Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Esvan Sakhor'a

NAME: Esvan Sakhor'a




AGE: 23 years old

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.81 meters or 5.9 foot

WEIGHT: 75 kg or 165 pounds

EYES: Green with shade of yellow

HAIR: Light brown and curly

SKIN: Pale White/Caucasian

FORCE SENSITIVE: Is force sensitive and has learned the dark side ways.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
The Weaknesses: Mentally unstable. Has Schizophrenia. Hears the voice of the light and the dark side. Scared of Spiders. Not especially strong.
Strength: Has innate agility and speed. Can accelerate and decelerate in short time. Has acute awareness thanks to the voices.

He has a very pale and white skin almost resembling snow. He has green and yellowish eyes. Is not very muscular and has average strength for a human. Has the average physique of a human. He has multiple scars on his arms from rigorous saber training. Three on his right and two on his left. Also has a scar on his right eyebrow.

Esvan was found in an abandoned x-wing in the deserts of Tatooine by a nameless Grey Jedi on a mission. I was then taken by the GJ into his ship which then became my new home as I tagged along with him. He also named me Esvan, as that was his friends name and I inherited his last name. But one day, when I was 4, the Grey Jedi decided to stop in Dagobah. There I learnt from the Grey Jedi all there is to know from sword fighting and lightsaber duelling. During this training and growing I adapted to the environment and improved my physical speed and agility as well as my climbing ability, as there are alot of trees. There I also learned from the Grey Jedi how to tap into my emotions such as my rage,fear, anger, and hatred in order to access the dark side of the force. The grey jedi taught me how to access the light side using compassion, mercy, and self sacrifice to achieve my goal. He also taught me to meditate in order to control and balance my light and dark side. But due to my unstable mental health and my schizophrenia, I developed what I call the voices. These voices can advise me in situations and can be used in battle but also tempt me to self destruction due to me basking in the dark side. After developing those abilities of the Grey Jedi and the voices, I became more fond of the force. One day as I was going to meditate in the high trees my Mentor and parent figure (grey jedi), had disappeared. All that was left of him were his ship, his mask and cloak, his gloves, and his belt. He had also left his two lightsabers. As I was left with just myself an the voices, I decided to leave in search of a purpose for these abilities and the knowledge I had been practicing. I then decided to follow my mentor's footsteps and became a freelance and self proclaimed Grey Jedi, in order to find why he disappeared.

My character has a ship. It is a correllian scout ship. The front has two parts pointing out. The main body is circular. It has four smaller engines with a hyperdrive at the end of it. The inside has a piloting room used to navigate. It has one main room to eat. It includes two rooms with bathrooms and a gym. It also includes an arsenal room used to store weapons for missions. Unfortunately it doesn't have any canons on the outside and so no way of fighting back.



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