of the hurtful variety.
  • (-) Well, Kark You Too - Esther takes a warped approach to the importance of a first impression. Until she wants to play nice, she's brash, gung-ho and malignant, downright theatrical in displaying her lack of charm.
  • (-) Lone Wolf - Though not unsociable by any means, Esther is a thousand miles from a team player. At best she's spirited if competitive; at worst, she's confrontational and unsympathetic.
  • (-) Leap of Faith - Sometimes, you fall. Or if you're Esther, sometimes you come crashing back down to the ground more vulnerable and hostile than ever.

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