Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Evening Everyone!

Alreet everyone! Been lurking about for a little and this site looks great! Love the graphics!

Hoping to write a Sith apprentice (been crawling Artstation for an hour to find pics like ahah so I'm locked in, will try to avoid edge like), so I'll have to get on that character sheet in a second- I take it lore from Legends and Canon are both fair-dos? Then, mebs I'll see some of you around, I hope!

Also is there anywhere I can look to get a quick low-down on what's going on in the galaxy at the moment? (Looked at the timeline, but you've got lots of factions ahah), Cheers!

[member="Vilka Pharro"]

Welcome to the board.

Chaos was started before the new movies came out, so both Legends and New Canon are accepted. We're 800 years past any canon anyway and there was a Four Hundred Year Dark Age in between...which is also a neat way of explaining any contradictions between the two continuities because ICly most characters would have less than optimal knowledge about what happened in the distant past.

As for recent events, the Galactic Alliance, which was the biggest lightside faction for a while, has recently collapsed after losing a war against the darkside groups. An Alliance-in-Exile has sought refuge in the territory of the Outer Rim Coalition, a loose, neutral confederaton of worlds centred on the Kathol Outback.

The main darkside factions are the First Order and the Sith Empire (the latest of many this board has had). The Sith are presently at war with a Rebel Alliance faction (the latest of many this board has had).
[member="Enyo Typhos"]


Love that idea of blurring the lines between reality and legend in canon terms with the time skip, I think that's fantastic.

Cheers for explaining the Galactic situation, as it were; glad to see that some things never change haha, Empires and Rebels - also very cool to hear that factions can actually rise and fall here too, as it should be!
There are enough natural occurring afflictions which are all balanced out in this universe. It is what constitutes the natural cycle.
What is not natural are species that are in conflict with themselves.

My job, until my own mortal life comes to its end, is quite secure. Easing the suffering is all volunteer work...
Perhaps there may come a time when you wish to atone for the suffering you had a hand in causing, [member="Vilka Pharro"] . I will be there to welcome you.

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