Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Even SLOWER posting

Recently I have been hit with more homework and work than I can keep up with as well as this site. Something has to have less time, and well, Real Life is more important than this. So my time on here will be cut in half or even more because of my job uptaking, as well as School, Finals, and now wanting to spend more time with my girlfriend. In fact, I am taking her to a Dance tomorrow. So I will be very busy these next few weeks. I might have some time off during Christmas break, as well as after finals.

I love you all and want to be here more than I can ever be, but something has to go. I am sorry.

Calo Xenrus

[member="Nickolas Imura"] Aww. Does that mean you won't be around for anymore training?
Hey I understand about RL getting to you for a while, take care of those that are more important then being here on the board. Also remember this place isn't going any where there might be a little chaos here and there but it will still be there. If you need any body to talk to let me know that what I"m here for you.

Oh have fun at the dance treat your girlfriend like a princess.

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Iella E'ron"], ;) love dat hair!

[member="Ariella"], I always do. :)

[member="Calo Xenrus"], No, we can still train, only it will be a little slower. So I do give you permission to find others to train under if you wish to do so. I will get to our thread tomorrow when I get the chance. Luckily I have work off in the morning.

Calo Xenrus

[member="Nickolas Imura"] I understand, and I probably will just because I know I'll be on more often and want to get Calo more active. I'm sorry, but I do understand where you're coming from too. No hard feelings.
[member="Nickolas Imura"] Real life comes first, no doubt.

Post when you can and Jorda will be here whenever you want to talk business ;)

I could use some more threads with her on the forums in general. So if you don't mind, she might take on some side jobs that (hopefully) don't conflict with your character's interests.

Have fun at your dance!
[member="Calo Xenrus"], Go with it man. Train.

[member="Ariella"], GIve it a shot. Maybe you can catch him. Though I kind of doubt you will live. ;)

[member="Jorda Ulluto"], Oh my favorite Zeltron came out! lol Yes I beleive I have to post in our thread as well. To you, I a sorry because of having to work under me and my sudden change in schedule. If anything changes I will let you know.
[member="Nickolas Imura"] Really I thought you had another favorite Zeltron running around.

[member="Calo Xenrus"] I"m up for it got a lot of new toys to try out beside we both force sensitive.

Calo Xenrus

[member="Ariella"] You mean a sparring match? Sorry, I might have missed something from the last few posts.
[member="Calo Xenrus"] Yes I be up for a sparing match

[member="Nickolas Imura"] hahah why do I see this patteren that you have going on with Zeltrons.

Calo Xenrus


Cool. So do you want to start or me? Also what's the situation? Where are we and why are we there?
[member="Calo Xenrus"] You can start. and the situation I do matter to me...I could get her some more practices dressing up as her old hag persona.

Hahahah[member="Nickolas Imura"]

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