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Approved Location Eternal Doubt

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Eternal Doubt


  • Intent: To create the Rift within the Tomb of C which is considered to be Credius Nargath's final resting place by those unaware of the secrets the former Sith Lord held.
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  • Canon: N/A
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  • Rift Name: Eternal Doubt
  • Rift Alignment: Chaotic Neutral - This rift does not have any particular alignment, though those with an affinity for the dark side of the force will find it somewhat easier to utilise and pass through.
  • Location: The Redoubt -Tomb of C
  • Destination: The Nether
  • Direction: Both ways, though only if you are tethered, meaning beings from the nether that aren't tethered through the rift can't get through without the presence of someone who is.
  • Size: Medium
  • Accessibility: Access to the rift is far from impossible, as the upper part of the tomb, the visible part seems to be unguarded and thus there is nothing barring those with keen interest from entering the Tomb of C. The greatest and most noticeable form of danger at this location would be the frequent to almost constant electrical storms that rage around the location, the irradiated atmosphere and the toxic vapors that may waft within the tomb itself.
  • Description: A human-sized, two meter long shimmering line of pale, neon green energy floating about half a meter above ground, occasionally accompanied by a strange waft of black fog hanging around it, seemingly exiting from within the thin, shimmering line of energy.

The rift itself, located within the central room of the massive Tomb of C, is an erratic looking rift and seems to be unstable. As a result of this instability, it is dangerous for unprepared, living beings to enter, as it drains not just the Force, but life and vitality as well from those trying to traverse through it. There have already been several occassions in which graverobbers have managed to have their very soul torn away from their mortal husk and flung into the netherworld because of lack of preperation. Proper force meditation and a strong will may keep body and soul together or simply tether the soul to the body.

  • Tomb of C: The tomb itself is a rather creepy and imposing building which has stood the test of time rather well, as it was at first believed to be some sort of temple built by a long lost group of wayward peoples, it has since been repurposed as the resting site for Credius Nargath, who upon discovering the presence of what appeared to be an instable rift to the nether, had rebuilt and redesigned the temple to have the rift at its heart.
    • Gravehall: Nearby the instable rift, which seems to be formed perfectly at the center of the main hall of the large building, there's a whole neatly placed formation of blank gravestones, with no names nor dates inscribed in them, but anyone with a degree of force sensitivity could feel how the cause or the reason for these gravestones is the rift itself.
    • Twin statue of C: Looming over the rift, two statues of at the very least one hundred feet in height stand guard at opposing sides of the rift, displaying a cold and smooth surface on the rockite hewn and molded into the two distinctive guards with one looking like an older gentleman and the other looking like some warlord of sorts.
    • Green vents: Though it isn't known what exactly the green light and the green vapor coming from the vents in the main hall truly are, these did add to the mystery and perhaps the fear of the people venturing unbenownst of its purpose into the tomb. In truth these vents and vapors are the result of the electrical storms within the irradiated atmosphere being used and harnessed to power the complex underneath the tomb which keeps Credius Nargath alive despite not having woken for half a century.
  • Radiation electrical storms: The planet's radiation combined with the volatile atmosphere, created some rather spectacular lightning storms, which when they appeared above the rift, would be drawn into it and could essentially be considered a partial cause of the rift's instability. The lightning storms around the Tomb of C are of such a magnitude that most of the surrounding plains has long been turned into a massive pool of glass due to the heavy and extremely frequent lightning impacts upon the ground itself.

The rift itself is part of the whole building site's location, an accidental, but fortunate, strange occurance. As the temple of C in which it had formed was build, the concentration of the Force due to the multitude of experiments and research done by Credius and the scientists sparked by the unnatural and highly irradiated storms within the region seemed to have been the cause of the rift itself forming over the course of but a few decades. While the rift because of this is not exactly large or powerful, it does have a strange ability to draw in the soul of those coming to close, tethering their soul to their body as it is ejected into the void of the nether.

Twenty years ago, Credius in his desire to find a solution for his problem discovered the budding Rift and started to experiment on it, trying to find ways to maintain it as a small and nearly unnoticeable rift located within the Tomb for his personal use. Over time, due to Credius' use of the rift and the continuous radiated electrical storms, the rift has grown to its current size and potency, but due to its remote location and rather stable existence, it has not garnered great renown in the galaxy, though the people that do live on The Redoubt are aware of the rift and the strange, ominous location it is located at.[/spoiler]
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