Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Esvan Naa


Name: Esvan Naa
FACTION: Jedi Academy
RANK: Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Miraluka.
AGE: Fourteen
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 feet
WEIGHT: 90 lbs
HAIR: Esvan has white hair that falls down to the back of his neck.
SKIN: He has pale skin.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Master of Force Sight: Esvan was born a Miralukan and as such was born with the gift of Force Sight. Because of his species, he was able to master his innate ability as a kid, a feat that could take the average force user a life time to achieve.
+ Force affinity: Esvan, possibly due to his species or parents genetics, is a natural force user, able to master most teachings before classmates have chances to truly practice them.
+ Sword Fighter: Growing up around jedi knights has taught him a lot of things, but mainly, how to use a lightsabre. Through many hours of practice and sparring, Esvan has learned a lot, and has become a great swordsman.

= Premonitions: Esvan has had many visions since he was a child, usually just blobs of grey and black he could never decipher them. Whenever they happen they cause Esvan intense pain, and on more than a few occasions have cause him to pass out. Esvan has asked his instructors about this many times, and although they could never give him any solid answers, they all told him it the visions all came from a place of great power.

- Blind: Although he uses Force sight, if Esvan was ever in a force-void area, he would be completely blind.
- Weak: Esvan is just skin and bones, he really doesn't have that much muscle at all.
- Emotional: Esvan has always wanted to be the best he can be, but many times his emotions betray his jedi way. Esvan is prone to anger and jealousy.

Esvan is just a kid, only five feet tall and 95 pounds, he has yet to come into his full adult body. His hair is often ruffled around as he doesn't really care how it looks. He wears a long black overcoat with a large hood that easily hides away his entire face. His black gloves make handling his lightsabre all the more easy. Underneath his coat he wears the traditional brown jedi robes.

Esvan was orphaned when he was only a baby. Left on the steps of the jedi academy of Yavin IV he has lived his whole life there. There was no signs of his parents when the jedi answered the door, just a smally baby wrapped in cloth. By its appearance the jedi could easily tell the baby was a Miraluken. Being that if you are a Miraluken there is a 99% chance of being force sensitive, the jedi took the baby in and raised him as their own. They quickly learned he was very adept. During early training Esvan swept his elders off their feet, excelling in every test they could give him.

Although he seemed almost to be a prodigal jedi on paper, many felt other wise. They could see during training that Esvan would let his pride get the best of him, he often boasted after winning duels, or laughed at his classmates when they were unable to understand simple tasks that Esvan himself could easily take on. When he was unable to do things, he was quick to anger and frustration. These things have held him back from doing anything of importance. Yet.




Lightsaber -
(Measurements - hilt 25 cm, blade 145 cm,
Color - Yellow)


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