Eve Amelia Zambrano

NAME: Eve Amelia Zambrano (née Haliburton)FACTION: One Sith
RANK: Sith Acolyte
SPECIES: Near-Human, exact species unknown.
AGE: 50 standard years (though looks a lot younger)
SEX: Female
MASTER(s): [member="Jared Ovmar"]
- + Mental Power Preference
- + Nimble
- + Sly
- - Cold-hearted
- - Physically Weak
- - Permanently Injured Left Foot
Those who have seen Eve have typically spoken of her beauty. Her dark hair, height, and these features being powerfully dominant may be talking about her being a member of the Epicanthix species, but this is untrue as she lack the immunity to mental powers, and doesn't have an epicanthic fold. Her eye colour seems to vary, as some people have said they have seen her having blue eyes and some talk of her having eyes of brown colour. Some have also noticed her left foot injury, which does let her walk quite normally, but makes it easier to break. Also, it doesn't look as pretty as her right one. She also has a tattoo on her right shoulder, which represents the Haliburton insignia. It's interesting that she got it after joining the Zambrano family and does not want to remove it, no matter what.
Much about Eve's first years is unknown, her known history starts when she's about nine years old. That's when the Haliburtons became more known to the majority. Well, true, they were quickly forgot after that. At that time, Haliburtons were already living on the planet of Coruscant. Eve was, as a noble member of the Haliburton family, taught by private teachers who have to her home every day. Eve was supposed to start studying the ways of medicine, but as her Force-sensitivity became obvious soon afterwards, she was brought to the Jedi Temple to start her training. Of course Amelia was a bit too interested in other things, so she, when others of the same age slowly started getting to the rank of Knight, stayed as a Padawan without being able to complete any of the trials.
And she was 19 when she stepped out of the Order. Thinking Jedi would want to hunt her down again, she ran away and didn't come back anymore. She lived with her family for some time, but then moved on the the planet of Panatha, where she met a man known as Servelus Zambrano. They fell in loved with each other, and soon had a child who they named Maria Natalja. But Eve, following the code of Haliburtons, was not allowed to become too attached to the family, so she left soon, telling her husband but an order to keep Maria away from her, telling the gilr her mother is not anymore.
That way, she left. And didn't come back. She spent many years just lurking around the galaxy, meeting people, but then having to leave them, following the code of her family. Even though formally still a Zambrano, she considered herself more of a Haliburton than the family of Panathan people. Of course, who wouldn't love her own family more?
But Eve wanted to come back.
And that's what she will do.
Thread Listing
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- Pending
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- Pending
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- Pending
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- Pending
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 2 | Completed: 0
- [Ongoing] One Choice
- [Ongoing] Little Tricks