Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Eva Malström


MusicTake It All Back [Wells & Profitt]
Full nameEva Malström
Underworld Boss
Current ResidenceKrant
Rank(s)CEO, Manifold Materials
Boss, The Sorrows
Faction(s)The Confederacy
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentLawful Neutral
Height5' 11"
Weight152 lbs.




In The Beginning...

R̸̛̤̪̯̪̘̯E̸̝̽͊̑̊̈́́͋̀D̷̻̤̘͑A̴̲̻̤̪̞̒̈́C̸̩̓̓̏͆̓̎͒̂̿͘Ţ̵̖̺͔̭͕̜̭͎̀̏̊̀̃͑͘͘͜͠É̸̛̙̾̐̊͘͘͝͝D̶͍͎̹̮̜͈͙̗̀̿̀̐̀ grew up on C̶̢̧̣͖̭͙̼̣̖̀̒̔̍̃͜͠Õ̸̬̫̭R̸̨̾̆R̵͖͈̦̳͔͓̠̼͗̈́͆͐̀̌ͅỦ̶̖̫͖̣̳͔̼̣̽̉̋̕͝P̸̳̖̲̥̳̭͍̺̘̝̐̀̐̚̕T̵͕̾̀̏̆́̀̋̓̚͝E̷͙͎̙̻̝͙̱̠̟̮̎̀͌̾D̵̟̣̒͘͘ ̸̙̈́͜Ḓ̷̝͗Ã̵̢̜͎̦̰̲̗̺͂̍̂͐̚͜T̴͚͚͖̤̖͎̠̮̾ͅÅ̵̡̙̒́̈́̽͗̊̚͠ ̸̗̗̔̈͜D̷̛̜̞̥͎̏̈́̔͌͐̕͝͝E̶̘̠͑̾͑̇̌͋͒Ť̵̤͎̒́̚Ĕ̵̢̲̪̺̣̬̳̬̗̉̇̍́̿͛C̷̹̲̭͕̐̀̿̌͘T̸̨̢͉̾̃̄͗̍̽̉̕͘͝Ê̸͙̒͌̀̕Ḋ̴̙͎͓͙̞̻

Eight years old, after growing up surrounded by wealth, prestige, and a life of guaranteed luxury, the criminal element backing her parents found a different, more lucrative backer and turned on them. Violently. Her Mother butchered, Father missing, the young girl was taken captive and thrown into cells along side others of similar age.

Some were broken. Others lost. But when it came time, the young adolescent prepared to strike back, and strike first. Being smaller and weaker from a bare minimum of nourishment, however, resulted in that ambitious effort being thwarted nearly as soon as it begun. The Crime Lord M̴̧̡̟̥̗͓̗̀̎́̾͜Ḯ̵̭̩̗̩̱̙͑̈́͗͛͒̾̆͝S̸̜͙̩̭͎̠̜̣͊͂͆͒͒͌̄̏̕͝S̸̼̦̃͋͆̋̕I̷̡̨͓͙̞̣͙̹͓̣͝Ṉ̶̭̥̠̳̲̹̆̿̇͐͗͝G̷̨̣̤̜̱̘͚͓̯̺̔́͂̏̈́̕͝͝ held her in their grasp with a hearty laugh and wicked gleam in their eye. Before they could strike back against their spirited captive, a third-party emerged from the shadows. Their blade was not nearly so ineffectual, which left the one they saved on hands and knees with their eyes wide and turned up at the masked assailant. She opened her mouth, but no words came out as the figure leaped out the window they'd entered through and vanished.

The death of the Crime Lord had been only the beginning that night. Their Lieutenant had been furious, and the young woman stayed out of their way as they had the organization whipped up to find the assailant after she told them the truth -- corroborated by the blade used to kill the Crime Lord etched with the assassin's calling card. Once the minions were gone, all it took was begging the Lieutenant stay and deal with her to put an end with the Crime Lord's holdout blaster she'd retrieved earlier. With their security card, and their body kicked out the broken window, she escaped the compound with relative ease.



Fortunately, for her, they'd transported her to the Smuggler's Moon where opportunities existed aplenty for someone driven to survive at any cost. A few stolen items here, and the name 'Eva' adopted for herself, she started out with odd jobs to make spare credits. It wasn't long before the chaos of Nar Shaddaa landed greater opportunities than the handouts given to her by the Brokers. A reliable hand or two picked up along the way, each of them helping the other survive, and soon a small band set out to lay claim to a rival's territory.

As Eva stood over the body of yet another Crime Lord, she found the masked assassin by the window once more, only she'd beaten them to the kill that time. The silent figure accepted her brief argument to help one another; their aims seemed aligned and neither of them had perished so far, perhaps they'd be stronger together.

One inch at a time they grew their organization by taking over the resources of others, spending their credits wisely, and near getting comfortable with 'enough.' It wasn't long before their rise in the ranks became noticed and the clashes got increasingly more public. Despite the endless conflicts between criminal syndicates, however, Eva's eye gradually turned off world; especially once she stood over the corpse of pirate that'd killed her mother, and retrieved the data in his possession of the one responsible for the betrayal in the first place.



Their target was wealthy, connected, and resided in a densely populated part of a well-off world. It would not be easy to take them down. Not in the way Eva wanted. So, she redoubled her group's efforts to build up both their credits and their numbers. Once they had enough personnel and arsenal in their hands, she personally led the assault on Dökkálfar Manufacturing.

The streets and airspace surrounding Dökkálfar's Headquarters were closed as reports poured in of a massive assault underway. Security and Invader clashed in hallways on nearly every floor as their leader ascended to the heights of the complex. Meanwhile evacuation ships erupted on landing pads stranding the company Executives. As the intruders managed to fight and claw their way up to where the Executives hid, the fighting gradually began to diminish.

Eva strode into the Board Room where the high ranking men and women had been corralled. Their Chairman and CEO, Vilhelm von Aubrecker, was among them and demanded to know by what right an army should lay siege to their company. In response, Eva cast aside a mask she'd worn and picked up a simple, double-edge blade in its place. She reminded all those in attendance of whose daughter she was, staking her claim to the company her parents had made, and then skewered the man responsible for a lifetime of suffering.

By the time she finished, no one dared question her claim.



Rumor spread of how Dökkálfar Manufacturing had been taken over and renamed the Manifold Materials. The local authorities naturally could not simply hide what had occurred no matter the story or credits exchanged; but Eva was able to prove her claim over the company and the involvement of Vilhelm in the murder of her family, which helped smooth over matters. As for business partners and the market that took longer to recover financially, but such struggle was no stranger to Eva and using every means at their disposal the united commercial and criminal elements made considerable strides in short order.

A Battlecruiser fell into orbit around a moon in the Ganath system where Eva had constructed a base to facilitate off-the-book activities in the region. Its Commander sought to relieve her of all resources stored on the base at the time, including several very valuable shipments. Despite Eva's generous warning that she would not broker the loss of a single crate, or a single foot of the Commander's men on her moon, the unwelcome visitors forged ahead with their heist. With the holo-channel open, Eva displayed a humble cylinder in her grasp just before her thumb pressed a button near its head. A massive seismic charge erupted and the shockwave split both the cruiser and moon in twain, which combined with her choice in fashion earned Eva the moniker the Nutcracker.


The Present Day...



Surrounded by Corporatists, Businesspeople, Crime Lords, Gangsters, and other enterprise-savvy individuals, Eva is calm, reserved, and at times unreadable. Implied or open threats are met with the same concern discussion of supply chain disruptions. The opinions of others weigh little as she expects little of them to begin with -- a result of trauma and suffering resulting from her family being betrayed by close associates and Eva held hostage amongst pirates and slavers.

Likewise, from her time as a captive and the means of her escape and subsequent survival, Eva has a shocking temper. Given the cold, calm demeanor most see few expect the explosive and blood-thirsty zeal unleashed once Eva's hands get dirty. That monstrous side is precisely way nearly all blood-letting is done by her capable Body Guard and Shadow.

Outside of the Board Room, or Den of Nefarious Deeds, Eva can be found showing genuine emotion. Laughter in particular. Most tend to laugh along with her that know of her financial or criminal connections, but their lack of authenticity hardly matters. Life is meant to be lived to its fullest, and Eva isn't going to let anyone curtail just how much enjoyment she gets -- seeing how every face, especially the smiling ones, might possess a dagger for a tongue.

Commercial or criminal success is a means to an end. Her allies may be champion of justice or underworld scum alike, all in the pursuit of crushing those deemed unworthy. Capital punishment of person or corporation is meted out for trampling on the weak; and there's no shortage of strong opponents for Eva's or those she employs to worry about becoming what they hate -- but that doesn't mean they play by everyone else's rules.






+Mental Fortitude - External powers find Eva a difficult target to manipulate.

+Confident - Every decision is the right decision, something can be made even from the mistakes.

+Perceptive - Negotiations proceed smoother when you can tell what the other party is seeking, or when they're stringing you along.

+Disciplined - Despite blood-thirsty proclivities, Eva has remarkable control over her verbal and non-verbal tells.

+Personal Body Guard - A loyal, Force-sensitive presence serves as Eva's Shadow.

+Small Arms Trained - Trained in the use of a variety of small arms weaponry.

+Melee Weapon Trained - Trained in the use of short and long bladed weaponry.

+Close Quarter Combat Trained - Hand-to-hand combat training coupled with experience makes her lethal within arm's reach, armed or otherwise.

+Improvised Weaponry - Anything can be a weapon in the right circumstances, and Eva knows that better than most.

+Wealthy - Credits are rarely an obstacle that needs overcome.



-Vulnerable - Paradoxically, Eva cares as much for her Shadow as she does herself.

-Traumatized - Slaughter may happen, but abuse or neglect (suffering) of minors quickly earns her wrath.

-Possessive - Eva surrenders nothing perceived as hers without the shedding of blood.

-Viscous - Once the knives come out, an ocean of blood soon follows.

-Distrustful - Backstabbers lurk everywhere.

-Unforgiving - Enemies are neither forgiven nor forgotten; they always receive their due.

-By Any Means - Eva does not wastefully sacrifice her own, but if a sacrifice is what's necessary so be it -- the Shadow being the exception.

-Proud - Expects people to know her reputation and not come at her unless they're prepared for the consequences.


  • Enterprise

  • Personal Abode

  • Personal Ship





C̶̢̧̣͖̭͙̼̣̖̀̒̔̍̃͜͠Õ̸̬̫̭R̸̨̾̆R̵͖͈̦̳͔͓̠̼͗̈́͆͐̀̌ͅỦ̶̖̫͖̣̳͔̼̣̽̉̋̕͝P̸̳̖̲̥̳̭͍̺̘̝̐̀̐̚̕T̵͕̾̀̏̆́̀̋̓̚͝E̷͙͎̙̻̝͙̱̠̟̮̎̀͌̾D̵̟̣̒͘͘ ̸̙̈́͜Ḓ̷̝͗Ã̵̢̜͎̦̰̲̗̺͂̍̂͐̚͜T̴͚͚͖̤̖͎̠̮̾ͅÅ̵̡̙̒́̈́̽͗̊̚͠ ̸̗̗̔̈͜D̷̛̜̞̥͎̏̈́̔͌͐̕͝͝E̶̘̠͑̾͑̇̌͋͒Ť̵̤͎̒́̚Ĕ̵̢̲̪̺̣̬̳̬̗̉̇̍́̿͛C̷̹̲̭͕̐̀̿̌͘T̸̨̢͉̾̃̄͗̍̽̉̕͘͝Ê̸͙̒͌̀̕Ḋ̴̙͎͓͙̞̻ Father [Deceased]
C̶̢̧̣͖̭͙̼̣̖̀̒̔̍̃͜͠Õ̸̬̫̭R̸̨̾̆R̵͖͈̦̳͔͓̠̼͗̈́͆͐̀̌ͅỦ̶̖̫͖̣̳͔̼̣̽̉̋̕͝P̸̳̖̲̥̳̭͍̺̘̝̐̀̐̚̕T̵͕̾̀̏̆́̀̋̓̚͝E̷͙͎̙̻̝͙̱̠̟̮̎̀͌̾D̵̟̣̒͘͘ ̸̙̈́͜Ḓ̷̝͗Ã̵̢̜͎̦̰̲̗̺͂̍̂͐̚͜T̴͚͚͖̤̖͎̠̮̾ͅÅ̵̡̙̒́̈́̽͗̊̚͠ ̸̗̗̔̈͜D̷̛̜̞̥͎̏̈́̔͌͐̕͝͝E̶̘̠͑̾͑̇̌͋͒Ť̵̤͎̒́̚Ĕ̵̢̲̪̺̣̬̳̬̗̉̇̍́̿͛C̷̹̲̭͕̐̀̿̌͘T̸̨̢͉̾̃̄͗̍̽̉̕͘͝Ê̸͙̒͌̀̕Ḋ̴̙͎͓͙̞̻ Mother [Deceased]



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