Coryth Elaris
Shortstack of Fire
What was the saying? Once you leave you can never come home again? Or was it coming home was the hardest part? Either way returning to Naboo had been in the plans since the disappearance of the tiny Jedi Master. It had been a long couple of years for sure, getting drawn to unknown space again, becoming trapped out there in the abyss for far too long. There are reasons one should never let Coryth pilot a thing. Whether that be a speeder, a bike, or well, anything that hovers or has wheels. It will always end horribly, for everyone involved. Nonetheless coming home after being gone for so long, had been quite the task. To be perfectly honest there was a small part of her that believed it was almost better to remain out there in the regions of unknown space where things seemed so much simpler than they did here.
As the small transport, she was in floated towards the spaceport, all did not feel well and right with the world. Something was off that she couldn't place just yet. Picking up a small worn bag from the floor beside her feet, the redhead stood slowly and wandered through the transportation authority before moving onwards to a small shuttle that would take her towards her small cabin along the shores of Lake Country.
After the walk to her cabin, she had just been fishing the keys out of her pocket when she finally placed that strange feeling she had before. Something certainly was off, wrong with Josh. Who she knew happened to live nearby. What were the odds that they would both be heading to their own respective retreats here in the lush forests and glimmering lakes\
What were the odds that he would be here, exactly when she was arriving to head to her respective retreat in the lush forests and glimmering lakes? She knew he wasn't often there. And it had been just a chance, or what seemed like a chance meeting at the time they had last run into one another. Her lips twisted into a frown as she tried to further suss out the feeling within the force to try and get a vague idea of what was going on. With the softest of sighs, Coryth tucked her keys back into her bag and started the journey through the woods towards the DragonFlames compound.
After a decent walk, she spied the outer fences of the compound, a tall greenhouse just coming into view. A short distance further and she finally arrived at the two-story home. Reaching up slowly, she gently knocked and patiently waited for an answer, hoping he was in the house and she wouldn't have to walk the whole farm, and gardens to find him. With all luck, he'd be relatively in one piece since the last time the two had laid eyes upon one another.
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
As the small transport, she was in floated towards the spaceport, all did not feel well and right with the world. Something was off that she couldn't place just yet. Picking up a small worn bag from the floor beside her feet, the redhead stood slowly and wandered through the transportation authority before moving onwards to a small shuttle that would take her towards her small cabin along the shores of Lake Country.
After the walk to her cabin, she had just been fishing the keys out of her pocket when she finally placed that strange feeling she had before. Something certainly was off, wrong with Josh. Who she knew happened to live nearby. What were the odds that they would both be heading to their own respective retreats here in the lush forests and glimmering lakes\
What were the odds that he would be here, exactly when she was arriving to head to her respective retreat in the lush forests and glimmering lakes? She knew he wasn't often there. And it had been just a chance, or what seemed like a chance meeting at the time they had last run into one another. Her lips twisted into a frown as she tried to further suss out the feeling within the force to try and get a vague idea of what was going on. With the softest of sighs, Coryth tucked her keys back into her bag and started the journey through the woods towards the DragonFlames compound.
After a decent walk, she spied the outer fences of the compound, a tall greenhouse just coming into view. A short distance further and she finally arrived at the two-story home. Reaching up slowly, she gently knocked and patiently waited for an answer, hoping he was in the house and she wouldn't have to walk the whole farm, and gardens to find him. With all luck, he'd be relatively in one piece since the last time the two had laid eyes upon one another.
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]