Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My birthday is tomorrow. And for most of the day I am taking my Concealed Pistol License test with a brand new gun, a few lessons in Eastern/Japanese swordplay (first time of formal instruction) and Ninjitsu... After that, dinner and a movie with the missus. I will likely be very sore from the fighting, and tired tomorrow. I'll be on for a bit Friday during the day, maybe. Depends on the hangover. Then I get my daughter in the evening, for the holiday weekend, so likely won't be on much until late Monday or Tuesday. Still on 'Skype' if you need me!!!

Go wild. Burn the place to ash. Break a table. Bend the forks and blunt the knives, that's what the Tefka hates!

For the follow chars:
  • Ostanes
  • Glavo/Julius
  • Ijaat
  • Percival

Sorry to the following for short notice:
[member="Seydon of Arda"] | [member="Lok Munin"] / [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Dissero"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Eliza Steele"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"]

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