Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ever Dawnracer


NAME: Ever Rose Dawnracer
RANK: Matukai Master
AGE: 34
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 130lbs
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Fair


Ever is strong willed by nature. She does what she wants to do, and nobody can tell her otherwise. Not to say she won't listen to orders, but she's very likely to question them. She's also somewhat ruthless. In certain situations she's been known to give someone more than a black eye. That doesn't mean she isn't kind, however. She's a softie at heart, and is prone to taking charity cases. She's a devious tactician too. She's prone to enjoying more classical music than the upbeat music you'd hear in a club. She finds it stimulates her mind almost as much as a good book does. She's quite learned. Any book she could get her hands on growing up she read. She does, however, require constant medication for hormones, as her thyroid had to be removed at a young age due to fast growing cancer.

She has long blonde hair, which she usually wears down. Typically, a small necklace sits around her neck, a simple locket with pictures of her parents inside. If she's doing something really important, or has to be formal, she will wear makeup, but most days she doesn't as there's no reason to beautify herself when she's mucking around in a field somewhere. She has a scar around the base of her neck from one ear to the other from where her thyroid was removed. On a typical day, she wears something similar to this. If she needs to look somewhat formal then she'll dress similar to this, but without the face paint.

Ever Rose Dawnracer was born on the farming world of Nadiem. Her parents, Adder and Reza Dawnracer, had five children, of which Ever was the middle child. Being the middle child, she was very much prone to troublemaking. More often than not she could be found annoying the village's general goods shop owner Tato the Ithorian. Fortunately for her, he was more or less good-natured and a friend of the family, so even though she caused a ruckus that he had to constantly deal with, he never came down real hard on her. Mostly she would pillage his bookshelves when he wasn't looking, making off with some book or other which she would devour before returning. She treated him sort of like a Librarian, even though his books were supposed to be sold, not borrowed.

That started as soon as she learned how to read. While her older siblings were busy working on this or that, she found that the world bored her. They all lived simple lives, and from the books she read she learned grand tales of galactic adventure and misadventure. She learned about the great civil war between the Rebellion and the Galactic Empire. She learned about the Gulag Plague and Omni. She wasn't up on more recent events, but she certainly got her fill of things. When her younger siblings were born, she forced them to act out the stories with her. It built a nice bond between them, but it also kept them from their own studies, which Adder was upset about. Eventually she had to let them be and go back to working in the fields herself once she was old enough.

One of the things she did learn while reading the books was that the Galactic Republic had crumbled under internal strife, and the one major galactic power that still stood against the forces of the Sith and the other Imperial organizations was the Galactic Alliance. She found it incredible that all that stood between her world and tyranny were a band of planets that had no formal unity in the form of a senate, just the alliance between them. It would be incredibly easy for these worlds to be swayed politically to withdraw from the alliance. A senate, and a charter or constitution, would keep that from happening within the Republic. It seemed to her that a Republic was a stronger bond of like-minded worlds than an Alliance ever could be. Not that she disliked the Alliance, but she was of the opinion that they needed help.

Secretly, when she was in her late teens, she formed an underground group on Nadiem of people with fighting skills. She even found a couple of old Republic soldiers hanging around, enjoying retirement as farmers. It took some convincing, but she got them to start training the people she'd put together, and herself, while she spent most of her time pouring over politics, manifestos, procedures, and general government concepts. She believed it was her destiny to help form a new Republic to replace the old one, another strong government in the galaxy which would oppose the tyranny and evil of the Sith and the Empire's. Lofty goals, but she knew she had to start somewhere, and that somewhere was her little band which she intended to send to neighboring occupied worlds to start pushing the Republic's agenda. Once they had enough training to defend themselves, of course.

It was tough to balance it all, but eventually, after several years of training, and her studies, she was able to teach the others what she knew about a Republic, about the Galactic Republic, the Old Republic, and other's that had come before. They had numerous discussions about the pros and cons before the group splintered off to visit neighboring worlds. She didn't know if anything would come of it, but she figured it was worth a try. If nothing else, she'd have herself a crack private commando unit to fight the bad guys with.

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