Alexandra Feanor
The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Human Clone Body, Recreation of Nine Year old Alexandra.
[SIZE=18pt]PRODUCTION INFORMATION[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt] (Applies to all Technology Templates)[/SIZE]
Intent: To create an AI to help maintain the Silver Wanderer Research Vessel and Alexandra's own network of files. As well as to give life to the AI in regards to the bio engineered modifications to the cloned body to allow the AI a sense of living as well. Side intents include aid on sensitive operations requiring the AI's aid as well as maintaining the order of the Grey's files and technological operations.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Alexandra Cinthra
Model: Artificial Intelligence
Affiliation: Order of the Grey/Unaffiliated
Modularity: Can be programmed into a computer system or droid or bio engineered echani clone.
Production: Unique
Material: Blood, Durasteel Faraday box, several human clone subjects and a finalized Bio engineered Echani Clone, as well as the AI core itself.

AI Holographic Form
Description: Eve, as named by Alexandra Cinthra, is a AI that is fully self aware as well as holding the ability to holds its own personality. Lacking little programing that would restrict free will, this AI holds the ability to fulfill any role it is tasked with as well as allowing for it to operate on a level some AI's cant. The reasoning behind doing such a thing was simply to create life through a machine and allowing for it to take on a life of its own as a being that is not trapped to one platform. With that in mind, Alexandra also altered a clone she had had made for herself to hold the AI's core and allow it to for all intents and purposes survive as a human being. This though meant that the AI would need to be taught the limitations of such a body, and also allowed for the AI to truly feel the world around it and see it in the eyes of the person that had constructed it. While not in the body it is maintained and kept alive on Alexandra's ship in a specialized pod so that it can grow and the implants can be replaced so to avoid any complications with the body's biological processes. With the completion of the AI process itself the body was soon after tested to make sure all motor control was capable and a series of rehabilitation for lack of a better word was taken by the AI in its implanted body. The AI's ability to comprehend or use the force though is unknown (in reality impossible) due to the nature of its existence, something though explored by Alexandra delivered no results.
The idea of coding for the personality like that of a VI's coding itself. The AI would take on the personality that had been encoded into the VI it was based off of and add in the missing areas. As for the Blood and Skin flakes they provide the sentience and ability to become self aware of the VI's (If accepted AI's) surroundings, and attributes to the appearance that Eve takes on when assuming a holographic form. The brains of the clones Alexandra worked on also provided those extra... human features of a personality and sentience, where she studied after hooking up the VI to what is considered the most advanced biological computer in the world. As for if this is possibly remember the brain is no more than a network of Electrical signals that fire off and send messages to our nerves and body, as suck taking the data on what happens when certain things are done to the human body one could map it and thus provide a more human like computer system.
To also help with the process of developing a similar but near identical personality she fit in memories to help teach the AI of all Alexandra had learned though she had to be careful without she did this. She juggled the facts that certain memories would make the AI believe itself olderr than it actually was so instead of straight forward transfer of complete pictures from her own experiences she began to pick apart the non important memories and removed those that had any reference to her own family, she did though keep her feelings and information intact during the process though as she transfered what sorrow felt like when your family was killed, she transferred the facts and information she learned. It was this that provided a basic personality for Eve while the AI itself would develop the remaining parts of her personality through the interactions with Alexandra and through future interactions. At the time of creation Eve would only be partially complete personality was though she would learn and adapt like any normal human from that point on.