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Approved NPC Eugin Matros

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Lev Orlova

An irredeemable soldier haunted by his sins.

  • Age: 31
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-force user
  • Species: Czelosmert
  • Appearance: Eugin is a stocky Czelosmertian standing at 5'8" that is usually clad in a heavy set of armor supported by an exoskeleton. He is mostly cybernetic, having endured many grievous wounds and opting to stay in the business of private soldiering. Extremely pale, shaved head, with a thick square jaw and a stubby crooked nose from being reset poorly too many times, Eugin is not a looker. Then again, nor are most of his race.
  • Name: Eugin "Zshen" Matros, "Heir to the Duchy of Kyrillov"
  • Loyalties: Former operator at the outlawed PMC Gruppa Taktikal Solutions, friend of Lev Orlova.
  • Wealth: Has atleast 100,000 credits stored away safely from his illegal escapades at Gruppa Taktikal Solutions.
  • Notable Possessions: Ratnik power armor, and a Grinkov heavy blaster repeater.
  • Skills: Well trained and uncompromising mercenary, good at what he does: laying down suppressive fire.
  • Personality: Zshen, like most Czelosmertians, is resoundingly silent, stoic, and always carrying a slight frown on his face. His sense of morality is completely gone, ebbed away by years of constant warfare in a series of brutal and highly illegal actions committed by his former employers. While he is always willing to have a drink and a laugh with his old buddies that haven't been hunted down by the authorities yet, these moments are always short lived.
  • Weapon of Choice: Heavy repeater blaster.
  • Combat Function: Zshen is essentially a walking heavy weapons platform. He can easily use any large blaster weapons due to his exoskeleton's enhanced strength. In combat, he supports Lev by providing heavy suppressive fire, and if needed handling any other heavy weapons Lev might bring along.

  • Strengths:
  • Exoskeleton - Zshen's exoskeleton enhanced power armor make him much stronger than the average human, allowing him to lift heavy loads and operate large weaponry.
  • Armored - Zshen is enclosed in a heavy armored suit, making it hard to take him down with just a few blaster shots.
  • Racial trait: Already dead - Zshen, being a Czelosmertian and having a hardy physiology and redundant cybernetic organs, cannot die easily unless shot directly in the heart, head, or sustaining a large amount of damage to other parts of his body. Considering two of his legs and his left arm are missing, this means most flesh one will hit will be a vital organ regardless.

  • Weaknesses:
  • Overencumbered - Zshen's armor, weaponry, and gear make it hard for him to move much quicker than a light jog, even with the help of his exoskeleton.
  • External exoskeleton - His exoskeleton is completely exposed outside of the armor. While this oversight allows for a heavier load to be taken on, the hydraulics and servos are easy targets for those with a good eye.
  • Racial treat: Death Breather - Zshen, unless on his homeworld, must breathe through a mask hooked up to his planet's unique, toxic atmospheric mix.


Unlike many of his companions, Zshen was the first born of noble parents on his home planet of Zhilaseraya. His father, the Duke of Kyrillov, a large city that neighbors the planet's capital, had the boy bred for Duke-hood. The young boy grew up to be extremely competitive, rowdy, and a bit of a fighter. Preferring to fight his brothers rather than be educated, the boy caught the ire of his strict father on many occasions. Zshen, at 16 (the legal age of adulthood on Zhilaseraya), fled home and took a different name to join the army.

As his parents looked on for him, the lad was deep in enemy territory in the rebel controlled Zhilaserayan mountains. The war was tiring for the young Zshen, he was beginning to envy his position as heir, and felt guilty over how his mother must have worried. He returned to his parent's home two years later after the end of the war, where he was arrested for trespassing on the Duke's property before being realized to be the missing son dressed in military uniform. His father, furious, disowned him upon finding out where he had been. But due to very strict Czelosmertian succession laws, the father could not disinherit him from the throne, especially not after his military service. So, there was the odd conundrum of the heir to the Duchy having no home or family to support him. So Zshen continued to do what he already knew: being a soldier.

Zschen volunteered for the Czelosmertian special forces, being assigned to the interior counter terror response unit. After four years of this he finally found a wife, rather late for the average Czelosmertian, at 23. Wanting to support his family more than the government paychecks could provide, he resigned with the interior counter terror group and applied at Gruppa Taktikal Solutions, the foremost PMC of Czelosmertians. He would then run into Lev Orlova, who at that time was a team leader within the PMC. The two would become very close, having nearly died side by side on several occasions, both of them "dissapeared" when the PMC was dissolved and put on a war crimes wanted list by the Galactic Alliance.

Today, Zschen continues to build his small fortune to support his family, working odd jobs with Lev. Living up to the trademark stubbornness of his race, he has lost both of his legs and his left arm and still continues to work in this dangerous business. He often forgets that he is the heir of the Duchy of Kyrillov, but on the other hand, most of his family and friends have too.
[member="Lev Orlova"]

Okay, I'm going to move this back to Pre-Codex. Tag [member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Samka Derith"] or [member="Allyson Locke"] when you are ready to have this judged.
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