The Laughing Magickian
The Subway
They had come in droves – from Aldera, from Theed, from Cinnagar. The wounded, the insane, the newly-lost and always-forgotten, all gathered before the Beggar’s Throne to make their appeal to the desolate King. They were refugees now, their homes destroyed in conflicts of agendas between personalities well outside their own personal field of influence or even understanding; their lives tossed to and fro with as much direct agency as if they had been connected to the burning of distant stars.
For regardless of which faction would ultimately claim victory, for many, it would always prove Pyrrhic.
The huddled masses stood as if in formation, their heads heavy with sorrow, their shoulders still balancing their responsibilities with their emotions and they dare not shrug. Many were not strong enough to survive such a fall. Many had no idea how to live between such great cracks. And so they were cannibalized from where they stood, junkies and gypsies and thieves picking their pockets and bullying them out of whatever was left as they looked to the Beggar King for Law, or Mercy, or for the Love of God, please, just an End.
“What?,” asked the Guttermage. He sat upon his throne of mangled shopping carts stacked over hills of garbage, the words “Barbelith” scrawled out in black spraypaint behind him like some halo sanctifying the authority of the regal chair.
The hit of schadenfreude had been delicious, but hardly sustaining. Years of abuse had dulled its reaction, his receptors always craving more and more misery for each individual fix. It had been so long since he had truly scratched that itch.
And now, he was just chasing the Leviathan.
So what could he offer this desperate many, with their sad little belongings tucked away in their tatters alongside handfuls of hope and their own personal stories detailing the tragedy of war?
Not an epilogue.
In his right hand, Benedict beheld the year-old ruined head of an Elrood scientist. The monstrous domepiece was, in fact, a container for the Mnngal-Mnngal, bound to the skull by damned geometry carved into the forehead. Because of this, it would not decompose, forever gazing out at the Guttermage through milky white orbs, its terror reflected in the obsidian marble.
It could not offer judgment to his plight, and in this silent support, Benedict found a degree of that awful empathy, even identification with the monster in that jail of stinking death.
Picked clean by predators, still, they watched him, their expressions forlorn like the ghosts he had come to know. The drug just was not enough anymore to keep buried the dreadful compassion he had hidden for so long, and it ate holes in him like worms through his rotten heart.
“What?,” he asked again, this time his voice nearly cracking underneath the weight of his failure.
Perhaps, then, this could be their prologue.
~*^*~ Coruscant; the 1313
3am, or whatever.
The theater was a relic even midst the throwaway structures that dotted the 1313 strip; that supported and were crushed by the breath-taking and heart-breaking spectacle of the Coruscant Uppercity. Its marquee still a humble arrangement of pink and blue beads of light, it advertised its functionary purpose more than its own name (assuming it even had one); one letter, three times.
It was obsolete, really, replaced long ago by robotic simulations and privacy booths and holographic lap dances, and hell, the complete availability of trafficked sentients offered at bargain prices to compete with an abundance of slavers. Brave little “XXX” was only able to keep its doors open by charging penny tickets, ensuring that every single night, each admittance would not contribute so much to the length of the pornhub’s life, but the slowness of its death. How could it possibly hope to compete with a more private, personal encounter available just down the block? Who would want to sit in a suspect chair in a stinky, dark room with ten other dudes to watch a worn-out, two dimensional skin-flick where you yourself have to do all the manual labor?
The answer, of course, was the same across all of space-time: Just the perverts.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
But Benedict thrived on the communal experience. The staccato patting of flesh, the shared breathing. The ecstatic cries, the building and building of rhythm, the ceasing of mental complexity as it ironed out into a singularity of will, spurned by the desire to create, until, finally, a culmination. A Big Bang.
I mean, you knew “magic wand” was a euphemism, didn’t you?
Smut Shamanism. Horny Hoodoo. Guttermagick.
His boots propped up on the empty seat in front of him, he lit a cigarette. And as their minds slipped into the gutter, so the Guttermage wove them into ritual, casting their energy out into the ether to ensure his enchantment. Abra Kadabara Alakazam. Zim zim zalibim. Some like it in the pot nine days old.
At certain hours of the night, XXX could be the most powerful place in the city.
When he left the theater, he vanished out an emergency exit. Not because he was afraid of somebody seeing him, no – there was none-more-spunk than Benedict Eden, after all – but because back alleys just happened to be his preferred method of travel. He was a weirdness magnet, and weirdness tended to prefer the dark, the hidden. He made himself available, and so…
…it found him.
Trashcan lids and discarded droid shells were the first to sing, a low, entrancing hum foreshadowing the turbulence of sound to follow. Benedict stumbled from the vertigo brought on by that familiar choir of snarling didgeridoo. These sonics were not of instruments, but of a dozen voices in unison.
They were Lord Rot, the Savage Throne, and his body of howling tumors.
They were coming for him. All that channeled magick luring them to his location like a big, flashing arrow.
“Kark off wiff the sonics – We get the bloody point, all right?!,” the citymagus shouted, accidentally spitting out his cigarette as he tried to scramble down the alley. Suddenly, he hit the ground, hard, as though his shadow were ripped out from underneath him.
Because that’s what literally had occurred.
Lyzo, the Histrionic. The Disciple of Twilight loomed over him, and yet, her visage still seemed blurred as though he were looking at her through his peripheral vision. Lord Rot floated just beyond her, his oddly stuffed legs knotted in the full-lotus.
Management had come a-callin’.
“Your absence has been noted, traitor – Just what have you been getting up to?”
The Invisible Witnesses to the Defilement of Our Beloved Sister Susan.
They had come in droves – from Aldera, from Theed, from Cinnagar. The wounded, the insane, the newly-lost and always-forgotten, all gathered before the Beggar’s Throne to make their appeal to the desolate King. They were refugees now, their homes destroyed in conflicts of agendas between personalities well outside their own personal field of influence or even understanding; their lives tossed to and fro with as much direct agency as if they had been connected to the burning of distant stars.
For regardless of which faction would ultimately claim victory, for many, it would always prove Pyrrhic.
The huddled masses stood as if in formation, their heads heavy with sorrow, their shoulders still balancing their responsibilities with their emotions and they dare not shrug. Many were not strong enough to survive such a fall. Many had no idea how to live between such great cracks. And so they were cannibalized from where they stood, junkies and gypsies and thieves picking their pockets and bullying them out of whatever was left as they looked to the Beggar King for Law, or Mercy, or for the Love of God, please, just an End.
“What?,” asked the Guttermage. He sat upon his throne of mangled shopping carts stacked over hills of garbage, the words “Barbelith” scrawled out in black spraypaint behind him like some halo sanctifying the authority of the regal chair.
The hit of schadenfreude had been delicious, but hardly sustaining. Years of abuse had dulled its reaction, his receptors always craving more and more misery for each individual fix. It had been so long since he had truly scratched that itch.
And now, he was just chasing the Leviathan.
So what could he offer this desperate many, with their sad little belongings tucked away in their tatters alongside handfuls of hope and their own personal stories detailing the tragedy of war?
Not an epilogue.
In his right hand, Benedict beheld the year-old ruined head of an Elrood scientist. The monstrous domepiece was, in fact, a container for the Mnngal-Mnngal, bound to the skull by damned geometry carved into the forehead. Because of this, it would not decompose, forever gazing out at the Guttermage through milky white orbs, its terror reflected in the obsidian marble.
It could not offer judgment to his plight, and in this silent support, Benedict found a degree of that awful empathy, even identification with the monster in that jail of stinking death.
Picked clean by predators, still, they watched him, their expressions forlorn like the ghosts he had come to know. The drug just was not enough anymore to keep buried the dreadful compassion he had hidden for so long, and it ate holes in him like worms through his rotten heart.
“What?,” he asked again, this time his voice nearly cracking underneath the weight of his failure.
Perhaps, then, this could be their prologue.
3am, or whatever.
The theater was a relic even midst the throwaway structures that dotted the 1313 strip; that supported and were crushed by the breath-taking and heart-breaking spectacle of the Coruscant Uppercity. Its marquee still a humble arrangement of pink and blue beads of light, it advertised its functionary purpose more than its own name (assuming it even had one); one letter, three times.
It was obsolete, really, replaced long ago by robotic simulations and privacy booths and holographic lap dances, and hell, the complete availability of trafficked sentients offered at bargain prices to compete with an abundance of slavers. Brave little “XXX” was only able to keep its doors open by charging penny tickets, ensuring that every single night, each admittance would not contribute so much to the length of the pornhub’s life, but the slowness of its death. How could it possibly hope to compete with a more private, personal encounter available just down the block? Who would want to sit in a suspect chair in a stinky, dark room with ten other dudes to watch a worn-out, two dimensional skin-flick where you yourself have to do all the manual labor?
The answer, of course, was the same across all of space-time: Just the perverts.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
But Benedict thrived on the communal experience. The staccato patting of flesh, the shared breathing. The ecstatic cries, the building and building of rhythm, the ceasing of mental complexity as it ironed out into a singularity of will, spurned by the desire to create, until, finally, a culmination. A Big Bang.
I mean, you knew “magic wand” was a euphemism, didn’t you?
Smut Shamanism. Horny Hoodoo. Guttermagick.
His boots propped up on the empty seat in front of him, he lit a cigarette. And as their minds slipped into the gutter, so the Guttermage wove them into ritual, casting their energy out into the ether to ensure his enchantment. Abra Kadabara Alakazam. Zim zim zalibim. Some like it in the pot nine days old.
At certain hours of the night, XXX could be the most powerful place in the city.
When he left the theater, he vanished out an emergency exit. Not because he was afraid of somebody seeing him, no – there was none-more-spunk than Benedict Eden, after all – but because back alleys just happened to be his preferred method of travel. He was a weirdness magnet, and weirdness tended to prefer the dark, the hidden. He made himself available, and so…
…it found him.
Trashcan lids and discarded droid shells were the first to sing, a low, entrancing hum foreshadowing the turbulence of sound to follow. Benedict stumbled from the vertigo brought on by that familiar choir of snarling didgeridoo. These sonics were not of instruments, but of a dozen voices in unison.
They were Lord Rot, the Savage Throne, and his body of howling tumors.
They were coming for him. All that channeled magick luring them to his location like a big, flashing arrow.
“Kark off wiff the sonics – We get the bloody point, all right?!,” the citymagus shouted, accidentally spitting out his cigarette as he tried to scramble down the alley. Suddenly, he hit the ground, hard, as though his shadow were ripped out from underneath him.
Because that’s what literally had occurred.
Lyzo, the Histrionic. The Disciple of Twilight loomed over him, and yet, her visage still seemed blurred as though he were looking at her through his peripheral vision. Lord Rot floated just beyond her, his oddly stuffed legs knotted in the full-lotus.
Management had come a-callin’.
“Your absence has been noted, traitor – Just what have you been getting up to?”
The Invisible Witnesses to the Defilement of Our Beloved Sister Susan.