Cora Passek
An Angel with a Shotgun
It had been the longest day for Cora. Tired, worn and utterly exhausted she was returning to her apartment, granted it had been rented under a different ID, one that had not been associated with her as of yet. The entire place was a veritable armory, hell a closet alone contained enough explosive material to level a good city block. Weapons lay scattered about the place and she stepped over one of her traps, undoing the mechanism for it and finally was beginning to feel sort of safe.
Safe was a relative term these days. She'd just slipped past a bounty hunting duo and had come back to try and relax for a few hours. Dark circles beneath her eyes gave a clue of how little sleep she'd gotten in the last few weeks. But something was off in the place, she could feel it. She just have that feeling.
Walking to her kitchen counter, she furrowed her brow. "Not where I left you." She said softly noting a glass that wasn't there before. "Maybe my mind is just getting to me. I need sleep .. badly. Karking bounty hunters." Still the blonde was left on edge, it could hardly be helped. The slightest of things were like glaring beacons to her. That glass being out, was a glaring clue that someone had been here. Moving carefully she withdrew her blasters and started to move through her apartment to clear it before she settled for the evening. Healthy paranoia .. er .. Eccentricity was there for a reason.
Safe was a relative term these days. She'd just slipped past a bounty hunting duo and had come back to try and relax for a few hours. Dark circles beneath her eyes gave a clue of how little sleep she'd gotten in the last few weeks. But something was off in the place, she could feel it. She just have that feeling.
Walking to her kitchen counter, she furrowed her brow. "Not where I left you." She said softly noting a glass that wasn't there before. "Maybe my mind is just getting to me. I need sleep .. badly. Karking bounty hunters." Still the blonde was left on edge, it could hardly be helped. The slightest of things were like glaring beacons to her. That glass being out, was a glaring clue that someone had been here. Moving carefully she withdrew her blasters and started to move through her apartment to clear it before she settled for the evening. Healthy paranoia .. er .. Eccentricity was there for a reason.