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EU and Britex


Well-Known Member
Just wondering to other people who live in europe, what they think of the eu, and they veiw the up coming reffrendum in the uk. I kno to some people this more a thing of that hart than the facts, but all opions are welcome. Also anyone from the usa, have an opinion on te eu in genral please feel free to chip in.
Get Britain out and close the borders.
You asked for my opinion and that is it.

The EU did wonders for the businesses at the start, but now the problems out way the benefits.


Well-Known Member
[member="Aram Kalast"] any opinion is welcome regardless, if I agree with it or not.
Personally I want out, as well, but the draw bridge can never be drawn up, as we need migration to an extent.
Unfortunetly I feel the problem will lie in the vote. Already too many have been allowed in from Europe and they will want to stay because of the benefits of gaining a years wage easier in the UK then in native countries. I feel it will be these votes that will stop the removal.
Problem is while we remain in the EU people will take advantage of the system and that system is flawed.


Well-Known Member
[member="Aram Kalast"] the main flaw is there in my opinion is not migration, though we do need to have some controls.
It does not seem to have any democratic safe guards, no official opposition.
​It dictates to sovereign nations (not sure what happing in Poland, but they are elected)
Also how they treat Greece was disgraceful, in my humble opinion.
Here is a prime example of the issues surrounding the EU and migration.

So my wife is Australian. I am Duel British/Australian our child (7Months) is also duel British/Australian.
To stay in the UK my wife has to return to Australia, request an interview for a staying with family visa, pay 800 pounds for the interview in which they will take 6 weeks to decide wether I have adequately worked completely for 6 months earning over the average wage in order for her to get a 2.5 year visa which then is to be reissued with the same above procedure for another 2.5 year after which can then be requested for a permanent residency for 5 years and then maybe she can become a citizen. This is as an Australian married to a British Citizen. Two parts of the commonwealth and under the same monarch. All this while only I can work, we can't claim any form of Government assistance etc because she is a Foreign settler.

Someone from Romania (as an example) wants to come in. They pay 65 pounds in Romania are given a British EU citizenship card. They come in and can claim government benefits for them, any children NOT in the the country and work. No interview, no waiting and no British Passport.

They wonder why we have such a problem?


Well-Known Member
[member="Aram Kalast"] I can see your problem with that, as we have no control over eu migration While it is a concern, mine is more fundamental one on the eu democracy or lack of it
Basically it was a great idea at the start and would have succeeded, but independent countries will never not be independent even when under a Union such as the EU.
Basically Germany and France have too much say, smaller countries didn't have enough. The UK was never treated as it should due to it being a sort of sub-element of the whole EU and that is where I feel major problems started to arise. It was less, "doing this will help all of us" and more "I could do that but my country won't benefit so we're not doing it." What was the point of a Union?

Don't get me wrong I'm not anti-EU, I loved the idea, but it has become the Galactic Republic...:p


Well-Known Member
[member="Ludolf Vaas"] same sentiment in the UK, especially after the Lisbon treaty what has in reality brought us to the referendum, as they ignored Dutch and French on the EU Constitution.

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