Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Estrea Shan

Estrea Shan

NAME: Estrea 'Estri' Shan
FACTION: None at present
RANK: Businesswoman/Aspiring Criminal
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 130lb
EYES: Grey, hint of blue
HAIR: Reddish brown, falling to mid-back
SKIN: Slightly pale, but not particularly noticeable


+Force Sensitive - Although this could be argued as a weakness or a double edged sword by some, Estrea's latent force sensitivity is a strength that is just waiting to be awakened.

+Silver Tongued - Estrea has the gift of bringing people around to her way of thinking with just a few well placed words.

+Attractive - Let's face it, life is easier for the beautiful people. Estrea knows this, and isn't afraid to use her goods looks to her advantage. Of course, jealous people can make life a little more difficult.

=Lack of empathy - Some people don't have the ability to understand why others are suffering. Others just don't care. Estrea's one of the latter, which can often serve well. However, there are times when a little understanding can go a long way in earning allies and friends.

=Flair for the Dramatic - Why defeat someone when you can destroy their entire life in glorious style? Well, because sometimes going for the big finish can leave you a little overexposed if your enemies learn of your intentions too soon.

=Ambitious - Estrea wants power and respect, and isn't likely to stop until she has got. Alas, power tends to come with enemies.

-Untrained - Estrea is a war orphan, and spent many of her early years on the streets. As a result, while she had a fantastic education from the school of hard knocks, she had no formal education of any sort, and the skills she has picked up are all ones she's picked up on the go.

-Shady Past - A youth spent on the streets has a tendency to catch up with people, no matter how well they think they've buried it.

-Spice Addict - Relatively recently, Estrea tried Glitterstim. The sensations, which partially awakened her latent force sensitivity for a short time, astounded her, and she has frequently indulged in the spice since, particularly when she wants an edge in negotiations. Alas, the side effects have done at least enough damage to entirely counteract any benefits.

At just about 5'6 and a shade on the lower side of average weight, Estrea is not an imposing figure. In fact, with her carefully styled reddish brown hair, carefully applied makeup and clothes from the finest shops in Belrand, she could could be mistaken for a a young heiress or, if you were feeling particularly cruel, a particularly high class joygirl. But only at first glance. If you look a little closer, you might notice the cold, evaluating gleam in her stormcloud grey eyes - the gleam of a predator, a creature who sees only opportunity to exploit those who find themselves in her sight.

Let me tell you about the Minos Cluster. Before the fall, it was a hellhole, a haven of pirates and lowlives. Nobody of any worth came from there. Nobody sensible ever went there. It was a place you came from, a place you escaped from if you were lucky. A place where you died if you weren't.

Somehow, after the Gulag Plague wiped out most of its population, it managed to get worse.

Adarlon's the nicest planet there, not that that's saying much, and under the CIS it's managed to start the long, arduous process of finding a place in the galactic economy. But that process will take more years than most sentients have in their lifetimes, and while it's ongoing the citizens of Adarlon make do how they can. Some have trades, ways to make credits. Others... well, others aren't so lucky. They're the underclass, the invisible masses. And that's where Estrea comes from. She's a child of the streets; her mother was a nobody, someone who gave birth, struggled on for a bare handful of years, then died in the gutter. And her father, well, if Estrea's mother knew who he was, she didn't feel the need to share that piece of information before she died.

So Estrea grew up alone, except for the so-called uncles and self-proclaimed aunties of the street gangs. She spent time in a few of them, learning a few of the tricks with her 'cousins'. Tricks like the ability to turn a head so a careful hand could strip a pocket of its contents, and the ability to strip the pocket in turn. And as she grew older, so too did the tricks, until they risked verging on those of the oldest profession.

That was where Estrea drew the line, for while she had no qualms about abusing her charms, she had not the slightest desire to earn a living in that way. Besides, she saw where the power lay - not with the cousins, but with those that claimed the elder titles. And even they were just tools, pawns in the games of shadowy movers and shakers that resided in the dark depths of the undercity or the towering stratoscrapers of the resurgent city.

Her goal set, the child of the streets began to try and sway allies to her side. Those who ran with her fell in line most easily; she had spent years alongside them, and more than a few had a weakness for her charms. But they, like her, were hardly adults, barely more than children. Others were needed, more powerful hands that could strike from the shadows. So Estrea began to seek out those who lurked in the shadows, the secretive powers-that-were. Few of those elusive powers deigned to reveal themselves to the girl in even the vaguest of ways, but one, Adriot, the grandiosely titled King in the Shadows, saw something in this wayward urchin. A sliver, perhaps, of his own beginnings, and so a deal was struck; he would grant her elevation from the path she trod, and in return she would bend knee to him. Estrea accepted eagerly.

The next few years were spent at the King's side, as an agent in the shadows. She learnt much from him, though little of what was learned would have found its way onto any legitimate curriculum. Yet, perhaps fittingly, it was not in the realm of darkness that Estrea's talents shone most brightly. No, she was a creature born to twist minds and hearts, and it was when the King in the Shadows assigned her to one of his 'legitimate' concerns - the Glow Dome. The King had great plans for this ancient, derelict nightclub, and Estrea was the perfect catspaw to enact them; her with words and her blossoming beauty, backed by the vast wealth of Adriot, marked her as one of the ascendant stars of Belrand's social circles, and by the time the Glow Dome reopened the masses were desperate for admission to this fabulously opulent haven of music.

They were not disappointed, and nor was the King.

Credits rolled in by the hundreds of thousands, and soon the Dome featured on every tourist guide. Pleased, the Adriot made Estrea the gift of a yacht, one of his own discarded playthings. But little did he know that even as Estrea's work filled his own bank, it served the secondary purpose of strengthening Estrea, both within his organisation and as a power in her own right. Soon, her name became synonymous with the Dome, with its garish decadence and the discreet pleasures, and to replace her became as much impossible as unthinkable. Yet still the ambition, the hunger for power gnawed at her, for she had seen the fate of those without power of their own, and had not the slightest interest in sharing it. No, it was power she wanted. His power.

And, eventually, the King made the mistake that would eventually lead to betrayal. At a celebration, he encouraged his protege to sample a small amount of a strange, glowing powder he had procured. Glitterstim, he called it. He could not have foreseen how it would react with Estrea's latent force powers. How her consciousness filled the galaxy. How the entire galaxy fed her mind. She became aware of every sensation. Every whisper of air over bare skin. Every whisper of air. And not just over her skin. Over Adriot's. She could feel his mind. His feelings. How the power radiated off him. And... buried deep inside... his fear. His fear of her.

That was the moment she knew their relationship was coming to an end. One way or another.

Luxury Yacht, Moonfall. A custom designed yacht comissioned by Adriot many years ago and passed to Estrea when the King grew bored of it. The yacht is a sleek, charcoal grey vessel, with a long, narrow core flanked by a pair of tapering wings that house powerful, frequently upgraded engines. While the vessel is only armed with a pair of lasers and relatively light armour and shielding, it is equipped with sophisticated equipment for interfering with scanners, communications and anything that might be attempting to lock onto the Moonfall.

The Glow Dome. A nightclub just outside Belrand, the Capital of Adarlon. Before the fall, the Glow Dome was one of the finest attractions on Adarlon, and Estrea has spent more than a little effort in ensuring it is once more. Hologram projection arrays are used extensively throughout, some working to match the surroundings to the music in a visionary audio-visual experience, while others work to create physically perfect dancing partners of any species or gender for those who have the credits but not the partners. The Dome also serves as a legitimate front for Adriot's criminal empire, and various spices can be purchased by those in the know.




None yet


Commander of Fear
Interesting character. If you'd like to get more into the criminal life the pirate confederation would gladly accept you
-shamelessly promotes self-

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