Machines Making Machines

It was raining in Diadochron: a faint drizzle, just enough to make the cold air feel worse than it was. Antipater watched from the landing pad as towers of smog rose from the distant industrial district. Even balanced on the precipice, the furnaces were fed, the assembly lines rolled on, and the work continued in earnest.
Jaemus did not hold its breath. Anxiety in the face of the inevitable was a useless expression. When Muunilinst fell and access to the Braxant was cut off, Antipater had ruled out any meaningful Imperial reprieves. He was now politically on his own.
All that remained was to make a deal. There would be no insurgency, no bitter last stands, no pitched battles afield or in orbit. Jaemus had seen enough of that these past decades. The continuation of the Directory's project was all that mattered. Perhaps the fact that Dantooine's governor (or was it lord now?) was going insane would make the Diarchy more amenable to a... Peaceful transition.
Quiet. Simple. No theatrics.
Antipater waited with a retinue of Directory officials: a small collection of rather grim and sallow intelligence directors, generals, engineers, and other bureaucrats. The men and women who had won the war, so to speak, each affixed with their own panoply of cybernetics.
One could scarcely imagine a more grim welcome committee. An honor guard of shining novatroopers added slightly more gravity to the reception. They all waited in silence for the Diarch's shuttle to land.